Dinner and Danger

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When we got home to the house, we all went our separate ways well all but Travis he was helping me get my fifteen  bags of stuff upstairs to my room. Once in there I closed my door, and his back was facing my bed and I grabbed his arm and tugged him turn for me I then reached my arms up as much as I could reach around his neck and dragged him down to meet lips. We had a heated make out session,

G--"Damn I have been wanting to do that all day"

T--"Me too Little one" I then pulled back looking through my clothes that I bought today and finding the back dress I quickly strip from my clothes, underwear, and bra. I put a new push up bra on, pulling the back dress on and then walking over to my vanity touching up my make up, and brushing out my hair and straightening the slightly curled pieces of hair, and then stood up and grabbed a pair of heels which I hate by the way, but they will look great with my look, then I turned around and found Travis still looking at me but this time with lust in his eyes and I let my eyes travel down him and I see his mini me standing tall and proud.

T--"Put underwear on Gray"

G--"Why?" I was going to, but I wanted to see his reaction

T--"Because I can't sit beside you, knowing that you have none on" I nodded my head and walked into my closet motioning him to follow me knowing he would, I walk over to my underwear drawer and grabbed about 4 different styles but only in red and black,

G--"You want me to wear some, you pick a pair for me to wear" he walked over to me and the looking down at the options he had, and he picked up the red pair, which was a thong, I sighed those almost cut me in half, but I raise my dress feeling his eyes on me the entire time reaching for the pair in his hand and slide them on, he must have seen my face, gosh I hate thongs, he lowered to his knees when I stood up,

T--"Are they to tight?"

G--"No just uncomfortable" he stood up looking at the options again and I grab his arm and said,

G--"You don't have to pick another option, you made your choice, now are you changing into anything different?" I looked down at his outfit and see him in one of his many suits and he just shook his head yes,

G--"Okay I will be downstairs waiting on you" I head out of my room so does he and we split up. When I walked down the stairs I waited with my dad, Macie, and Cassidy for Travis to be done. Once he came down, I see that he was in a black dress shirt, black tie, black suit jacket, black dress pants, black shoes, and then in his pocket it had a red pocket square. I so badly wanted to walk over to him I even took a step towards him but quickly stopped myself, I could tell he noticed, I also know that he only did the hint of red because I have on red panties.

We all headed out to the cars, and I am once again told to ride with Travis, they all say that I am the safest with him which I think they probably just want to have time all together. It was quiet until I said,

G--"I almost screwed it all up, didn't I?"

T--"It's fine, like I said I would gladly tell everybody, but I will wait for you to make that call" I sighed a little saddened,

G--"I just want to be able to kiss you in front of people, hug you, cuddle with you, shop like a normal couple, go out to eat like a normal couple"

T--"Do you want to tell your dad?"

G--"No not yet, and I will suffer through it for a while longer" he nodded and then we pulled up at a red light and we stop but then I heard a loud bang and then my window shattering, I screamed a little and lowered myself down in the seat away from the incoming fire I also heard a lot of cussing from Travis, I then felt a hot trail going down my arm and I look down and see that I have a cut on my arm and a bug piece of glass sticking out,

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