Unexpected Company

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I wake up the next morning in his bed once again and I feel some sort of way, not necessarily mad or if fact I kind of feel sad because I know he doesn't want anything more than just causal fun and that hurts me more than you could ever imagine. I see a message lighting up my phone and I pick up my phone and it read 

To: Grace, From: Travis 

We had a really big emergency and we all had to leave in a hurry, and I didn't have time to write you a note, so I texted you instead. 

To: Travis, From: Grace 

Thank you for letting me know

He didn't text me back since he had texted me that about two hours ago at 6 o'clock in the morning. I quickly get up from his bed and quickly put my shorts back on since I had my shirt and underwear on already. I walked to my room and grabbed a hair tie and put my hair in a messy bun, then walked into my big walk-in closet, I grabbed a pair of spandex shorts throwing them on first then looked around at my clothes that I had brought and decided on an old Rolling Stone shirt then put on a pair of my Nike shoes that I brought, I know I am probably not going to leave the house once again but I am just going to put them on so I feel accomplished. 

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen after I used the bathroom and started to cook myself something to eat, which I decide on a fried egg, and bacon sandwich, I grabbed myself some apple juice and then walked into the living room deciding on watching a movie, after a while of looking I decide on Pirates of the Caribbean. After the movie was over, I decide that I want to go outside and walk around, I grab my phone and walked over to the door then walked outside. There is a garden of flowers in the backyard that you were able to see from my bedroom window, so I started walking towards the back, once I see the garden, I made a beeline for it. I walked down the path looking at all the different flowers and I was in awe, he literally had almost all of my favorite flowers and then some I didn't know the names of. 

I came upon a bench in the middle of the garden, and I sit down on it and look at the small pound with coy fish, it was so relaxing here, if I could move here, I would in a heartbeat. I thought I heard something in the tree line and all of a sudden, I get goosebumps and my body telling me to go in, I slowly got up and slowly made my way up to the house, I didn't want to rush and get myself worked up over just an animal in the woods.

Once I was in the house I went straight up to the bathroom and then walked back down to the living room. I was about to sit down on the couch when I heard people talking outside,

Man--"We need to get her, Boss wants her as leverage" I started to get scared and I pulled out my phone and called Travis,

T--"We are just up the road"

G--"There is somebody trying to get in the house" just as I said that I heard the door rattle and I turned and ran up the stairs,

T--"Shit, find a spot to hide, and stay quiet we are on our way"

G--"Okay" just as I was, I was about to open up the door I heard them yell from inside the house,

Man--"Come out, come out wherever you are, we are going to find you" I open up the door to my bedroom and before closing it behind me it was yanked open,

Man--"Trying to run and hide like a scared slut that you are" I turned around and let my arm fall to my side clutching the phone in my hand, I went to run into the bathroom but he caught me before I could shut the door, he yanked me back by the hair and turned me around and pushed me telling me to walk, once we were outside I started to fight back, where are they, they are supposed to be here by now. I fought against his grip, and he pushed me to the ground straddling me waist I was thrashing back and forth, and he was tired of it he slapped me acrossed the face followed by a punch, and he was about to punch me again when he was suddenly off of me and when I looked around me it what I saw shocked me. My dad was fighting a guy, the girls were fighting the other two guys, while Travis was beating the guy that was straddling me. I looked at the guy that had blood all over his face and passed out, I looked away and saw everybody's face looking like that but none of them stopped, I said in a shaky voice,

G--"M-Mr. Briggs" he wasn't listening, so I said in still just as shaky of a voice but louder,

G-"T-Travis" he was about to punch the guy again when his fist stopped midair and looked back at me slowly. He then came to me but wiping the blood of his hand first then reached down for me and I flinched, he continued to reach down, and he put his arms under my thighs and around my back lifting me up to walk me into the house, I tried to stop him, but he just kept me in his arms. Once in the house he sat me down on the couch, with his on one side of me and my dad followed right behind,

C--"Damn honey they busted your lip pretty good, and you are going to have a black eye, are you okay?" I nod my head, all I want to do is skip dinner and go to bed, the girls then run in asking fifty million questions, but I couldn't understand them.

T--"Girl's calm down"

G--"I-I want to go to my room, I will see you guys tomorrow" I get up and walk to my room taking off my dirt covered clothes and walk into my bathroom looking at my face I had blood trailing down my face and my eye was red and swollen, I got in the shower and took a long hot shower then got out and put on some underwear and a tank top on and just as I got under the blanket the girls, and my dad walk in my room, 

C(Cassidy)--"If you need anything girl, please come wake me up" 

M--"Yeah don't hesitate to come wake me up" 

C(Caleb/Dad) --"I love you honey, do you need anything" I looked at them and shook my head no, 

G--"No I don't but thank you guys, night love you too" they all gave me a smile then walked out, the only person I want is Travis, but we aren't together, so I am not going in there for comfort and bother him. Just as I was thinking about that, my door opened and in walked Travis, he walked over to my bed and sat down, he reached over for me and I scooted over towards him and let my head fall on his lap, 

T--"I am sorry that I wasn't here, I had actually just got out of a meeting with their boss and was coming home to surprise you with a night out on the town" 

G--"It wasn't anybody's fault that you weren't here, I was actually sitting outside by the coy pound, and I heard noises on the forest line, and I should have just called you then, but I didn't want to seem like I was a scaredy cat, and it ends up being an animal."

T--"You never second guess, if you feel scared like somebody is watching you or a feeling inside you that feels wrong, you need to call me immediately, okay?" 

G--"Okay" it was quiet for a few minutes and then he asked me, 

T--"Are you okay?" I reached over to him arm that wasn't wrapped around me and I started to trace the tattoos,

G--"Yeah, I was just scared that they were going to take me before you got here" I sighed and then he said something that shocked me,

T--"You called me Travis" I blush and cleared my throat; how did he remember that?

G--"Yeah, I did. It was the only thing I could think of that would snap you from literally splitting that guy's head wide open." 

T--"Call me that from now on"

G--"I-I can't, I have called you Mr. Briggs from the time I have known you, and what about work? I have to call you Mr. Briggs there I can't slip and call you Travis, people would think I am a slut" I tense at that word, the guy from today called me that, 

T--"Who cares what people think, I don't give a shit" I smile to myself and realizing that I was still tracing his tattoos with my finger and instantly stopped, 

G--"Sorry, I didn't realize that I was still doing it, you should go to your room and get some sleep"

T--"I will not leave you after the day that you just had, now get some sleep, you will need rest since tomorrow we are flying home" I knew that they wouldn't want to stay after what happened, but I decided not to worry about it and close my eyes letting myself fall into a deep sleep. 

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