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I woke up drenched in sweat and I sat straight up in my bed from a nightmare. I ran my hands through my hair bringing my knees as much as I could and wrapped my arms around them then looking over at my alarm clock and I sigh it is still 2 hours before I had to get up and get ready for work. I decided since I was already up and couldn't go back to sleep, I get up and take a shower. after showering and all of my rest of bathroom stuff was taken care of, I walk into my closet and deciding that I was going to wear a paint suit and my jacket had long sleeves so nobody could see the big bandage that was wrapped around my forearm, I quickly slipped on some heels before walking to my vanity only putting on lip gloss, eye liner, and mascara on then I walk out of my room with my purse in hand. 

When I walk into the kitchen there was still about 25 minutes before everybody would be down here for work and I quickly made a quick breakfast that consisted of eggs, bacon, and oatmeal. By the time everything was done everybody was walking in, in their business clothes. I started to hand out plates and bowls. When Travis walked in, in his all-black suit, which matched mine which caused a smile on my face but when I reached his face, he looked angry, so I looked at everyone and saw everybody had that expression on their faces, I sigh saying, 


T--"Why in the hell are you in work attire?" 

G--"I am going to work"

C--"No you are not" my dad decides to throw his opinion into the mix, then it started my friends saying their opinions and then it was a whose voice is more loud and more important. I sigh feeling the tears well up in my eyes, so I pick up the now empty pot in my hand and slam it on the marble countertop which caused then all to shut up and look at me. 

G--"I am going to work"

C--"No you're not"

G--"Yes dad I am..." I was quiet for a second leaning my hands against the countertop then looked up and felt a tear fall down my face, 

G--"I am going because if I don't, I will sit here all day in fear by myself that somebody will come in here and try something again, or scared to fall asleep because if I do all I see is nightmares, I want to go to work, no I need to go to work" they all looked at each other but I just picked up my purse off of the counter and walk out of the kitchen and out of the house quickly making my way over to my Mclauren getting my keys out of my purse unlocking it, right as I was about to climb in I heard right behind me, 

T--"Come on baby girl, you are riding with me, I don't want you to hurt your arm" I just nodded my head and let him lead me over to his car and as soon as he opened the door for me my dad called out for me, he walked over to me and gave me a quick hug whispering in my ear, 

C--"If you need to come home tell Travis or call me, I will be there as soon as you call, okay?"

G--"I will if I need anything dad I promise, I love you and I will see you this afternoon" after my dad said his goodbyes as well, I climb into the car and so does Travis then we were off. On the way there Travis began to talk, 

T--"I will need you to come into the office when we get there and you get your stuff put down, I need my schedule for today and I will also give you some files to put in the system"

G--"Okay" I put my head back against the seat and looked over at him and he glanced at me before returning his attention back to the road, 

T--"Why didn't you wake me up when you had a nightmare, or tell me you were still having them" 

G--"I didn't want to worry you" we stopped at a red light that was not too far from the office, 

T--"You should have told me" I didn't say anything because I did want to go and talk to him about it, I wanted to go snuggle with him, I want to share every little detail about everything that happens to me but if I do, I am afraid that he will leave me even if we haven't put a name to what we are. We pull up to the office and he opens the door for me before tossing his keys to the valet and when I got out, I winced when I brushed my arm against the car, 

T--"Are you okay?" 

G--"Yeah I am fine just bumped it a little when I got out" he nodded and went to put his arm around my waist, but I held my hand out saying no which he looked mad about, when we finally made it to the elevator after many people asking how our trip was in the lobby, he didn't look at me, but he finally asked me,

T--"Why did you tell me no?"

G--"We are at the workplace, you don't really have to worry about what people think because... well you're you, but me on the other hand I have a lot at stake"

T--"Such as?" I want to tell him; people calling me a slut, whore, gold digger, people saying that I am using you but instead the bell rang signaling for us to get off,

G--"Nothing Mr. Briggs, I will be in your office as soon as I drop off my stuff at my desk" I walked off before he said anything. As soon as I walked in my office, I quickly drop off my stuff on my table and grabbed my tablet and my phone before walking to his office right beside mine and knock on the door waiting on him to say the word and when he finally spoke, I walked in, walking to the chair in front of his desk quickly taking a seat opening my tablet, 

G--"Okay you have one meeting today which is with Mr. Henderson which is in 15 minutes. You need to have the contract signed or decline Mr. Evans proposal, and then the rest of the day is whatever little work you have to do here in the office" I looked up at him and see that he is staring at me but looking not very interested in what I was saying, 

G--"Mr. Briggs? Did you hear me?" 

T--"What do you mean that you have a lot at stake?" 

G--"We will talk about it later but for right now you have a meeting to prepare for" 

T--"Do you forget that I am your boss, now tell me the answer to my question" 

G--"Fine..." I paused then decided to tell him the truth, 

G--"Do you think people haven't been talking? They think you give me special treatment; they think I am screwing you; they think I am only hear so I can be at your beck and call, they think I am only using you, some girls that called me names and so have the guys" 

T--"Give me a list of names and they will be gone"

G--"That is just it, you wouldn't have anybody to work for you if I gave you that list" I looked down at my watch and see that it is almost time for the meeting, 

T--"Then I won't, because fi I want to put my arm around your waist I am going to damn well do it, and if people don't like it, they can go screw themselves" I just started walking out of the door saying we have a meeting to get too, and when I was out of sight, I let the biggest smile grace my lips. 

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