Beach Time

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I was woken up to the girls jumping on my bed and they started yelling ideas of what to do since they had the day off, I sighed trying not to be mad at them since they were both big girls, they can see whoever they want, even if it is my dad. I sit up and got off my bed letting them both sit there and ramble to each other, I grabbed clothes and then walk into the bathroom taking a quick shower and did all of my morning routine, doing light makeup as well as letting my hair air dry. I walked out of the bathroom in my tank top, cardigan, leggings, and a pair of wedge heels. 

G--"I'm going down for breakfast"

M--"Wait, Grace did we do something to you? I feel like you have been really distant with us for the last few days" I paused thinking about if I should tell them or not and decide not to since I want some kind of fun while I am in Greece. 

G--"It's not you, just something happened, and before you ask, I don't want to talk about it right now" they both nodded their heads and hopped off my bed and walked behind me. I walked into the kitchen and immediately grabbed the fruit salad and got three bowls pouring some in each, 

G--"Do you girls mind doing the drinks?" they both got right on it, with one grabbing the cups and the other grabbing the juice out of the fridge. My dad walked in saying good morning to all of us giving me a kiss on the top of the head before going to the fridge getting him something to eat, then Travis walked in looking like he got very little sleep. I took my apple juice, and fruit to the table so I could begin eating. As I was eating, I looked over and saw both of the girls eating in silence, so I asked, 

G--"What is fun to do around here?" 



C(Dad)--"Eating" and then Travis decided to put his two senses into my conversation by saying, 

T--"Swimming" I said without acknowledging him,  

G--"Well girls we have to shop then go to the beach" both girls squealed, and I looked at my dad and saw that he had a hint of a smile on his face while he was trying to act like he wasn't looking at them I wish they would just be upfront to me about it and not lie to me about it, that is what i really and mostly mad about, I cleared my throat and stood up, 

G--"You girls ready to go?" they both jumped up and followed me out the door and into the waiting car that was meant for Travis and my dad but I decided to take it, the driver began our journey while I looked up locations close to my location that sold curvy women's swimming suits, and there was only one right down the road and when we pulled up, I squealed excitedly. Once inside the store I immediately grabbed all the ones that I liked and walked into a dressing room with them on, and trying each one on modeling them for the girls and I finally found a couple that I liked, one was a two piece but covered my belly it was plain red, and the other one that was my absolute favorite was an all-black one piece which crossed over my chest making a cut out of a "v" on my cleavage area. I walked out and paid for the two I fell in love with. 

We are now back at the house and dressed in out swimming suits all matching with our hair in a messy bun, we walked down the stairs each having a towel in our hands. The girls sit on the couch acrossed my dad, I walked into the kitchen to give them some alone time before we have to go.  I walked into the kitchen grabbing me a bottle of water leaning on my elbows against the counter not caring that my butt was pushed out in the air, well that was until I felt a hard body push up against my butt and an arm wrap around my waist pulling me up to where I am pushed flat against the hard chest. I then hear Travis say in my ear, 

T--"You look absolutely stunning Gray, makes me want to do bad things to you" I felt him rub my sides slowly working his hands down towards my thighs, I felt small butterfly kisses on my neck sending a chill that ran down the length of my spine. he slowly sucked on my skin so much that I knew it will bruise just enough to leave his mark. He suddenly pulls away and leaves the kitchen and I take a minute to collect myself then walk out knowing that the blush won't leave my face anytime soon. I walk out and see the girls and my dad are already gone, he looked at me from acrossed the room leaning against the wall, with the smirk that won't leave his face.

T--"Your stuck with me now baby girl" I blushed when he called me the pet name but realized that he can't use it, I walk up to the door opening it saying,

G--"Don't say shit like that to me, you're giving me hope even when I know it's not possible" I walked out and see his car sitting there waiting on us and I quickly climbed in the front passenger seat and wanted for him.

 Once he was in the car, and we had been driving in the silence I felt him reach over and place a hand on my thigh rubbing it with his thumb then I realized that we are driving slower than normal and that his hand was slowly inching higher and higher. I suddenly felt his touch on my slit, and it caused me to melt into the seat a little more and I notice that my thigh's part unwillingly, and I keep them parted, I needed some kind of release after how he left me in the kitchen, I felt him pull my swimming suit to the side and immediately stuck a finger in me and started to pump in and out of me until I was begging for my release but he didn't give it to me, instead he pulled out his finger and pulled my swimming suit to where I was covered from all eyes, when I finally looked up at him I glared at him but then looked around and saw that we were pulled up at the beach. I quickly get out of his car and walked over to the rest of them and threw my beach towel down beside the girls laying back putting my sunglasses on clamped my legs together to try and relieve some of the tension in my lower parts, but nothing was helping, and not to mention he laid his towel right beside me. 

T--"You know baby girl if you clamp those thighs together any harder you are going to cause bruising" he whispered so I could only hear him, I looked over at the girls seeing them talking to my dad and so I answered him, 

G--"I wouldn't have to cause any damage to my thighs if somebody would actually finish the job that they started, what are you to afraid that you won't be able to make me cum all over your hand?" with that I stood up and asked the girls if they wanted to swim and they gladly agreed and we all went out to have some fun and from then to the time we left a few hours later he had been looking at me with a promise in his eyes, a promise that I didn't think he would ever follow through with... he doesn't even have to touch me to get that to happen. 

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