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We finally made it to the mall, and he insisted on coming in with me and now I am completely nervous. He walked into the first business clothing line store he saw I walked in behind me, 

T--"You go ahead and shop I will be over on the dressing room couches waiting" I nod. After he walked away from me, I started looking around and I don't see things bigger than a 1xl and I am a 4xl or even 5xl in some things. I stalled having to tell him this by still looking around that was until I heard a women say behind me, 

Manager--"Honey I have reports that it looks like you are going to steal" I turned around and I shook my head, 

G--"N-no m-ma'am I just got a new job and was looking for proper clothes to wear" 

Manager--"Well you are in the wrong store, nothing is going to fit you here, why don't you try Walmart down the street they always have 6xl or 7xl" I saw Travis coming and I quickly said fighting off tears, 

G--"Thank you miss I will go there instead" I walked over to Travis before he heard anything, 

T--"You couldn't find anything?"

G--"U-umm no c-can we go to Walmart?" the women was right, Walmart always had bigger sizes and I will just go there instead, 

T--"No we are not going to Walmart to get your clothes, and why does it look like you are about to cry?" I sighed knowing he is not going to let this go especially by the look on his face, 

G--"They don't have my size here" I said really quietly 

T--"What did you say?" 

G--"They don't have my size here" he looked at me as he finally realized something and then grabbed my wrist and drug me out of the store and down the hall to one of the other stores and I notice that it is a plus size store, when he walks in, he goes up to the manager and asks, 

T--"Can you shows any black business attire to my assistant please, also don't be afraid to throw a little color in there as well" 

Manager--"Yes sir, just stay right here and I will bring everything that I have" Travis nodded, 

G--"Mr. Briggs, isn't the dress code in your company white and grey?" 

T--"Yes but you don't like either of the colors, your favorite colors are black and red so I figured you would like these color of clothes"

G--"Thank you" I smiled up at him and was shocked that he noticed what my favorite colors are, I mean he has known me since I was 9 years old but we have never really talked about anything, that is my fault I have always been too scared to talk to him or anybody other than my two friends and my dad, and to top it off he is the sexiest man I have ever encountered. After the women brought out that outfits, I went into the dressing room and started trying on everything without showing him even though I really wanted his opinion. I got to the final piece which was the only dress the women brought to me, and I tried it on, and I couldn't tell if I liked it on me or not, 

T--"Is everything okay in there?" 

G--"Yep" I am stressed, this is why I hate going shopping, 

T--"Can I at least see one pick?" why did he want to see something I tried on?

G--"Well I have tried on everything, but I have something on, and I don't know whether I like it or not"

T--"Come out" I felt like my throat was closing, and my knees began to shake, just suck it up and go out, I let out a breath and opened up the door and I didn't look up at him, I then hear him clear his throat and say, 

T--"I think you look wonderful in it; it really suits you" 

G--"Thank you" I still didn't look at him and then was about to walk back inside but I was stopped when I felt my face being tilted up where my head was literally bent as much as it could since he was so tall, 

T--"Do you not like it?" 

G--"I-I just never really liked dresses on m-me"  

T--"Well you are defiantly getting this dress and I am getting everything else in there, so go put your clothes on and then meet me at the register" I nod my head and then stepped back into the dressing room being as quick as possible then when we finally got everything situated, we walked out of the store and quickly went into the staples and grabbed me notepads, sticky notes, binders, little storage bins, pens, pencils, stapler, highlighters, plan paper just in case I need some he said, after we got all of that we then finally went out of the mall. Once in the car he asked me, 

T--" Would you like to take your stuff back to the office really quick so that in the morning we won't have to take all the stuff in, while everybody is in their morning rush?" 

G--"Yeah" I leaned my head back against the seat and watched as the car zoomed past the other cars and buildings. Once there he had the security open up the building and we make our way to my office with all the bags. Once up there he opened up the office and it had changed big time, 

G--"Umm is this the right office?" 

T--"Yeah I had them replace everything with black instead of white while we were shopping, the only thing is the same it the desk is still glass, I had them leave the walls in the wood color also since it matched the black well" 

G--"T-thank you so much I love it" I gave him a small smile and we immediately went to work putting my stuff up, and when we were finally were done, we left and he ordered me a meal, but I turned it down saying I will have something at home. Once he dropped me off at home, I made my way up with all of my bag in hand, he offered his help but I just need to be away from him for a while, right now I am feeling sexually frustrated and I shouldn't be it was wrong, once in the house I made myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich quickly eating it before going up throwing my new clothes on the washer and then into the dryer. After that was all done, I jumped into the shower before going to bed so I could get a good night's rest before tomorrow. 

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