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We have finally arrived in Scotland, and I see my dad waiting by a black car, he had called from one of Travis's many jets when he told me the news about grandpa and since he was already boarding the plan to go to a last-minute job, he just switched the schedule so he could make it here and get things in place.

When we finally made it to him, I see that he had red eyes from crying over the loss of his father. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him, and he did the same to me and we just stood there crying well mostly me crying and him holding me tight.

G--"I'm so sorry dad" I said while stepping away from him a little bit,

C--"I knew it was going to happen sooner rather than later but damn it still hurts, come on baby let's go get some rest after our long flights, are you staying Travis?" I looked back at him, and he looked at me 

T--"I think I will stay; in case we go ahead and talk about something that we thought never would happen"

C--"I know Travis, and he has already notified me about it, let's talk back at the hotel after some well needed rest" I was confused at their conversation and that the look Travis has on his face right now, he looked angry. We drove to the hotel, and we got our room keys making our way to our separate rooms and I was awake for a couple of hours not able to sleep. I guess I got used to Travis sleeping next to me. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard my phone go off,

T--"Can I come to your room for a while?"

G--"Yes please do... I can't sleep"

T--"On my way over"

When he got to my room, he walked straight in without knocking and after closing the door he walked over to my bed getting in with me holding me close to him. It was quiet for quite some time until he said something,

T--"Tomorrow something will be said, and I want you to know that I wasn't with you for that reason, okay?"

G--"Okay even though I don't have a clue as to what I am agreeing with" with that I slowly fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up with a ding of a phone seeing it's from Travis saying that he just left my room, so my dad won't find us cuddling and I text him back quickly before sitting my phone down looking up at the ceiling when I heard my phone go off once again and this time it isn't from Travis.

Unknown--"You will be mine, you will be my fiancé, you will be my wife not his, very soon beautiful that is a promise, but if that somehow fails I will have you no matter what, also ask Travis and your father " I felt a shiver run down my spine and quickly say up doing my morning routine and throwing some comfy clothes that were lack for me on this trip and the ran over to my dad's door knocking and then knocking on Travis's and they both open up their door at the same time and held up my phone asking,

G--"What the hell does this text mean" they both come closer to me and stand reading my text and I see anger on both of their faces before Travis said, 

T--"Come in we have much to talk about" we all walked in and sat down, and I see them looking at each other, 

G--"Enough looking at one another just tell me what you have to say" Travis cleared his throat while my dad sighed then he looked at the wall before starting to tell me my fate, 

C--"When you mom passed away it almost broke me, almost to the point where I wasn't really taking good care of you or myself, waking up was a task, anyways a week later my dad came from Scotland and whipped me into shape once again. When he did me and your grandfather had a serious talk. He wanted you to marry after he passed away if you had not done already, he also picked out your husband too"

G--"What? Why?" 

C--"Because Travis is a very powerful man and so am I, but with that power comes great enemies." 

G--"What does any of this have to do with Grandpa" all this is becoming way too hard to understand right now but I let them finish and ask all of my questions, so I don't worry about every little thing that passes through my head, 

C--"Your Grandpa was the leader of Scotland's Mafia; he was originally secondhand man just like I am to Travis's mafia but when his Don died, he was moved to that position" I was shocked but asked the one question I was dreading, 

G--"Who am I to marry and is it set and stone?" 

C--"Yes, it is in a legal contract that we all have to fulfill" there was quietness surrounding us and I then asked yet again, 

G--"Who am I to marry?" when Travis spoke up, I was beyond shocked, and I knew what he meant by what he said to me last night, 

T--"Me" I looked at them in shock and I felt like my whole world stopped around me, 


C--"I know it is a lot of you right now baby girl but please talk to me" I stood up and said while walking out of the door, 

G--"I need a minute" I walk out and slam the door shut and walk over to my room. It is now 10 minutes later, and I had practically paced a hole in the floor when suddenly my rooms door opened and in walked Travis. I continued pacing without looking at him until he was sitting there in the quiet and I needed a break from walking, so I sat on the bed and looked at him and he looked back at me. 

G--"Why didn't you tell me when we started doing stuff together? Do you even want me like that, or do you feel obligated to do it since you knew about the contract?" 

T--"Like I said last night, I wasn't with you because of that, I am with you because..." he stopped talking before continuing shortly after, 

T--"I am with you because you bring out the light in my world of dark, you bring the good out in the monster, you make me feel alive, and you make me feel things I have never felt before" I started to tear up and as soon as he seen them, he was up and walking over to me and bringing me into a hug, 

G--"I just don't want to take that away from you" 

T--"Take what away from me?"

G--"The chance to choose who to be with, to marry, to live with, and to have kids with" 

T--"But that is where you are wrong, I have already chosen the one for me, and not for the contract but for the way that I just told you before, I told you the truth baby girl you are good for me." I blush and look up before bringing his head down to me to meet our lips against each other but was cut short when we heard a knock on my door, we quickly separate just in time for my father to come in, he looked at each of us looking at us strangely before looking at only me, 

C--"I know your emotions are all over the place, mad, sad, hurt and many more but I could use some help with decisions about grandpa's funeral" I heard the sadness in his voice and I nodded before we all walked out of my room and down to meet the funeral director. 

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