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It was now the next morning at Travis's house since he told us to stay there for the time being since the other house was broken in to, and in case some others come also, he wants us in a safe house. I was in the room on the same floor as him, which was the second floor, while the others are on the ground level. I was in the living room waiting on them to talk to me about what they do, I know it is something either bad or worse than I could imagine because they have avoided me like I have some kind of disease. I was staring off at literally nothing just thinking when somebody sits down beside me, I look over and Travis is looking at me,

T--"Are you ready?" I nod my head and get up following him into his office looking at my best friend's and my dad when I walked in sitting down on the couch beside my dad letting Tarvis sit on my other side thinking about how awkward this is for me by my dad and his best friend that I have been doing stuff with.

T--"Okay I am just going to get straight into it, I am the leader of the American Mafia" I looked over at him to look at his face to see if he showed any sign of lying but saw none. I felt like everything was moving in slow motion, he is the leader of a mafia, my dad is in the mafia, so was my best friends? I felt betrayed why didn't they just tell me,

G--"Why did you guys just tell me?" I said in a small voice,

C--"Because you are my baby, I had already lost your mom to the men that we are dealing with now and I can't lose you too, we kept you in the blind so our enemies wouldn't target you but looked how well that turned out." I looked over at my dad and said,

G--"They are the people that killed mom?" I asked in shock,

C--"Yes, I recognize the tattoo on the man's hand, it is a serpent and dagger tattoo, it was the same one that was wrapped around your neck when you were only just one years old"

G--"What do you mean?"

C--"They didn't just take your mom that day, they took you too" I never knew that,

G--"So what they want revenge and finish what they started?"

C--"It's way more complicated than that sweetie and that is for another time" I nod and sat there quiet for a minute thinking about all the illegal things they do, and it is hard to believe that these people around me could do such things, I guess that is what people meant when they said don't judge a book by its cover.

G--"What are each of your jobs?"

T--"As I said, I am the leader or the boss which ever term you prefer, you dad is my second in command if I am not able to do it, he is certified to do it, as for the girls, if anything happened to me and your dad, they are to take over but for right now Macie is our weapon management operator, she takes care of all of the weapons making sure they are ready, working, and that none of them are missing. As for Cassidy over there she is our eyes and ears, she does all the hacking or deals with any other electric stuff" I nod my head while he continues staring at me and I look down at my shoes. It had been silent for about 5 minutes; I know they had their reasons to keep it from me, I stood up and angrily brushed a tear that fell from my eye and then started to walk out the door not listening to their pleas for me to stop and talk to them, I just needed space.

I have been out in the garden that was yet again in the back of his yard, I bet they only had Cassidy and Macie be my friends so that they could watch me, I felt a couple more tear fall down my face, they all lied to me for so long, I have always felt when they would leave for a week at a time or sometimes two weeks at a time, that they had been doing something dangerous but I have never asked and that was my fault, and for Travis to act like he likes me just to "keep" me safe is the worst of it all. I felt somebody sit down and I took a breath in and looked to my left and saw my dad sitting there,

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