Funeral and Shopping

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It was now three days later, and everything was done, matter of fact we are telling the funny and good things at the funeral of my grandpa trying make the most out of the very sad situation. They didn't ha e an open casket since he was in rough shape due to it probably being a mafia related accident. As the funeral come to an end a guy walks up to my father and hands him a note which he read immediately and he starts tearing up once again, and when he was done, he quickly shut it rubbing his face with one hand before saying,

C--"We have a ball to host tonight, and he has asked if his precious flower pedal will be announced as your wife if she has not already found a husband" I looked at my dad and then Travis in shock,

G--"Wait you guys want it to be public?"

C--"Yes Grace like it or not it is an actual marriage" he takes off walking to his car before peeling out of the cemetery. I cleared my throat feeling the tears start to form, he wasn't the only damned person in this situation and that somebody they were close to die, hell I am getting married.

I start my journey to Travis's car since my dad left me here to fend for myself. Travis opened up the door for me and I climbed in after he shut my door, he rounded the car and got in himself quickly starting the car and driving off. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I was woken up and I look around and see that we are at a mall.

G--"Why are we at the mall?"

T--"You are going to need a ball gown for the ball" he didn't look at me instead he kept looking straight,

G--"What is wrong Travis, did I do something?"

T--"No Gray it's me, what if you are done with me down the line and we are married, what if you resent me down the line because I didn't do it on our own terms"

G--" Trust me I am fine; I am just shocked that the most eligible bachelor wants his fat personal assistant and best friends' daughter to have a public marriage"

T--"A couple things really quick, number one I have told you that I didn't care about the workplace, and number two is that I love your body, I would be wanting to do with it the stuff I have thought about so many times." I blush and nod my head and opened up my door, but I got a glare which I just smiled at and started to get out of the car receiving a smack on my butt and I'm not going to lie I liked it.

When we finally made our way into the mall there were so many stores in a lot smaller building but still big at the same time. We walk in a couple and couldn't find anything, I sigh about to give up when I felt arms wrap around me,

T--"Couldn't find anything?"

G--"Nope all too small"

T--"Come with me baby girl" he dragged me out of the store and into an elevator we went to the second floor, and when we were looking for another store, I finally spot one, we took of walking and immediately saw a couple dress that I wanted to try on and that is what I did. I walked into the dressing room looked at all my options which are one black, one red, and one purple. I tried on the purple one on first it was deep like the color of a plum and I can't believe that I love it this much,

G--"Do you want to be surprised?"

T--"It's whatever you want to do angel, I mean I will never turn down a chance to see you in a dress or anything for that matter" I just laughed and walked out, and he didn't say anything which made me really nervous,

G--"I know it's different than any color I would pick but I think I like the deep color of it" he nodded and then said,

T--"I can tell you love the color but the way that you are fidgeting I don't think you like it so much to wear it tonight" he is right I don't really feel comfortable in it since everybody is looking at us right now, I nodded my head and walked back in and put on the black dress and I instantly fell in love with it.

G--"I found it" I smiled and then walked out, he looked up at me and smirked saying,

T--"Now there's my girl" I smiled and then turn back to quickly take it off so I can pay for it when I walked out, I heard him say on the phone,

T--"Caleb just make it how you think your dad would want and don't worry about the cost okay?" He then said goodbye and then looked up and smiled at me,

G--"Ready to go?" He nodded and took the very heavy dress bag for me, and we quickly paid before walking back to our car after some convincing that I already have the perfect shoes that go with it. When we are in the car and going back home, I ask him,

G--"Can I ask you a question"

T--"Did you do just that?" He gave me a smirk then said,

T--"You can always ask me questions or talk to me about anything" I nodded and asked,

G--"Can we go on a date now?"

T--"Well of course, we actually have to go on a very public date before we to marry per you grandpa's request" I nod my head and then asked,

G--"Do you want to go on a date with me?"

T--"Yes I want to go out with you baby girl" I smiled at him and looked out the window thinking I really hope that he doesn't resent  me down the rode, what if he gets bored of me, what if I can't give him children, what if he doesn't like my body enough to go all the way with me, I sigh and rod of all the "What if's" that are going through my mind at the moment.

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