Honeymoon Pt.2 18+

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I was suddenly picked up into Travis's arms with my legs hugging him like a kola, after we briefly stopped from our heated make out session against the front door. He carried me down a very long hallway and took one hand off me about to open up the door but me being scared of being dropped since be had on single hand under my left thigh, I leaned in more clenching my legs tighter around him but when I did I had ground my clit against his throbbing erection each of us moaning at how good it felt, ge suddenly pressed me against the wall beside the door and pressed against me once again.

T--"Damn baby girl way to bring a man to his knees" he said while pushing against me once more leaving me a moaning mess, he quickly opened up the door before putting both hands back under my thighs breaking me away from the wall walking me into what I guess is his room. He walked over to the bed throwing me down on it, him smirking looking down at me and me letting out a yelp due to my surprise. He started to strip out of his clothes and I looked away for some odd reason, I know I have seen all of him and we did stuff before but this is so intimate.

T--"Baby girl do you still want to follow through with this? I told you I could wait until your ready" I sigh looking at his face saying,

G--"No I don't want to wait, I have waited for a long time, I just..." I stopped thinking of a way of saying what I am feeling,

G--"This is a whole new experience, what if you don't like me after, what if I am terrible at this, what if I am too fat to..." he stopped me by saying,

T--"Don't say your fat, I love you the way that you are" I blush and clamped my lips together but not for long, he quickly bent down and attached his lips to mine. I suddenly felt a wetness from Travis's tongue on my lips and I decided not to open them but I suddenly heard and felt a smack sound against my inner thigh which caused me to moan immediately also letting him in my mouth.

He released my lips after a few second of kissing them purple. He got up tugging my hand to signal for me to get up off the bed. Once I was standing he lowered to his knees rubbing his hand down my thighs to my ankles, lifting up my left leg taking off my heel before placing a kiss on my leg before moving to my right one doing the exact same.

He raised to his feet slowly and while he got up he raised my dress all the way until he was done and throwing it somewhere in the room. He looked down at my underwear and bra and I saw him clench and unbleached his jaw.

T--"Turn around" I do as he says and turn around and when I did he kissed my shoulder. He moved my hair out of his way before moving the rest of the way up to my neck leaving a small love bite just behind my ear. My bra falling the the ground brought me back and I noticed that he had undid the clasp on my bra freeing my breast, then all of the sudden I felt my underwear being pulled down and when he was done he turned me aroundreaching down picking me back up before walking back to the bed and immediately laid me down, climbing between my thighs, spreading them apart, and sticking two fingers in me.

G--"Mmmmnnnn, p-please dont stop" he didn't take long to find my g-spot and he made sure to hit it every time, he suddenly started to rub my clit and before I know it he added a third finger and I release a loud moan and released my juices all over Travis's fingers. When I calm down he was looking at me when he took his fingers out of me, making me moan in the process, then he brought his fingers to his mouth sucking my juices off. When he was done he took his fingers out of his mouth asking me,

T--"Are you ready baby girl?"

G--"More than ready" I said breathless. He quickly aligned himself at my tight hole and he started to push in me and I moan at the feeling. When he got halfway in I could handle it but I close my eyes and clench my jaw,

T--"I am going to stop and let you get used to me being in you" I nodded my head and waited for a few seconds before I moved my hips a little testing how it felt, when I opened up my eyes to see him eyes closed and his jaw clenched so hard that I thought it was going to break his teeth. I decided that I was going to finally move to let him know that I was ready, so I slowly push against him until I bottomed out and I moan at the feeling, I quickly opened up my eyes and I see him watching me with so much lust in his eyes that it shocked me,

T--"You are the most beautiful women I have ever seen but when you are in so much pleasure, you are in a whole new world of beauty" I blush and started to move again. I close my eyes and started to fuck myself on his cock by pushing my hips back and forth on him,

G--"P-please Travis, help me" I moan when he suddenly grabbed me by my hips raising them quickly grabbing a pillow and putting it under my butt. He then held on to the back of my knees and started to trusted into me slow but hard. After a few second it started to drive me insane,

G--"G-go faster, harder, and deeper" he slowed down while saying,

T--"Be a good girl and use your manners"

G--"Ohhh, p-please, please, please fuck me" that must have set him off because as soon as I said my last word he started to go faster harder, and deeper just how I wanted him too. Before I knew it I was moaning so loud I think the wall is shaking, or that might even be the headboard bouncing off the walls. All of the sudden he started to get sloppy,

G--"Please" I don't know what I am asking for but he must know by the look on his face,

T--"Yes baby girl cum for me" next thing I know I felt the tightness in my lower stomach release and when it did I moaned out in so much pleasure I saw black dots. I was coming down but it was hard to catch my breath when he was still going in me at the same pace that I loved so much but right now it felt like to much,

G---To much... Travis please I am too sensitive" everything he would push back in he would hit a certain spot that drove me insane and also he would rub my clit on each thrust he made,

G--"Shiiiit... Travis... I am going to cum again but it feels different"

T--"Hang on baby" he thusted faster and out of rhythm.

T--"Now baby... now" he thusted once more and I let go and it felt like it gushed out of me well that isn't the right word more like... squirted, and I also felt him release himself in me. That thought scared me... that thought brought me out of my lust filled state and my eyes opened wide,

G--"T-Travis?" He was still hovering me, had his eyes closed and his jaw clenched shut.


G--"You released in me..." I said in a timid voice which caused him to open him eyes and ask me,

T--"And?" He leaned down and kissed me on my forehead.

G--"You weren't wearing a condom, and I am not on the pill?"

T--"We will worry about that tomorrow, okay?" I nodded my head and he started to pull out of me and I winced a little,

T--"Are you okay?"

G--"Yep just a little sensitive" I could tell him that, that one little move made me turned on once again be abuse I knew I couldn't handle it. He got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom and he walked out with a wet washcloth and started to clean me up then proceeded to clean himself up before getting back in bed with me, pulling me close and just like that being surrounded by his warmth, I fell into deep sleep.

*Sorry if there are some mistakes, I have yet to edit it yet*

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