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We were in the car going to the restaurant to meet his mom I was slightly panicking okay slightly is not a good word to describe what I am feeling I am about to have a major panic attack. My breathing got worse, my hands started to get clammy and shake, I started to sweat, my heart was beating rapidly. All this was going on and I was trying to make it not noticeable to Travis. 

When I took in a deep breath to try and calm myself down a whimper sound came out of my throat and I felt his eyes on me immediately,

T--"Little one what is wrong"

G--"N-nothing I am f-fine" I tugged at my fingers to try and calm myself down, then I noticed that we are parked at the side of the road right by the entrance. I kept looking out of the window until he brought his hand over and grasped my chin in his hand guiding my face towards him and he said under his breath,

T--"Shit" he looked at me with a sorry but confused look on his face,

T--"Why are you having a panic attack?"

G--"I-I have n-no clue" 

T--"Gray baby listen to me, my mother loves you, you have met her a couple times before when she was in town, she is going to love you just like she always has" I nodded with a small smile on my face but still worried because the last time she saw me is when I was just graduating high school. We drove up to the restaurant and when it was our time to pull up to the valet, he got out of the car walking around the car to open the door for me and I noticed that we are at a 5-star restaurant, and I feel very out of place, but I don't say anything. When he threw the keys to the valet boy, he grabbed my hand and I started to pull away, but he tightened it, 

G--"I am sorry I am just used to us not showing affection outside a room, also what if people catch us with their cameras?" 

T--"You are fine baby, and also, I can guarantee you will be on the news tomorrow"

G--"Not funny"

T--"I'm not trying to be funny, Princess you are with the most eligible bachelor out here right now" 

G--"You're not an eligible bachelor though" I said in a sad tone, what if he thinks he is still the same guy as before? I started to walk, and he followed me but quickly pulled me back to his side whispering in my ear, 

T--"You are right, I have a gorgeous lady that occupies my mind every minute of every day" I smiled, and he smirked before tugging my hand to continue to the front desk, he said his name and then we were taken to our table of the night, and I saw his mom standing to meet us when she saw us walk in. When we were close enough, she grabbed me in a big hug squeezing me tight. I hugged her back with the same amount of pressure.

M(m for momma)--"You always did have the best hugs ladybug!" I have always liked that she still calls me that after all of these years.

G--"You too momma" she insisted I always call her that not trying to replace my mom it's just what everybody calls her. We break apart and we all sit and immediately order since me being me I couldn't pick anything since I have never eaten here so I didn't know what was good here, so I just got what Travis ordered. After they brought us our drinks out to us momma decided to finally speak,

M--"Well I guess from you two being together, you were walking in hand and hand, and the ring that grace's your finger your grandpa passed away?"

G--"Yes and I miss him dearly" she nodded her head and said,

M--"Well let's sit down and get something to eat, I haven't eaten all days since a very lovely couple decided to cancel last minute on our lunch date for an early dinner, I wonder what you two could have been doing?" I blush and look down about to pull my chair out for myself but was surprised that Travis had pulled it out for me pushing it in when I was sitting down then people started to bring out food to our table, they sat a plate with grilled chicken, roasted potatoes, and asparagus with parmesan cheese on them in front of me, 

M--"Is it still your favorite meal" I smiled wide and nodded my head saying, 

G--"Yes, it is one of my favorite meals of all times, I remember whenever you would come by and see everybody you would make this meal one out of the three nights you were here" she smiled and I looked around and saw that only one table with three older guys, and three older women was looking at our table, at least there wasn't any more than that table that was looking at us. I put my focus back to the table and started to eat, when we were halfway through momma asked, 

M--"So please tell me about your wedding" 

G--"Well we decided to go with the black and white theme, but it is revered with me and my bridesmaids, I will be wearing black, and the girls will be wearing whit"

M--"I always knew you were going to be different in your wedding, I love it, please continue" 

G--"We decided that we are going for the fairytale wedding, as for our flower option they are going to be black roses, and white carnations, we are going to be married in our backyard as well since I don't want it really outgoing, and plus I will be more at ease in a space that I know" we continue talking for a long time then I notice that they are bring out a lava cake out and they sat it between me and Travis, 

M--"Well guys I look the opportunity of making sure one of my favorite girls has her favorite deserts before I left for the night, which is now, I am very tired, but I will be stopping by in the morning to see your both but for now night love you both" and when she was about to walk out, she put her hand on my shoulder saying

M--"I am so glad that I get to call you my daughter now, you are great for my son even if you are kind of getting rushed into such a big decision, goodnight you too" she kissed me on the top of the head and the Travis before walking out of the restaurant. I looked up at Travis with a big smile on my face which he returned. He picked up and fork taking a piece of cake bringing it up to my mouth and I was about to grab it when he said, 

T--"Nope I am going to do it, now open that sexy mouth of yours" I open up my mouth and when he pulled the fork out of my mouth I quickly chewed and swallowed so I could quickly get rid of the chocolate that remained on my lip, but he stopped me then started leaning towards me kissing me which to others would be the regular sweet kiss from your spouse but what people don't know is he let his tongue reach towards my lips licking of the chocolate and for some reason that turned me on so when he pulled back I leaned over to his ear and whispered,

G--"Why don't we get out of here so we can have our real desert" I saw his jaw clench, I looked down and see his fist are clenched, and I saw the fire that I love shine bright in his eyes, he raised from his seat helping me get up from my chair while making our way out of the restaurant after paying of course, and on the way home we couldn't keep our hands off of each other, well this should be an eventful night!

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