The Following Day

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I woke up this morning took a quick shower when I was done, I dried my hair, did my makeup before once again walking into my closet and today I wanted to add some red to my work attire, I grabbed yet again a pencil skirt, I then put on my favorite red flowy t-shirt type shirt, I then put on a black blazer, with black heels. I grabbed my work stuff with my phone and then walked down the stairs. When I walk in the kitchen, I see a note on the kitchen counter and it said,

Dear Honey,

I had to go in the middle of the night for a work emergency but should be back before dinner, if I am not there is extra money in the envelope under this note call and get takeout, oh and happy early birthday, I know it is tomorrow, but your present will be gifted to you just as the valet! Have a good day at work, Love you!

Love Dad

I know that my dad along with Travis does some shady crap for work on the side I just don't know exactly what it is but as long as they come home in one piece, I don't question them. I got an apple and ate it really quick long with a yogurt and apple juice before I go down the elevator to see what my birthday present is. When I got to the valet, I said

G--"Grace Miller?" I had my old car, but I didn't use the valet ever, so it is parked in the employee parking,

Worker--"Which one ma'am?"

G--"What do you mean?"

Worker--"You have a 2022 Mclauren, and a 2022 Bugatti"

G--"That can't be right, hang on" I pulled out my phone and called my dad,

C--"Hey honey I am a little busy right now can I call you in a minute?"

G--"Just a quick question, what kind of car did you get me?"

C--"A black 2022 Mclauren, with all black interior, why?"

G--"Because this guy say I have a Bugatti and a Mclauren"

C--"Hang on sweetie, Travis did you get Grace a car too?" I heard his answer through the phone,

T--"Yeah, I did a 2022 black Bugatti, why did she see it yet?"

C--"She was confused when she went to the valet, hey honey we are pulling into the company now for a meeting that I had to come back really quick for, I will see you when you pull in, choose either one since both are your favorite cars"

G--"Okay bye love you"

C--"Love you too" I look at the worker,

G--"Bugatti please" he gave me a thumbs up and I said sorry to the people behind me, and they just nodded and smiled. When the car pulled up, I almost jumped and screamed like a little kid on Christmas morning,

G--"Can you just pull up over there so you can help these people behind me?" I asked when he pulled in front of me,

Worker--"Yes ma'am" when he was done, I paid him a good tip and opened up the door and I squealed and jumped in looking all around and I put my seat belt on and put all my bag in the passenger seat and the took off. When I pulled up into the company, I saw that Travis was also driving his black Bugatti I get out and make my way all the way to the top floor and as the doors open I see my dad and Travis standing in the middle of the hallway and I rush over to them and I hug my dad first and without thinking I hugged Travis but pulled away from him before anybody thought anything of it,

G--"Thank you so much guys I love both of them!"

C--"Did you even look at the one I got you"

G--"Umm no but I will when I get home but thank you guys really, I love them! Now I have to get to work" I went to my office and see that there were flowers on my desk, and I picked them up and saw a card I read it and saw that they were from Travis, I smiled at the card that said Happy Birthday. I moved them to the corner and start my work, when I was almost done, I reached into my bag, and I realized that I forgot my lunch I had packed I sighed and was about to stand up when my dad walked in and said,

C--"Here is lunch for you, have a good day, and I won't be back until tomorrow morning"

G--"Alright, love you and be careful" he nodded saying a quick love you too before leaving. After eating my lunch, I really had to pee, so I stood up and walked towards the bathroom and did my business when I was about to leave, I heard the door open and I stopped when I heard the girls talking about me,

L--"Did you see the way that she hugged both of them, and right in front of each other, she is definitely screwing both of them, so gross, how could they even want somebody like here?" I walked out of the stall, and I walk to the sink washing my hands when I was done and was about to walk out, I said,

G--"Caleb Miller is my dad get your facts straight before spreading rumors"

L--"That doesn't explain why you hugged Tristen like you did"

G--"And yet again it's none of your business" I don't know where the confidence came from, but it felt good while it lasted because as soon as I get to my office, I felt tears running down my face, she is going to spread shit all over this company, I walked to the conjoined door that connected mine and Travis's office and knocked on it, he opened it and I said,

G--"I am s-sorry for causing so many problems in your company especially only being here 3 days"

T--"What happened?"

G--"If you want me to quit, I understand and I will right now, in fact I will pack my things" I turned to go pack up my stuff, when I was stopped by Travis, he pulled me in for a hug and asked me again,

T--"What happened, and I need the truth?"

G--"I think her name is Lindsey, she said that I was slut and how I hugged you and my dad proved it, well I stuck up for myself which I don't even do but I said that dad was my dad, and then she brought up you and I didn't have an excuse at the moment now she is going to spread it all around now, and I am sorry that I put this on you"

T--"Don't worry about Lindsey she is gone by morning"

G--"No don't fire somebody over me, hell I should be the one to go, I have caused some many problems already"

T--"You are not going anywhere, now are you good to finish the rest of the day or are you needing to go home?"

G--"I'm fine to stay, I only have two hours left anyways" he let me go and I went back to work, after finishing work I drove home and called for pizza and after I ate I immediately crashed.

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