Almost Caught 18+

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It has been a couple of days since our disagreement in the office and I have tried my best to keep my distance so I wouldn't be tempted and get us caught. Today is a day that I am a little more self-conscious, but I want to try and work through it. My buzzer that was on my desk went off,

T--"Grace come to my office... now" I gulped and clicked the button to answer his demand,

G--"Yes Mr. Briggs"

T--"Oh and Grace I mean right now" instead of replying I stand up without any of my stuff and walked over to his office and when I walked in, I see him sitting at his desk with his suit jacket off, A few buttons unbuttoned, and sleeves rolled up. I quickly bring my attention up to his face seeing that he is looking out the wall of windows at the city, so I just walk over to my chair that I normally sit in and wait.

T--"Why have you been ignoring me" I decided not to answer so I don't make a complete fool of myself,

T--"Is it because you want whatever this is between us to end?"

G--"What? No."

T--"Then what is the problem?"

G--"I can't keep myself from calling you by your first name which used to be so hard but now I find myself wanting to say your name, and there is also me wanting to jump your bones every time I see you and when all the ideas pop up in my head about stuff I want you to do to me I just walk away to keep myself from acting stupid" he looked at me with lust and shock all over his face. He was quiet for a minute,

T--"Come here" I didn't hesitate instead I got up and walked around the desk and he grabbed me by my hips and pulled me to him,

T--"What is one of those thoughts angel?"

G--"Me slightly sitting under your desk using my mouth to pleasure you, then when you finish you pick me up and eat me out on your desk" I look down in embarrassment that I told him that, and I suddenly feel a finger go under my chin and he said, 

T--"If you would like to make that happen let's make that happen" I shook my head and pulled away, 

G--"No we can't" I was about to walk away, but I was spun around and kissed, it started out slow, but it started getting faster and more passionate suddenly I am brought down on his lap and next thing I know I am grinding on his lap with him pushing back with the same amount of force. I was running out of breath, so I pulled back and he continued down my neck, 

G--"Okay, I am ready to give it a shot" he pulled back nodding his head while helping me off of his chest then helping me lower myself to the floor. I was so nervous about doing this in the office, but I pushed that to the side.

I reached for his zipper quickly pulling it down and reaching in his boxers pulling him out of the contraption, I looked at him still not used to how thick and big he was. I pulled my hand away and spit on my hand then grabbing his cock and started thrusting my hand up and down tightening my grip just enough until he starts to groan out in pleasure. I start out slow pumping him, I look up at him and he is looking at me so with the same pressure I started going faster and faster until he threw his head back against his chair and gripped the arm rest. I then took him by surprised by lowering his chair and spreading his kegs further apart and quickly taking him in my mouth making him groan out louder than his ones before.

After a couple pump with my mouth, I heard movement outside in the hallway and was about to pull away when he held me still around his thick cock, that is when one of my worst nightmares happened, I heard the door open, and I heard my dad's voice.

C--"Hey Travis have you seen Grace?" He was walking closer and closer to the desk, and Travis suddenly pushed me back causing his cock to hit the back of my throat causing me to slightly gag, I prayed that he didn't hear me,

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