Honeymoon Pt. 1

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We pulled up at his private jet and I am still in awe of the pure black jet. I waited for him to round the car to open up the door for me, he held out his hand to help me out of the car,

G--"Thank you husband"

T--"Your welcome wife" I smiled, and we walked hand in hand to the plane where I see them already taking our luggage up the steps. We walked up the steps and he picked window seat leaving me the aisle seat. We quickly buckled up and waited. When they finally cleared us for takeoff, I was suddenly nervous, but my phone beeped and I picked it up off my lap and saw it was the girls sending sex intended emojis, I just sat my phone back down and waited for the plane to level out so we could take off our seatbelts.

When the seatbelt light went off, I quickly clicked it off and looked at Travis seeing him looking out the window and I realized I didn't know where we were going,

G--"Hey Travis?"

T--"Hmm?" he hummed not looking at me,

G--"Where are we going?"

T--"Hawaii" I should be excited, but he is acting weird,

G--"Are you happy?" He looked over at me confused and I looked away,

T--"I am happy, why would you think otherwise?"

G--"The fact that you haven't hardly looked at me since we got on the jet, you answered where we are going when usually when something is a surprise you don't tell them, and finally you have been staring out the window with your seatbelt still on" he replied,

T--"Shit baby girl I am so sorry I didn't even realize that I was doing all that" he unsnapped his seatbelt standing up pulling me with him to the back of the jet into a bedroom. He suddenly came to a stop turning around picking me up carrying me the short distance to the bed,

T--"You want to know what has my head all over the place?"

G--"Yes" I said breathlessly,

T--"You. You are the reason why. I can't wait to do all kinds of stuff to this gorgeous body that now rightfully belongs to me" I blush and looked away from the intense stare he had on his face but that didn't last long ge grabbed my chin in his hand pulling me back to face him and immediately stole my lips with his, and that is all we did... for now.

We landed I gasped it was absolutely beautiful here. It was sunny, bright skies, and warm. We were greeted by a woman that you could tell lived here by her tan skin that I wish I had year around.

Guide--"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Briggs, welcome to Hawaii. Can I help give you the tour of the island?"

T--"No that won't be necessary, I have a house here, and plus I don't think you want to hear or see me have sex with my wife now do you?" The girl blushed at us nodding in understanding, he pulled me away with him smirking, and me sporting a very bright blush on my face.

He opened up the door to a glossy black Lamborghini for me to sit in while he rounded the car getting in as well. The car roared to life, and we took off down the road to where I assume his home is here. It was quiet until he said,

T--"We don't have to if you're not ready"

G--"I think I am ready..." I said looking back out the window where there was beautiful water not too far from where we were driving when I suddenly felt a hand make its way to my thigh and I looked over at him and see him relaxed while driving the car with one hand. I let my eyes wonder further down where I saw a big bulge in his pants which I look away before getting caught. I suddenly felt his hand move hire up with me slowly spreading my legs for him and he moved my underwear to the side slipping a finger inside me pushing in and out with ease since I was like a stream traveling through the mountains. He suddenly added another finger, and I couldn't hold the sounds in anymore,

G--"Ohh... mmmn... please don't stop" then he surprised me by pushing a third finger in me and I gasped leaning forward a little in my seat quickly grabbing his hand in mine halting his movement for a second to stop myself from cumming on these seats, I don't really want to ruin them.

T--"Gray, never stop yourself from cumming" I moaned when I felt his finger curl inside me and I said,

G--"Travis please I don't want to r-ruin your seats"

T--"Dont and I repeat don't ever make yourself stop cumming, they are seats they can be clean, now baby girl release my hand because I want to finish my snack before we get to the house where I will be getting my meal" I gasped letting go of his hand and he immediately started to pump his finger in and out of me, faster than the first time and I continued moaning and it only took a couple of pumps for me to finish, when I opened up my eyes and see us stopping at a red light and when I looked to my right I saw two guys in a jeep looking at me and I blush when I noticed that they heard me since my window is down,

Driver--"Damn baby girl I could listen to that all night"

Passenger--"Yeah why don't you jump ship over to us"

T--"Hey do you guys know who Travis Briggs is?"

Driver--"Yeah he is the most ruthless person on this earth, well in my opinion"

T--"Well I am him, and you just hit on my wife, but you can now be very thankful that today was our wedding because the outcome on any other day wouldn't have been like this one, and as for the sounds she just made, those are only for my ears tonight, tomorrow morning, tomorrow during the day and at night because I plan on ravishing my beautiful wife all night and all day for the rest of our lives" with that he speeds off. I looked out the window embarrassed. I can't believe that I had just done that in front of those two men. We pulled up to a house or should I say mansion, it was beautiful, and I couldn't wait to see what the inside looks like. He quickly parks, turns the car off, jumps out of the car so he could walk over to my side and open up the car door for me, once I was out and the door shut behind me Travis ushered me into the house and let's just say I wasn't expecting to be pushed up against the shut front door and making out...

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