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I was wearing my black ball gown, dark smokey eye makeup with red matte lipstick, my beautiful black high-heeled that I have loved for so long but have never needed to wear them, I smile at my long tightly curled hair, and I turn and grabbed my phone and lipstick deciding to have Travis just slip them in his pocket for the night. When I walk out of my room and down the stairs, I was shocked that it was just me and Travis.

G--"Where is everyone?" He looked at me for a while before clearing his throat and answering my question,

T--"Your dad, Macie, and Cassidy just left, he said we wanted to be there when the guest arrives" I nodded and walked the rest of the way to him and I blush when I see that he is wearing all black,

G--"Did you do this on purpose"



T--"Yes I did, you are to be my wife so we are to have the same color of clothes when we go to formal events, that reminds me we gave a charity event to plan for work, and also our wedding which will be in one month"

G--"You want me to do both?"

T--"Since your dad has already told you about the marriage and our wedding is so close, I will be helping with the charity event to lessen your stress level"

G--"Thank you! Now how do I look?"

T--"Ravishing, my little one" he took my hand and walked us to the limo where he opened up the door for me and I carefully sit then pull my bug dress in the car as well. When I was finally all in, he came to sit by me in the car and I smiled at him when I felt the car start to move. Halfway to my grandpa's mansion I ask him,

G--"Why do you call me little one? I am definitely not little" I looked down at how much space me and my dress are taking up compared to what space he is taking up which is barely any at all. He leaned over and whispered in my ear,

T--"You will find out why I call you little one soon enough baby girl, and I will spank you if you talk about your weight again" he kissed the nap of my neck and I lean over a little bit to give him room but as soon as he started to suck, I pulled away, 

G--"No you can't give me a hickey before an important ball" he sighs and said, 

T--"Damn that is a shame I was looking forward to branding you as mine little one" I am blushing so hard at the moment, so I decide that this is the best time to get the attention away from that topic, 

G--"Do you mind putting my phone and lip stick in your pocket please" I smile, and he just nodded and took them away from me and slipped them in his pants pocket. We then pulled up at the mansion and I still look at it in awe, I had never seen it in my life until the other day when me and my dad was looking at all the decisions for the funeral.

T--"You know that my actual house is just as big as this" 

G--"What?" I ask in shock"

T--"Yep the house that we are staying in right now is hard for people to get into and places for my men to hide in case of attacks so that is why we are staying there until this enemy of ours is terminated, but if you wish to keep living there, we can move everything to the house if you want"

G--"You know all decisions are not up to me" I said with a smile which he just smiles at me and says, 

T--"You are going to be my wife and you will be comfortable in your own home, I want your opinion on everything well except the mafia of course I wouldn't like you to have to kill, oh and we have to talk about my business when we get back home to the house okay?"

G--"Alright. Are you ready?" I realize that we are postponing all the people from going to the valet since we are talking and just sitting here. Travis opened up the door and got out quickly fixing his all-black suit, meanwhile I slide over to the door and when he offered me his hand, I grab it and he helps me out of the car and then shocks me by helping smooth down my dress and make sure it isn't puffed up anywhere. 

G--"Thank you!"

T--"Your very welcome my love" he then offers me his elbow and I gladly put my arm around his and then we start walking. When we got in the entrance, I see flashing lights taking pictures of all the couples and I sigh, 

G--"I really wish they wouldn't do this tonight of all nights" he nodded and started walking once more and we both stop in front of the cameras, and he snakes his arm around my waist, and I do the same and then when that was done and after many questions that are thrown at me, and my social anxiety was about to start acting up Travis finally took us through the man doors and when it opened I was in awe, dad really out did himself. 

G--"Hey dad everything looks amazing" 

C--"Do you really have to be that close?" I looked down and see that we are still wrapped around each other, 

G--"Dad you are the one that agreed to the agreement don't hate the idea now that it has finally come to fruition, have a good night me and my fiancé are going to go dance" I smiled and walked down the steps Travis right beside me, all I said was true even if it hurt me to say it. When Travis pulled me to the dance floor and started dancing then said, 

T--"Damn baby girl you are feisty tonight"

G--"Well it was all true, you guys agreed to this agreement, and I had no say in it, trust me with how everything was happening with us I am glad I found out now, if it was before I probably would have had a heart attack, and if he thinks this isn't going to be a real marriage on my part then he is sadly mistaking because I will have your last name and I am not just going to sit around and hate you all the time which is probably what he thought I was..." he stopped my rambling by pressing his lips on mine and I stood there straight as a board shocked that he is doing this in front of everybody, he pulled away right as I started to kiss back. 

T--"Well that is going to get me in a lot of trouble later, but I had to stop you from rambling" I looked at what he was looking at and saw my dad, Macie, and Cassidy only dad had a murderous look on his face the girls looked happy and I don't give a shit that my dad is mad because well he is having both of my friends in a romantic way. The rest of the ball was great nothing really bad happened well other than the hatred on my dad's face every time he looked at me and Travis, also that the feeling of being watched was strong but I didn't want to burden anybody, so I just kept it to myself and danced the night away as the future Mrs. Briggs because the whole world knows that I am engaged to the most eligible bachelor billionaire. 

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