Time For Action

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Travis gets up with my help and groans. Please be alright is the only thing I can chant in my head right now.

C--"What do you want Don"

D--"Simple the last thing that remind me of her, you know you look identical to your mom"

G--"Yeah well she did give birth to me" I felt my dad walk closer to me and he snuck a gun in my back pocket,

D--"Yeah...too bad we could finish out our pregnancy together but she said some really mean things to me that hurt my feelings so I killed her and I was about to kill you in my fit of rage but I decided that maybe one day I will have you as mine I just had to wait until you grew up" I feel sick to my stomach once again but I keep it in and look at him saying,

G--"You will never and I repeat never have me as your, you're a sick twisted bastard" that made him mad and I felt my dad push me behind the wall that separates the pool from the back yard and when I looked up I see Travis was shot again in the arm and my dad was shot in the arm as well.

I see all my men hiding behind stuff and I pull out my gun and make sure it was good and then pointed and aimed at Don and shot him in the arm hopefully the one he shoots with. I look left and raise my hand and do a sign I have seen Travis do and before I know if everybody was shooting at the people who decided to grace us with their presence after I shot there boss. While everyone was fighting back they started to get more people on their side to fight us and I then knew we were outnumbered and I have one bullet left which I made count, I shot one of the people right beside Don killing him instantly. I heard somebody land roughly right beside me and I was about to attack but I saw it was Lane,

L--"Ma'am out backup is here, and they are currently taking out around 100 out front, and we have about 50 still alive out here and we are running out of guns, what do we do?" I tried to think of Travis, I looked back and see that he is still laying by my dad on the ground both knocked out cold, but I could see their chest rise and fall. I was brought out of my thoughts when I see guys round the building,

G--"Ours or his"

L--"Some his and some of our guys" next thing I know if our guys start shooting with two guns in each hand never missing a person, I looked back over at Travis and I see him not breathing,

G--"Shit, shit, shit, he isn't breathing"

L--"Yes he is but very faint, and your dad is still doing good, in fact I think he is pretending so he doesn't get shot down right as he moves" I raise my body and I see Don look over at me in surprise, Lane tried to pull me back down,

G--"You want me come get me, you think you're so big and bad, come get me on your own" I ran into the side door to the gym, and I was met with nobody in there and then I heard the door close behind me and I slowly walk to the mat saying,

G--"You beat me you get to have me, if I win you leave and I promise that your breath will be quick"

D--"What like your husband out there? He is going pretty quick. Is that why you want to do this?"

G--"I want you gone"

D--"You know you are heavier than your mom, but you look so much like her it is crazy. Don't worry my sweet I love rolls with dinner" I shiver in disgust I get up in the boxing ring and get in a fighting stance and he got in taking off his suit jacket. We start circling each other and from my training I was told never to go first, and he fell for it, lunging right at me but I was able to sidestep him.

He goes up looking pissed off and he did the exact same thing but instead of fully side stepping him I threw a punch in his stomach. When he was down I kicked him in his balls And that sounded very satisfying, but I wasn't fast enough to get away from him he grabbed me by my leg pulling me down on the mat making the wind go out of me but knows not the time for that I quickly kick him in the face and got up catching my breath for a second before kicking him in his face and I heard a satisfying crunch sound and I went to walk away from him.

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