The Next Day

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I woke up on the couch where I had pitched camp at for the night when he said in a couple of hours, he must have meant all night. I pulled my phone off the coffee table turning it on to see what time it is, and the results was I had only slept and hour, also sexually frustrated I wasn't lying to Travis when I had said I can't get myself off when I masturbate anymore so after a couple of try's I gave up threw on some clothes and now I sit on this damn couch worried sick for them to return and turned on... still. 

I throw my blanket off of me and then walked into the kitchen wishing I would have put on some leggings rather than these shorts that keep raising on my thighs showing more skin and making me cold in the ice box of a house. I pull out ingredients for breakfast with difficulty may I add since everything was in the tall cabinets and I am short. I finally got all of the utensils I would need and start off with bacon, after getting done with that I went on to pancakes, and then I started off with scrambled eggs. I grabbed all of the drinks everybody drank, I drank apple juice of course, Macie drank grape juice, Cassidy drank orange juice, my dad drank water, while Travis has been drinking apple juice in the mornings as well. As soon as everything was done and brought to the table, I was grabbing some plate putting them around the table I heard voices in the living room, 

C--"Did she sleep on the couch?" my dad asked somebody, 

T--"Must have" they all then followed one after another just as I sit down at my spot, I looked away and started filling my plate up with some fruit that I had decided to cut up last minute then put some of everything that I cooked on my plate, but realizing that I forgot butter and syrup so I stand up walking past everyone which was just standing by the door looking at me, I couldn't reach the syrup and I went to jump when I heard a voice behind me, 

T--"Why don't you let me help you with that" he walked up to me slowly and reached up and grabbed it since he was the perfect height to do so, I take it from him saying thank you before going to the fridge and grab the butter shutting the door to the fridge and when I turned around, I was stopped by a chest, 

T--"Why in the hell did you sleep on the couch last night" he said in his deep voice and all I could look at is his lips moving and I shook my head and looked down, 

G--"Can we talk later I am hungry" I pressed my legs together, damn as soon as I thought it went away but not as soon as I hear that sexy deep voice of his it came back with a vengeance. 

T--"Hungry for food, or me?" I looked up with hooded eyes and said, 

G--"Both but right now my dad and friends are in the next room don't forget that one of my friends are your sister" he let me walk past and I said while walking past him, 

G--"Also I am mad at you"

T--"Why?" I didn't answer instead I opened the door and walked out sitting the bitter and syrup down on the table, 

G--"Everyone go ahead and eat" they all started eating with hesitation, 

G--"What is wrong with all of you?" I asked politely, 

M--"It's just we saw the bed on the couch and when we came home to a breakfast at seven in the morning was odd for you, you usually sleep in until nine" I sigh and sit back, 

G--"Me and your boss over here were talking last night about everything when we got a call saying that he was needed and I was okay, he knew I was still sad and said that he wouldn't be no later than a couple of hours so when none of you came back on a couple of hours, I came down the stairs and decided to wait for you all" they all looked at me and then at Travis, 

C--"You didn't get much sleep, did you?" Cassidy asked me, 


M--"How many hours did you sleep?" 

G--"An hour" 

C--"You shouldn't have stayed up that late" my dad decided to finally chip in on our conversation, 

G--"I would have if I knew where you all were and if you were safe, listen now that I know what you all do you are just going to have to get used to me being scared every time you walk out of that door, because that is not going to change anytime soon" I started to eat my food after that and so did everybody else. After eating the girls and my dad walked up to take a nap before having to having to go back to work and I was doing the dishes when the next thing I know is I am being turned around slamming into Travis's body before being turned around towards the island where my stomach was pressed against the marble countertop, Travis spread my legs open and pulled down my shorts and underwear, and immediately started to lick my clit after a few second I was softly moaning when I heard footsteps and I leaned down and luckily my phone was on the counter and I pretended to be looking at my phone and raised my leg up tapping him with my foot as a sign to make him stop but he didn't, the doors slung open and in came my dad and as soon as he spoke Travis stopped his movement pulling away, I sighed, 

C--"Hey honey do we have any bottles of water?" 

G--"Yeah in the fridge" the fridge was opposite from where we were, so we are good, when my dad was looking for a water bottle in the fridge, I felt him plunge a finger in me I made a surprised noise and my dad turned around, 

C--"Are you okay?" I cleared my throat and said, 

G--"Yeah just realized that I forgot to send an email to one of Mr. Briggs clients" as soon as Travis heard me not use his actual name, he pulled out his finger slamming it in me thankfully my dad had turned around and started looking again. Thankfully he stopped after just one,

C--"Found it, I am going to head back upstairs gets some rest honey" I smiled and nodded he took off walking leaving the kitchen door open to where I could see his bedroom, when the coast was clear I let out a quiet moan, he started pumping in and out of me fast and with me going hours being turned on it didn't take much from him and I was cumming. He raised grabbing a clean towel wiping me up and then then helped me pull my pants up while I was still breathing hard, 

G--"I will help your situation, but can we go to my room, so we don't have a situation like we just did?" 

T--"You don't have to help me angel, you are tired how about you go rest, maybe you will be able to after you released" 

G--"Dang don't say stuff like that, it turns me right back on" he laughed and pulled me close to him, 

T--"How long did you go for?" 

G--"Since you left last night" he pulled back surprise written all over his face, 

T--"You tried to..." before he continued, I said, 

G--"Yes like I said the other day, I can't by myself, I tried twice last night, and nothing worked now please follow me upstairs so I can help you out" 

T--"Nope you need rest, I need to relieve myself and then rest too, but I will see you as soon as you wake up okay?" I nod my head and I felt him kiss my head, 

G--"Can you at least stay with me until I fall asleep?" 

T--"Of course baby girl let's head on up" I nod my head and we both walk up the stairs and into my bedroom. Travis and I got in the bed, and it wasn't ten minutes later that I was asleep. 

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