I Accept

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I was now in my bedroom laying down on my bed after eating dinner with my dad and Travis, I stayed quiet the rest of the night after he pretty much gave me a job since I don't know if I should take it or not. Should I even accept the job? What if he decides that I am terrible at the job and decides to let me go what will happen between him and my dad? What will happen if I start liking him more and I know we would never be an item because of his friendship with my dad and he is 14 years older than me. I sigh and roll over on my side when I heard a knock on my door, 

G--"Come in" 

M--"Hey girl me and Cassidy just wanted to stop by and ask about your job hunt" I turned over to my other side to look at them still standing by my door, these two girls are my best friends, Macie is Travis's younger sister she is 26 years old so only 7 years older than me, and Cassidy is 22 years old so she is also older than me 3 years older than me, I met them in college, Macie was a teacher assistant and Cassidy was my tutor in a couple of my classes. 

G--"Not great, they all said the same things to me as everybody else" they walked over to my bed and jumped onto the bed with me, I sighed and then asked Macie a question about the offer Travis offered me in the kitchen a couple of hours ago, 

G--"Hey Macie I have a question for you" she nodded at me to continue, 

G--"Your brother offered me a job as his personal assistant" I looked at my ceiling while she said, 

M--"Grace that wasn't a question" she said with a small laugh, 

G--"I don't think it is a good idea, what do you think?" they both know I have a crush on Travis it slipped out before I knew it was her brother, 

M--"I think it is a wonderful idea but if you aren't comfortable with it then don't accept" 

C--"But wouldn't that be an incredible sight at the workplace?" I looked at her with no emotion on my face what's so ever, 

G--"Real funny Cas" then I heard both of my friends start busting out laughing, I just rolled to my other side, 

G--"I'm tired guy's cam we talk tomorrow?" they both agreed, and we all said our goodbyes, before I fell asleep thinking of what I am going to do. 

It is now the next morning, and I was already dressed in my regular lounge outfit which consist of leggings, a t-shirt, with some socks and I was about to walk out of my room when I heard my dad say, 

C--"Breakfast is done" I sighed and walked down the stairs and as soon as I walk in, I see yet again the back of Travis sitting in the seat beside mine in his usual all black suits. I walk past him and greet my dad with a side hug before going to the fridge grabbing a bottle of apple juice before sitting down at the table since I still don't know my answer to Travis's question, he had asked me, I then saw movement and see my dad sitting a plate of food in front of me and then sitting down himself, and Travis sat down in front of me acrossed the table, 

G--"Thank you dad" he smiled at me and nodded then started eating his breakfast as do I. In the middle of eating, I heard Travis say, 

T--"Have you thought about my offer?" I looked up at him nervous to talk to him, 

G--"Y-yes I have Mr. Briggs I just don't know if it is a good idea" I said quietly, 

T--"Why don't you think it is a good idea?" I sat there for a second afraid to say anything, but I have to since he asked me a question, 

G--"I don't know if it is a good idea because, what if I mess up so bad that you have to fire me? What if since I don't have experience, I won't be good? What if it comes to me getting fired and it causes friction between my friendship with your sister and yours with my dad? What if-" he stopped me from my rant, I think this is the most I have ever spoke to him before, 

T--"That is a lot of what ifs don't you think?" I looked at him and then I felt the blush rise to my face and I immediately look down at my 3/4 of the plate that was eaten, I heard him sigh and say, 

T--"Listen why don't we take it step by step, we'll try it out and if something does happen then we will deal with it as it comes, but for now let's just start with a yes, you'll accept the job, how about that?" I looked up and looked at him for a second then said, 

G--"Okay, when do we start?" 

T--"How about when you finish your breakfast and then get ready? Sound good?" I nodded then I was about to stand up then my dad questioned, 

C--"Where are you going?"

G--"Up to change" 

T--"I said after you eat" I looked up at Travis with confusion written all over my face, why did his tone change, it almost sounded.... Dominate? I nodded my head and sat down before I finished my meal then quickly took my plate over to the sink putting my dirty dish in the sink before walking up the stairs, I quickly went to the bathroom and immediately got to work on my makeup which I did light make up and I just went over the front my hair with a straightener since that is the only part of my hair that curls. After I finished, I opened up the doors of my closet and walked in and looked at my options and I decided to go with my red flowy tank top, my back pencil skirt, a black blazer, and to finish off the look I put on some very short black heels on. After grabbing my purse and placing my phone in it and then walking out of my room then down the stairs to find Travis and my dad waiting at the door for me and when I walked up to them my dad said, 

C--"You will be riding with Travis to work today I won't be home until tomorrow" 

G--"Okay be careful I love you" 

C--"Love you too, are you ready?" 

G--"Yep but I am going to need to go shopping sometime soon because I only have two outfits good enough to wear to Mr. Briggs office" dad just nodded his head and kissed my forehead saying a quick okay then we all walked to the elevator and once we got down the elevator we went to our separate cars and made our journey to work. 

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