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It has been three days since the ball where my dad caught us kissing and he has yet to talk to me and that was two days ago. The buzzer on my desk went off,

G--"Yes Mr. Briggs?"

T--"Can you come to my office with the file from Henderson meeting?"

G--"Yes I will be right there" I didn't wait for him to answer I got up and walked over to the filing cabinet and pulled Henderson's file, Travis introduced him as one of his friends, but I don't really like him he stared at me to much smiling, smirking, and winking whenever Travis wasn't looking at me and today, we have yet another meeting with him.

I walked in without knocking and I see Mr. Henderson was already in the office and my smile dropped then I quickly looked at Travis and see him looking at me already with a confused face, I just quickly walk over to him and hand him the file and I go to sit down in the back but he motions for me to sit down by Henderson, I just try to smile and sit down realizing that I forgot my tablet,

G--"Sir I forgot my tablet since I wasn't aware that the meeting was now"

T--"Your fine, you won't be needing it now anyways we are just going over the numbers" I nod my head, but I listen to their conversation thoroughly since I will be doing notes after he leaves, he then stands and said,

H--"Well I shall be going my old friend I will be at the club Friday night to sign the papers" Travis nodded his head and stood up shaking his hand before Henderson turned and laid his hand on my shoulder giving it a hard squeeze then walking out. I get up out of my chair and walk towards the door to my office to quickly type my notes down before I forget when I heard Travis say,

T--"Come here" I slowly turned around and walk back and stood at the end of the desk,

G--"Yes sir?"

T--"Is there something wrong?"


T--"Did I do something?"

G--"No, not at all" he looked at me for a second and then reached out and grabbed my arm pulling me too him causing me to sit on his lap which usually I can dodge or quickly escape him, but he locked his arms around me and when I tried to get up, he kept pushing me down on his leg, I let out a breath then said

G--"Let me go Travis"

T--"No stay still or I will have to get some of my ropes and tie you to me and if you think I am kidding look in the bottom left drawer, I opened it and seen ropes, handcuffs, and neckties. I blush then suddenly quite moving in his lap and I asked,

G--"You're into this kind of stuff I know that you have brought up the word dominate before, but I just figured you were messing around?" I felt the grip on either side of my waist getting tighter, and he cleared his throat before saying,

T--"Yes a little bit, for the most part I like spanking, a little restraint play, and then I like controlling anything sexual but if you don't like any of that then we want ever do any of that I promise, we'll even if you want to go that far with me" I felt the fire in me for the last few days burn even bigger with him saying that but I kind of want to wait for our wedding night,

G--"Do we have to have our honeymoon right after the wedding?"

T--"Do you not want one?"

G--"I just want a quiet couple of nights with you for right now just until we get all the threats taken care of" there has been somebody anonymously texting me random, creepy, threatening text and when they got more frequent, I decided to tell Travis and my dad who finally talked to me but only about that

T--"That can be arranged little one"

G--"Also what kind of colors do you want for our wedding?"

T--"I have been wondering the same" we sat there looking at the list the wedding director gave us, it's literally a two-page packet with columns and options that we have to check mark,

G--"How about black and white?"

T--"I like it"

G--"What I mean by that is, I want a black wedding dress and the bridesmaid dress are going to be white"

T--"That's fine little one" I quickly pick check the box and then flowers are next,

G--"White carnations, and black roses?"

T--"Sound perfect"

G--"Style, I like the Fairytale style what about you?"

T--"Give me an example of it, I don't really know the difference" by now I am sitting right on his dick and slightly lower stomach, and I feel his bulge, so I lean back and press a little harder than what I am sitting on him,

G--"It is a lot of lights, and flower arches down the aisle, in the back yard with my choice of flowers along with vine and wheels flowers"

T--"I think that is a great idea" I can hear the strain in his voice, but I don't stop, I lean forward again and check on the list and see dress style and I write down that I will be shopping for the outfit of the day with my friends and not want it selected for me then I lean back again adding more pressure than before and asked,

G--"Do you want to be in a black suit and your groomsman in white tuxes to match me and my bridesmaids?"

T--"Y-Yes" he hissed and stuttered out and I was leaning forward and checked them quickly and was about to ask another question while sitting back on him hard once again and he grips my waist hard and slams me into him so hard that I feel every divot in him.

I moan out loud rocking my hips fast grinding harder and harder then there is a knock on the door and it was about to open, I quickly get under his desk and heard somebody talking and I see him rubbing his hard on still sitting far enough away to see me fully and I lean back against the desk and I spread my knees on either side of him but careful not to show myself to the person in the office. I push my skirt up reaching down and rubbing myself, I look up and see him glancing at me touching myself so hard that I almost cum, but I stop when I heard the man say goodbye and the door clicking shut after opening

I quickly pushed him away from the desk and quickly get out from underneath it and sit like I had been before and quickly start grinding once more,

T--"Wait I don't have any extra pants today we used the last pair yesterday"

G--"I-I... P-please" he sighed and pulled me against him while saying.

T--"Fine but if we do this we are leaving after so I can change"

G--"Wait no we can't, I promised myself that I wouldn't make things go between us and work, but later I am going to need major help" he chuckled but nodded when he saw my serious face,

T--"Okay assistant, I need you to go down to the tech area and get James, Nolan, and Richard please" I nodded and stood up to straighten myself then walked out after a quick kiss for the road. I went to the elevator and went to the floor where the camera and computer people are, and I walked in and saw nobody, but I heard three different noises from the back and what I walk in on was something I didn't want to see.

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