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My dad looked up at us and put down his fork just as there was a knock on the door I looked over at Travis and said,

G--"Here show my dad the text" I looked back and forth between them and said

G--"Also please don't fight, I have already had a rough day and don't need the fighting today if all days" I turned and walked to the front door, I took a breath and hoping it wasn't anyone bad such as the guy who are sending me those text. I let in one more deep breath and twisted the doorknob and relief washed over me and I relax it was Cassidy and Macie.

M--"C-can we come in?" I saw both of their faces and there were blotches under their eyes, eye red from crying, I know it is from the loss of the secret they were sharing with my dad, but I still say,

G--"Come in, he is in the kitchen"

C--"G-Grace we are not here for him; we are here for you"

G--"Really?" They nodded and I said,

G--"Well too late, here I was for many years telling you my secrets and you were keeping such a secret from me"

C--"Grace stop this now" my dad came out of the kitchen,

G--"No I am finishing what I have to say dad" I looked back and forth from him and the girls before continuing what I said,

G--"If I haven't already said this in my last rant I gave, all you guys had to do is tell me the truth" I was caught off by him saying,

C--"And you could've told me about you fucking my best friend?"

G--"For one I am not fucking anyone for you information I am still a virgin and second I would have been happy that my father after so many years of grieving was with someone, and my best friend finally finding somebody they like, and as for my situation I didn't want to tell you about it because I was and I am still happy but as soon as I said anything you would have acted like this or worse, don't you want me to be happy dad?" He didn't say anything, and I felt the tears start to fall,

G--"Well I am glad you're happy dad, and screw me for wanting happiness, something that no guy would do because of my size, the color of my hair, the color of my eyes, the lack of wanting to wear lots of makeup, the lack of experience, the way that my body was shaped, yeah dad screw me for wanting something that makes me feel alive after years of bullies, for being with somebody mature, for being the only person that makes me feel beautiful, makes me feel wanted" at this point I am crying and my dad walked closer to me but I said while holding my hand up,

G--"No. We are going into the kitchen and talking about the text. I am done talking about this shit" I walked by Travis grabbing a hold of his hand and without saying anything he led me into the kitchen. I sat down at one if the kitchen chairs which led him to sit beside me putting his arm around my shoulders bringing me closer to him and rested my head and body against him.

G--"I am sorry for bringing it up again, I just want them to treat us how I feel towards their relationship"

T--"I get it baby girl, you just want us to have a normal relationship, I am not an ounce mad at you for that, as for what you said in there do, I really make you feel those wonderful things?"

G--"You do, and you do more than just those few things" I heard from behind me,

C--"Sweetie?" I sighed and said,

G--"Yes dad"

C--"I am so sorry, I guess I was just clouded by my hurt that neither of you told me anything about your relationship and then we piled you guys getting married also it was a lot for me to take in" I nodded and then said,

G--"I should apologize to you to for not telling you the truth also to you girls as well"

C--"They are not in here?" He looked confused,

G--"They are on the other side of the door" right after I said that the girls came in looking guilty,

G--"I am sorry guys I just was mad at you for not telling me when you knew that I liked Travis" Cassidy is the first to speak,

C--"We're sorry to"

M--"Yeah we never meant to hurt you Grace"

G--"I know, and I never meant to hurt any of you"

C--"Now that's all settled can we get to work reading the messages on your phone?" I nodded my head and looked at Travis,

G--"Do you still have my phone?" He reached in his pocket pulling my phone out while saying,

T--"Yep, here you go"

G--"Thank you"

T--"Your welcome princess" I smiled while opening my phone to the text and when I found them, I handed my phone to my dad,

T--"I think he is back, and he isn't leaving until he gets what he wants... Grace" my dad kept reading them and he looked pissed off beyond words,

C--"Damn it" he through my phone at the wall storming out of the door

T--"I'll go" he stood up making me stand up too,

T--"If we aren't back in a about an hour come find us in the basement"

G--"Please don't fight" he smiled at me saying,

T--"I won't start a fight I promise" he kissed me on the forehead and the walked out of the kitchen, I looked over at the girls and asked,

G--"Want to talk for an hour?" They both nodded and smiled. We walked out of the kitchen and talked while the two men fight because I know that is how it is going to end. After 50 minutes we start making our way down the elevator to the basement and when I got down there, we all gasped at the sight they were fighting each other. We walk out of the elevator and right as we my dad falls into Travis, and I heard my dad cry for the first time ever in my life, he kept saying, 

C--"I can't lose her, I can't lose the last of my family, please help me keep her safe" I walk over to them and say quietly 

G--"You're not going to lose me dad, we will beat this guy, I won't be taken from you, Travis, or my friends" they both looked over at me and I see them both have blood on their faces, my dad had a busted lip on the top and bottom, and blood coming from on his eyebrow where Travis has a busted lip and a red spot on his jaw,

G--"Now let's get up there and clean both of you guys up, girls get my dad up there and cleaned we will be right behind you" my dad pulled away from Travis walking over to me giving me a quick hug and a kiss on top of my head before walking to the elevator with Cassidy under his arm and holding Macie's hand, I watched them until the door shut before looking back to Travis and walk over to him where he now sits on the steps of the boxing ring. 

G--"Today has been eventful" I said while climbing up the steps to where I was standing right inf front of him and he said while grabbing my hips pulling me in closer putting his head against my stomach, 

T--"You're telling me, and your old man still has a mean right hook" I laughed combing my hands through his hair before saying, 

G--"Okay Rocky let's get you up there and cleaned up" 

T--"Rocky?" he looked up at me in confusion, 

G--"You know the boxer in the movie, he was the south paw boxer?" he shook his head still not knowing who it is, and I just sighed and said, 

G--"Well that is what we are doing today, we will even get the girls and dad to watch them with us" 


G--"Yes them and now let's go and get you cleaned up" and we did just that the rest of the day, I even got my dad to watch them with me after saying he was done watching them with me since I have watched them so many times. We also agreed that we will deal with the threat after my wedding in a few days! 

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