Feasting With The Dwarfs

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It's was chaos when the dwarfs discovered the pantry overflowing with goods and had swarmed the dining room, quickly filling the expanded table with every bit of food we own. "Put that back."
Bilbo began chasing round the dwarfs after they walked out of the pantry with new bowls of food.
"Put that back,"
"Put that back." He repeated, thrusting a finger at them, but they brushed past him as if it weren't his house.

Bombur came out of the pantry with 3 large blocks of cheese. "Excuse me- A tad excessive, isn't it? Have you got a cheese knife?" Bilbo played with his dungarees, clearly in shock."Cheese knife? He eats it by the block." Another dwarf walked past carrying a large piece of meat. Why do we even have this much food?

Once they'd finally managed to strip all form of food from the pantry I took myself into it and took a swing of ale. Bilbo let's me have a drink of ale every now and then, I am of age after all. I'm practically an adult. "(Y/N)!" Bilbo was standing my the door shocked. I just shrugged. "Don't knock it till you try it." I shrugged swinging another gulp, and we're going to have to get through tonight whether we like it or not. It seems these dwarves aren't going to pick up and leave anytime tonight.

Bilbo stormed off, furious about the whole situation. I was gripping the shelf with one hand and the other holding my drink until someone had somehow crept up behind me. "Drinking ale, that's a bit strong for only 7 o'clock." Kili. "You are acting like you didn't just bring another whole barrel of Ale because you ran out." Another sip. "Touché." He smirked.

Just before I brought the mug up to my mouth it was snatched out of my hands. "Hey!" I exclaimed as it nearly spilled all over my face. "Your will be walking around upside down on your hands if you continue. How old even are you, (Y/N)?" I rolled my eyes "I'm nineteen, in human years" I told him with a look "How old are you, Kili?"

He barked out a laugh before leaning against the counter and taking a sip out of the mug I was just drinking from "You never ask a dwarf they're real age." I was about to laugh until my lip curled up when I realized what he said "So what, your like an old man?"

He snapped his head toward me and actually looked offended. "Old man?! Please. I am actually incredibly young for a dwarf, i'm by decades the youngest out all my company," He looked up at me over the mug as he brought it up to his mouth. "Can I get a number then, realistically how old are you?"
He exhaled as he thought "Realistically, I am about twenty."

I was about to respond before one of the dwarfs called Kili for supper. With my drink in his hand he smirked at me before running off. I had given up trying to get my drink back so I just followed the laughter coming from the dining room.

My jaw dropped when I looked up to see Fili walking across the dining table handing out ale and the other dwarfs were stuffing their faces with food. Bilbo was pacing around the house with Gandalf following behind and I could hear him going on some sort of rant.

I slowly turned back to the table when suddenly the noise dropped to silence. They began all chugging their drinks at a concerning pace, some of them had let it fall down their beards but some had taken their time. I was stood at the head of the table completely shocked. One of the younger dwarfs stood up and did probably one of the loudest and longest belch I have ever heard. Ew.

I couldn't stand being in a room with dwarfs burping so I went out into the hallway to meet with Bilbo whining to Gandalf about the damage. "... and I'm not even going to tell you what they have done to the toilet. They've all but destroyed the plumbing. I just don't understand what they are doing in our house!" I didn't even want to ask.

Bilbo and I were facing Gandalf with our hands on our hips, trying to process any of this. Suddenly, nearly out of no where, the younger dwarf (Ori?) tiptoed over to Bilbo nearly startling him. "Excuse me, sorry to interrupt but what should I do with my plate?" He asked with the most politeness and manners I've heard all day.

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