Seeking Refuge

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It has been a few days since we just made it out alive after our battle with Azog. It has been a few days since Kili and I shared our first kiss and in those few days everything has felt so much better, the burden of being hunted no long weighs over us, Thorin and Bilbo are getting along and we don't have any creature hunting us down...that was until today.

"How close is the pack?" Thorin asked Bilbo once he returned. "Too close. A couple of leagues, no more. But that's not the worst of it."
"Did they see you?" Gandalf said from behind Bilbo. "No, that's not it." Bilbo looked distressed but no one was hearing him. "Well they didn't see you. Excellent burglar material." All of the dwarves cheered but Bilbo grew frustrated, clearly something else is wrong.

"Will you just listen to me? I'm trying to tell you there is something else out there." He gestured with his arms to behind him where he came from. "What form did it take? Like a bear?" Asked Gandalf.
"Y-Yes. But much bigger?" Bilbos face twisted in confusion yet surprise that Gandalf knew exactly what he saw.

The dwarves began mumbling, putting together a plan on what we should do. Gandalf was lost in thought. "There is a house, it's not far from here. We could take refuge." suggested Gandalf. "Who's house? Friend of foe?" Thorin questioned with a concerned expression. "Neither. He will help us... or he will kill us." A loud growl was heard in the distance. "What chance do we have?" I spoke up from the crowd. Gandalf turned to me.
"None." He shrugged, and we were off.


It's practically a routine now as we were running through forests and fields. The growling was not far behind us, but it sounded nothing like a warg, like something bigger. "To the house!" Gandalf gestured to a large cottage up ahead of us. Everything seemed much larger, larger doors, windows, flowers, everything. This was clearly no house to a little hobbit or the grand kingdom of a dwarf.

We all watched in shock as Bombur over took all of us one by one. Some cheered him on as we've never seen him run so fast before but some gawked as they also have never seen him run so fast before, even with pots and pans attached to his sack adding on an incredible amount of weight. I couldn't help but suppress a smile as he ran faster than ever before. Shows what fear can do to a man.

We ran through the gate but the door was not opening. Through the trees behind a giant beast appeared and he was heading straight for us, it was like a bear but the size was completely out of proportion, it was huge and extremely strong as it began running straight at us with a loud roar.

The dwarves tried to break down the door but they found it very difficult as it was much thicker but Thorin pushed past the dwarves, simply pulled a latch and we were in. Well that was easy. I had just about slipped through the closing gap of the door before the dwarves tried to barricade it closed by pressed themselves up against the door.

The giant bear like beast was able to get its head into the door just before we tried to shut it. After lots of grunting and pushing we finally managed to shut it with the beast on the other side. "What was that?" I asked completely out of breath. "That is our host, lady Baggins. His name is Beorn. He is a skin-changer," Gandalf walked through the house "Sometimes, he is a great, strong man and other times he is a big black bear, but the man can be reasoned with."

I starred a Gandalf before nonchalantly shrugging with my hands on my hips "Well he sounds like a lovely guy." I turned and wondered through the house looking at huge furniture around me, even the chairs would require me to need a leg up to hoist myself onto. "However," Gandalf continued "He is not overfond of dwarves." From the other side of the door we could hear Beorn leave and everyone could finally relax. "Alright all of you get some sleep. You'll be safe here tonight."

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