Stuck In A Cell

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I was thrown into a cell by the she-elf. I stood up and tried to ram my foot in the door but she was able to close it before I reached it. She looked me up and down with distaste "What did I do to you?" I grabbed the bars. She didn't respond to me. "Why did you imprison us?"She once again didn't respond to me.
"What is your name?" She spun around to me.
"Why do you ask so many questions?" She looked annoyed. "And why don't you answer them?"

She paused, her mossy eyes throwing daggers, before she asked "Are you with the young dwarf, the one who was attacked by the spider back in the forest?" I nodded my head "I am, his name is Kili."
She looked down at the floor and smiled to herself "Kili." She repeated which made my blood boil. Jealousy.

"He's with me," I narrowed my eyes "So don't try anything." It was rude, but when she shoved me into a cell i'm not going to be all smiles and hugs. She looked back at me and we both glared at each other before she stormed off to assist the elves throw the company into other cells.

"Great." I mumbled to myself. I backed up and slumped myself into the cold floor. I could see the company being put into other cells. From across me I saw Fili. The elf groaned and tutted his lips as he pulled out yet another dagger. I almost laughed as both Fili and I knew that was not the end of his stash.

I sat there on the floor, exhausted. My eyes were about to fall shut until I was startled by my cell door opening. The blond elf from before stood by the door, then Kili came into vision. "Kili?" I slowly got off the floor. "Caught him trying to escape, he's all yours now." The blond elf threw Kili into the cell next to me "Refused to get in any other cell." The elf rolled his eyes back into his head, seems like dwarves really get on elves' nerves.

I tried my 'foot in the door stunt' again but he could see my approach, he slammed the door shut and used a large set of overflowing keys to lock it. "Who are you?" I pressed my face against the cell. "My name is Legolas. Although that is no concern of you."
"It is when you lock us up." I kept my voice calm because I don't want to get into any more trouble.

He began to walk off but I reached out my arm.
"Why do you lock us up when he have done no wrong?" My eyebrows pulled together and he did the same. "Your leader is a liar and a thief. He shall speak with my father, Thranduil, King of the Woods. Your release shall be decided on your masters decision." I raised a questioning eyebrow at him, he walked away.

I turned around to face Kili, I pressed myself against the stone wall and slid down onto the floor.
"Well this is just great. 'Go through Mirkwood' they said. 'Stay on the path' they said. Can we not do anything right?" I curled up and dug my head in my hands. "Hey," He sat down next to me "Everything is going to turn out okay."
"How do you know that?"
"I just do." I rested my head on his shoulder, may as well get comfortable.

"Thanks for saving my life back there." He ran his hand through my long, wavy, chestnut brown hair.
I looked up at him annoyed. "I think your elven girlfriend had you covered, as she said herself." I turned away from him and gave him the cold shoulder. "Elven girlfriend? I have no interest in her, more on someone else." I felt butterflies in my stomach. I grinned and looked at him "I knew you and Legolas had a spark."
"Legolas!? Are you serious!?"

He looked nearly offended that I would think that even though I knew the obvious answer. I burst out in laughter. "Well then who?" I said in a sarcastic tone. "It's you," he looked deep in my eyes "And you know that." I brought my lips up to his and kissed him.

"You do know that we can all hear you, right?" Fili, who was across from us, was standing by the door. "I swear, if they're being all lovey-dovey again i'm going to smash my head against this wall!" Dwalin yelled with his accent stronger than ever. "Love you too, Dwalin." I grinned and called up to his cell above me. Trust the dwarves the cheer me up even when we're in the worst situations. "Yeah, whatever." I could practically hear him roll his eyes which made me smile more.


"I can't take this anymore." I could hear Dwalin pacing from above us. His boots were stomping on the floor and it was really loud in our cell bellow him. "Lighter on the feet please, Dwalin." Kili knocked on the wall, clearly winding Dwalin up. He groaned and stopped pacing.


"Did he offer you a deal?" Thorin had returned from his meeting with Thranduil and now Balin is asking about it. "He did. I told him he could go îsh kakhfê ai-'d dûr-rugnu! Him and all his kin." I'm guessing that was a friendly response so I sighed in disappointment. "Well that's that then. A deal was our only hope." Balin sulked. "Not our only hope." Thorin grinned as he looked at all the other cells.


Kili was fidgeting with something in his hand.
"What's that?" I asked. I reached over to his hands. It was a rock with something engraved in it. It was cold to the touch but a beautiful shade of dark green.

"It is a Talisam," He gently put it in my hands to let me inspect it. "A powerful spell lies upon it. If any but a dwarf read the runes on this stone, they will be forever cursed!" I dropped it in my lap and I thinned my lips. "Ha ha, funny." I rolled my eyes at his jokes. "It's just a token. A rune stone." He said smiling. I picked it back up and laid it in his hand. "My mother gave it to me so I'd remember my promise."
"Which is?"
"That I would come back to her. She worries. She thinks i'm reckless."

"It's sweet." I smiled. It sounds like Kili and his mother have such a special bond with each other, I wonder what I feels like to have such a close relationship with your mother. Sure, I have my dad and our bond is stronger than ever but I'm guessing it's different with a mother.

"You would love my mother." He told me "And she would love you to bits, there's no doubt about that." He smiled at the thought of it. "Does Fili have one?" I looked over to his cell, he was sleeping on the stone they called a bed with a hand draped over his face "No, she doesn't need to worry about him, i'm the rebellious one in the house."
"Tell me about it." I chuckled.

"Well maybe if we ever get out of here, I could meet your mother." I suggested."I would love that." I could see Kili bloom a tint of pink on his cheeks. He kissed my head and pulled me close to him.
It didn't matter if I was stuck in a cell in the middle of Mirkwood or if I was fighting spiders or orcs I would be with Kili. And that it is always the best.

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