The Last Goodbye

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We were far from the Thorin, Dwalin and Bilbo now. I was not far behind Kili, he was so driven by anger and pain he hadn't noticed I was following behind him. I could hear his every grunt and every clash of his sword each one growing more powerful and more vicious.

I looked over my shoulder to see Kili taking on two orcs at once. I ran over and dug my sword into one of the orcs side, the orc didn't see me coming so it was easy. It only took Kili two swings before he managed to kill the orc he was fighting.

"(Y/N)! You need to go, now. Go back to Bilbo and get out of here!" He yelled. "No! I'm going to help you!" We yelled over the screeching of the orc bats that were flying over us. Kili took one look up at the bats and back at me. He gave me and small nod and we ran up more stairs. I pushed the hair out my face and followed right behind him.

We ran into more orcs not far off from where we were before. Kili dug his sword into an orc and rushed over to the next orc. I ducked when another swung at me, whilst I was ducked I sliced its leg, came back up and sliced its head off in one go.
There were only a few orcs so we managed to take them on easily.

We had made it to an open area. No orcs seemed to be around so we bent over and caught our breath. My knees were trembling but I stood firm and put sword back into my belt. We were both crouched over panting until we heard someone call out. "Kili!" It was a woman's voice. It was a voice that I recognised. Tauriel. "Tauriel!" Kili called back out whilst cupping his mouth. We waited for a response but all we could hear was the grunt and the awful scream of Tauriel. Kili and I looked at each other before we grabbed our weapons and went to help. We ran to the edge of the wall.

We saw Tauriel fighting a much larger orc. My mind suddenly skipped back to when orcs ambushed us in Mirkwood, just by the gate. I remember seeing this orc, he caught my eye. He had metal armour on, ghastly teeth and what seemed to me metal in his head! He was definitely one of Azogs accomplices and by far the strongest.

Tauriel was using her daggers to fight his until he grabbed her arm. I cringed as he twisted it, she let out a moan before the orc smashed his fist on her head, knocking her down. I scanned my surroundings getting desperate as the orc picked Tauriel up by the neck and held his sword. I feel i'm going to regret this but Tauriel's life is on the line.

Without hesitation I jumped off the edge and into the air. It seemed like a slow-motion movie. My hair flowing behind me, my body jumping off the edge and the slow motion shout of Kili. "(Y/N)!!"

I fell onto the orcs back with a groan. The orc threw Tauriel into a wall and grabbed onto me. I struggled to keep on. With my spare hand I tried to reach my sword but my belt had loosened and had spun around my waist, so my sword was behind my back. Fuck! I tried to hold and the grab the sword but I couldn't reach it. I heard Kili grunt as another orc came up behind him, from what I could hear it was only one.

Without warning the orc raised his clenched fist into air and swung it around to the back of his neck and slammed me hard in the face. My face flew to the left and blood and spit squirted out of my mouth and onto the floor. Pain. That was the only word that shot into my mind.

Before I could bring my head back up the orc wrapped it's hand around his neck grabbed me by my leg, which was wrapped around his neck and yanked me off slammed me onto the floor. I screamed when I smacked onto the floor, a shooting pain shot up my spine, I arched my back in pain as stars appeared in my vision. So much pain.

Through blurry vision I could see the orc above me with his sword in hand. A tear formed in my eyes and I knew what was coming next. I looked over to Tauriel who was on her back by the wall, I looked over to Kili but he wasn't there. I'm about to die.

A Journey I'll Always Remember (Kili x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now