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Kili had led me to a training hall far from the company. The hall was cold and I could hear my voice bounce off the walls, banners were hung up, some had been torn whilst others had been burnt. I doesn't seem that Smaug had found this part of the mountain as it was still standing, undamaged.

"Why did we come all the way back here?"
I laid down my weapons on the stone floor and walked into the middle of the hall, admiring its beauty. "Wow." I whispered. Dwarfish ruins ran all around the walls, I ran my fingers along those ruins that were in my reach.

"What do these say?" I asked. I could feel Kili close behind me, his breath warm on my neck. His eyes scanned the ruins but his face twisted "I can't read it." I looked at him over my shoulder "I thought you could speak dwarfish?" I questioned. "I can speak it," He said "But writing in dwarfish is where I struggle."
"Who taught you?" I asked, stepped back. "My mother taught me as much as she could but i'm a warrior, (Y/N), I didn't have time to learn."

My eyebrows pulled together as I felt bad for him. Since he was a young boy his future was already chosen for him, he was a fighter since he was born. "You had no choice." I whispered as a hand hovered above his cheek. "I'm a dwarf prince," He frowned "I didn't get to study or read books, fighting was always supposed to be my passion."

My heart wrenched for the boy who was under the touch of my hand "I'm so sorry." I whispered again, the volume of my voice incapable of rising. "It's okay," He brought his hand to the back of my head and pressed our foreheads together "You have more than enough intelligence for the both of us." He smiled before placing a quick kiss on the top of my head and pulled away to choose the first weapon were to train with.

I watched him pull out his bow and arrow which he placed in my hands "First part of training: Archery."
I softly smiled after he just told me something that I imagine he had kept to himself but if he didn't seem bothered by it, then neither will I. "Okay," I loaded my arrow as best I could "Let's do this."

Kili walked off set up a target on the other end of the hall. I twisted my body around and loaded the bow. "It would have probably been better to train in the woods with better targets, this'll have to do." He said as he walked back up to me.

He let me do the first one on my own so I stood sideways, facing Kili who was beside me, watching every small movement. I kept my feet wide apart and focused on the target, trying to remember what i've already seen. Once the arrow was ready I slowly pulled back the bowstring all the way back to my cheek.
I blinked before releasing the string and the arrow flew through the air. I watched the arrow as it flew across the hall...only to miss it completely. I brought down my bow and stared at my ghastly aim.

"Well that was terrible." I said. "It was fine. It just needs a bit of work." I stayed in place whilst Kili walked around behind me. My heart fluttered when his face was just inches from mine. I stood in my stance. I tensed up my shoulders and was about to pull the bowstring but Kili stopped me. He never fails to make my heart race.

"Relax your shoulders." I did as he said. I could feel his warm breath on my collarbone and I could feel my cheeks bloom bright red. I pulled the bowstring up to my cheek again. Kili placed his hand on mine and pulled the bowstring past my face and back to my shoulder.

"Your arrow will not go far or do much damage. The more speed you give it, the more power you get. With just the right aim and power you can kill on orc in one blow." He whispered, it sent multiple shivers rushing up my spine. "Now focus, don't look at anything else but the target," I did what he said, slightly moving the arrow so it was heading straight for the target. "Take a deep breath and let go."

I took one deep breath and released my fingers from the bowstring. The arrow soared through the air, a loud thump noise was heard when the arrow had hit the target, the arrowhead went deep into the target. It wasn't the middle but it was a huge improvement.
"I did it!" I was jumping for joy. I spun around the Kili and jumped in his arms.

Some probably saw my shot as a miss but it meant so much to me. I've never done that before! And even after everything we'd been through these past few days I was still able to smile bright and see the good in something small. When I jumped into Kili's arms he wrapped his arms around me, and squeezed me tight when he nearly lost his balance from me crashing into him.

Once we finished celebrating he still held me in his arms. Our laughter had died down and we were just looking at each other. "I know I say it a lot but, I love you." Kili said. I kissed his lips and somehow my smile widened even more "God I love when you say that." Kili grabbed the back of my neck and gently put our heads together once again, noticing that he's been doing it much more recently.

I giggled at how much this head thing makes my heart flutter like crazy. "What?" Kili chuckled. "This," I motioned between our heads "I love this. Why do you do it?"
"My mother always did it to Fili and I when we were growing up, I supposed i've picked up the habit. It can mean anything you want it to be, but it creates a close connection with the person, as if to talk without talking I suppose." I hear you.

"You really love your mother, don't you?" I looked up at him from my boots. "She taught me everything I know, even my charm." He grinned, I laughed and pushed myself away "You and your charm." I playfully rolled my eyes. "Worked on you didn't it?" His grin grew. "Believe what you want to believe, Kili." I tapped his cheek before turning my back to him and bent over to pick up my sword.

"Are you going to teach me or what?" I gestured to my sword in my hand. "Yeah, I suppose. Come on, I'll teach you about one-one-one duals." And so we continued.


It has been a couple of hours later and we have been training non-stop. I have learn more skills with my sword. I have learnt a Zornhaw, Mittelhaw and even a Underhaw, Kili said that in a fight it'll bring me to victory so I stored those skills in the back of my mind for the next time i'll need to use it. But deep down I wish I didn't have to.

I am hunched over out of breath, Kili is across me taking a swing of water, Kili has most of the time beaten me but I managed to win over him once, even though Kili claims he went easy. Despite all the fun we've actually had with each other, i've actually seen improvement in myself which is what I wanted.

"Ready for round two?" Kili smirked. God he sure loves to do that. "Nah, I think that's enough for today. I'm going to get some sleep, we have to be at the wall when the sun rises and I want to get at least 7 hours of sleep tonight." With Thorin making us search from early in the morning to last evening, seven hours of sleep was a luxury.

"Fair enough," Kili shrugged. "I just want stay down here, away from the company for one night." Away from Thorin. It broke my heart that Thorin is so ill with the dragons sickness that his own nephew doesn't want to be near him.

I laid down on the floor that was made from cold marble and used my sack as a pillow and my cloak as a blanket, but I was already shivering. "Here." Kili sat down next to me, I adjusted myself so my head was resting on Kili's lap. I used my cloak to wrap myself up and closed my eyes.
"Night Kili." I mumbled. "Goodnight, (Y/N)." He mumbled back. I fell asleep listening to Kili's light breathing as he fell into a deep sleep which i soon followed to do the same. This is what I enjoy most in life. With Kili. And that's all i'll ever need

A Journey I'll Always Remember (Kili x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now