Our Big Escape

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I was curled up in the cold, gloomy corner sleeping. I could hear light mumbling of dwarves, I wanted to wake up but I chose to ignore it. "(Y/N). Cmon, wake up." A familiar voice whispered, I felt a hand on my shoulder, gently shaking me. I mumbled back and swatted the hand away, whatever this was for I didn't want to wake up for this.

I heard jingles of keys and a cell door open. "(Y/N)." A different voice spoke. I could recognise that voice anywhere. "Father!" I stood up and ran over to the hobbit. I threw my arms around him.
"You found us! Thorin was right!" He pulled away. "Thorin? What did Thorin say?"
"Don't worry about it. Come on let's get out of here before the elves come back." Bilbo ran off to free the other dwarves. I turned back to Kili. "Cmon, let's go." I ran back to him, grabbed his arm and pulled him out the cell.

"This way, all of you." Bilbo led us down the stairs.
"Down?" Bofur whispered "We need to get out, not go further in!"
"Would you all just trust me, please." We all followed right behind Bilbo. He better have a plan or else we are stuck here forever.

We all tiptoed into some sort of basement/ pantry. Two elves were asleep and had slumped onto the table. "Come on."
"I don't believe it. We are in the cellars!" Kili whispered loudly in disbelief. "I know what i'm doing." He didn't mean to snap at the company of dwarves that didn't believe in him. I do, he's a very clever hobbit.

I walked past Bilbo after Bofur "I do hope you know what your doing." He put a hand on my shoulder "Trust me." There was a line of barrels, some were on top of each other. "Everyone, climb into the barrels quickly." All of the dwarves got into a barrel each as strange as it was.  Accept, there was a problem. "Father."
"We are numbered 15. There are only 13 barrels." He looked at the thirteen barrels which each had a dwarf in them.

"Ah." He smacked his lips shut and twisted his lip.
"(Y/N)," Kili whispered from my feet "You can hop in here with me."
"But what about Bilbo?" I gestured my hands to Bilbo. "No i'll be fine you are my main concern. Get in," he ushered me to the barrel "I'll be fine." I was hesitant but I got in. "Fine." I was surprised that I managed to fit into the barrel with Kili but it was still a tight fit as our bodies pressed up against each other. "Great. Now, hold your breath."
"Hold my breath?"

Bilbo walked off out of view and pulled a large lever. The floor tilted upwards and the barrels began to roll down into the floor which no longer there. We all screamed when our barrels fell down into a cave with a lake at the bottom. My screaming was cut off when I was submerged in water. I held onto the barrel so I wouldn't fly out. Kili was squished behind me doing the same.

We came back up to the surface, gasping for the air we desperately needed before we were thrown into a lake. Bilbo fell into the water not long after us with no barrel, he flapped about before coming up with wide eyes. "Well done, Master Baggins." Thorin praised Bilbo whilst he used his arms to paddle himself away and out the cave.

"Hold on!" I gripped onto the barrel when we fell down a waterfall and once again into the water. Our barrels was thrown around by the currents, the oxygen stored in our lungs was quickly running out. We all one by one bounced up over the crashing waves at the bottom of the short waterfall.

We were quickly flowing down the strong current in the lake. My hopes were finally up when the gate was up ahead in view, we're so close. However, I heard a horn blowing which must mean only one thing. "Oh no. The gate!" I called out to the company.

A guard elf ran up some steps and pulled a lever. The gate under the bridge began to close. "No!" Thorin tried to get to the gate before it closed but he was just a few seconds too late. We were all under the bridge bashing into each other. When we knocked into Dori's barrel I lost my balance and was thrown into Kili's chest. He grunted. "Sorry!"

A Journey I'll Always Remember (Kili x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now