Back On The Road Once Again

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3 Days Later...

"Are you ready, (Y/N)?" We've packed all our stuff onto the ponies and now we were ready to leave. Whilst tying my hair into a high ponytail I jogged down the steps to the ponies. I had to double check we had everything because we won't be back for a long time. "Yep!"
"Well then, let's go." We jumped onto our ponies, took one final glance over at the hole and we were back on the road once again.

We have just passed the lake and we're now coming up to the market. Everyone was up and running around. I could hear the squeals of children and the laughter of hobbits. We had just passed through the market until Bilbo gasped and stopped his pony. I looked over to him and he was patting down his pockets. "Oh dear. Oh (Y/N) i've seen to have forgotten my-"
I pulled his handkerchief out of my pocket and handed it to him with a knowing face. "Ah. Don't know what I'd do without you (Y/N)."
"Neither do i, Father. Neither do I."

I clicked my tongue and the ponies began to walk off again. Whilst gently rocking from side to side, from the pony, I starred at the beautiful scenery around me. I think the Shire is one of the most beautiful places in middle-earth, everywhere is filled with flowers, birds chirping, freshly cut grass everyday, beaming sun and laughter all day, everyday. I am going to miss this place. Hopefully, when I leave, I'm going to be able to travel over middle-earth, ive always wanted to go back to Rivendell, it was truly breathtaking and the elves were ever so graceful, I would sell my bed to see it all again. And hopefully I will.

Our bags were definitely weighing us down. He had to pack enough to last us that way to Erebor, our long stay there and possibly for our way back. I brought two bags and I could just about get them closed, you don't even want to know how much Bilbo packed. Sorry let me rephrase that. You don't want to know how much Bilbo has overpacked. His bags are overfilling. Apparently he thinks that he needed to bring all of his paper, quills and ink pots, our whole pantry and too many dungarees for my taste. And of course he needed to bring his many books, I did bring books but only about 2, I don't read as much or definitely as fast as him, but we did have a lot of spare time up ahead.



We have done just over 3 weeks of traveling, obviously without all of the obstacles we faced on the quest with the company we have made it pretty far. We have made it to the part of the journey which wasn't too pleasant. The land were all is either cursed or dead. Mirkwood. We would have gone around but we have travelled long enough. If we go through, hopefully without any problems, we should reach the new and improved Lake-Town in about 2 days, providing we travel all day without any breaks.

Bilbo and I halted our ponies and look up at the forest. We both sighed at the same time, we looked at each other and the same time. "Here we go again." I said. "Yeah, I guess so." We clicked our tongues and we rode on. This time we knew to definitely stay to the path, if you loose the path then you'll loose yourself.

As expected, nothing had changed. Everything was still dead, a sickness was held in the air. No new thorns have grown and sticks have been moved, it's almost like time has stopped. The air is thick and everything had that same green, old tint. A foul smell filled my nose, I had to hold back from gagging. Bilbo wasn't doing too well. As once before, his head is spinning and apparently he is seeing things. I wouldn't question that in these woods, Dori said he saw dancing teacups with faces when we first can through these woods. I at first didn't believe him until the sickness of the woods began to affect me.

"Hasn't changed at all since we were last in here, has it Father?" I looked back to Bilbo who looked so out of it. "Father?"
"Hm. Yeah." He looked almost green. I looked up at the sky, night time had rolled over and the moon was out. "Let's stop for the night. The ponies need rest and so do I." I said pulling my horse over to the side.

We found a little area where we could lay down our stuff, room for ourselves and room for the ponies. The ponies curled up next to each other and were out in a few minutes. Bilbo propped himself up against a tree and I sat down next to him.
He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me in, I rested my head on his shoulder and looked up at what we could see of the night sky.

Eventually, my eyelids grew heavy and clouds had rolled over the moon so it was no longer visible. I could hear Bilbo lightly snoring beside me so I knew he was asleep. I let out one final yawn before I shut my eyes and had only a few hours of sleep before the sun rose and the morning arrived.

Once everyone was awake we had a bit of bread, which we packed, a bit of water and we were off once again. We repeated the same thing we have for the past week now: wake up, eat, travel, eat, sleep, repeat. Oh! and we can never forget second breakfast, we always have second breakfast...maybe that's why we're low on food.

Anyways, it continues all day, every day. Bilbo and I mostly ride in a comfortable silence, but we will spark a conversation every now and then. We talked about the Shire a lot and Bilbo rambled on about this book he recently finished, apparently it only took him a couple of hours and he loved it. We had a lot of free time, when we were back home, now I'm not so sure. Bilbos mind will be busy on his lost friend, Thorin, and my mind will be busy on everything else that is happening. There is a lot to do but, if everything goes according to plan, Kili and I will be fine.



Hey Guys!
I hope you guys are enjoying the new chapters. I'm sorry if everything seems to be going a bit fast because of all the time jumps, there will be a few time jumps here and there but I think it'll be fine. I'm always writing new chapters and there are many waiting to be published.

Also...Bofur having a crush!?
I thought it would just be a cute little relationship and we will hear a little bit about them. As charming as Bofur is he is a hopeless romantic but maybe Kili and (Y/N) could help him out.
I'll let you all carry on now.


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