Meeting The Family

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The mountain seemed almost unrecognisable as we wondered down hallways and walked through large halls to find the dining hall. The mountain just used to be stone and gold but now, it is full of decoration, colour and just a bit more life. I could hear music being played somewhere in the hall, I could hear a flute and violin, they all played together and created a fun and lively piece of music that makes me want to run around and dance, just like back at the masters house all that time ago.

Before we were about to leave Kili's bed chamber I managed to pull him back and let me change, I had been stuck in the same clothes for about 2 weeks. I managed to wash frequently but I needed a change of clothes, the tunic was wearing was covered in dirt and even had a small rip in my side.

Turns out Kili had a huge selection of elegant dresses made for me as well as some other casual clothes like tunics and trousers. However the dresses had the biggest selection, some reminded me of the elves dresses back in Rivendell, I remember telling Kili how much I admired their gowns and I now know that he really listened.
But some of the others were like what I wore back in the Shire before I met the company, and they're what I love most.

Since I've never dressed up with gowns like this before I decided to go full out with one of the elven styles dresses. And oh my God I was in love.

(Y/N)'s dress:

We had finally made it to the dining hall

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We had finally made it to the dining hall. My dress dragged behind me and Kili was cautious not to step on it or trip me up. Kili offered to hold the back of my dress but I said it was fine.
The hall was huge, a long table ran down the middle of the room enough to fit the whole company and more. Candles were lit everywhere and banners with dwarfish ruins hung from the ceilings.

I looked to the table where the company were sitting including a few people who I did not know and they were all staring at me. Everyone else was dressed very fancy, even Dwalin.

The colour of my dress stood out from all of the other dark colours of their outfits. The table was yet to be filled with food, everyone had a glass of wine infornt of them, some also with a chalice of water. Bilbo was sat at the table, his hair was neatly brushed and he looked rather anxious, yet excited. As did everyone else. I couldn't help but be curious to what is the special occasion.

"Well how lovely of you to join us! Come here ye love birds" I heard a strong accent at the head of the table and I smiled at the man walking towards us with open arms. Dain.

He wore his usual clothes with a red cape trailing behind him. He embraced Kili is that hug that boys always do and he then turned to me. "You look lovely, my lady." He bowed in front of me, I couldn't help but smile. "Oh, thank you. You look well, my Lord. It feels good to be back." I said. "I do hope you have managed to recover from the past events, I know how much you have gone through." His face was sympathetic "I am well enough, and I hope you are too. It wasn't easy." I don't think i'll ever recover.

A Journey I'll Always Remember (Kili x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now