Going Back To Lake-Town

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I was about to make my way down to the pantry to get some food until I saw Kili come out our chamber at the corner of my eye. He was wearing a tunic with his heavy coat ontop, on his feet he wore his boots and he was holding a piece of bread, no idea where he got that from but oh well.

"Morning, (Y/N)." He walked towards me and kissed me on my head. "Morning." I smiled.
"I was about to head down to Lake-Town, I have a meeting with Bard, you can come with me if you like." He offered. "Yeah sure."

Suddenly, in the few seconds of silence my stomach rumbled...loudly. I felt myself go bright red, I looked up to Kili who had a small grin on his face.
"Sorry, im just hungry." I awkwardly chuckled.
Without hesitation Kili handed me the bread in his hand. "Here, you have it." He held it out to me.

"Oh no," I shook my head whilst pushing it away "It's yours, you have it."
"Your hungry, it's yours." He shoved the bread into my hand and walked past me. "I'll get the ponies ready, meet me by the gates in 20." He called back to me. I watched as he turned the corner, I could hear the heavy footsteps of his boots as he walked down the stairs.

As I bit into the soft bread I shivered. God it's cold. I was only wearing a skirt and tunic so my arms and legs were bare, I needed to change into something warmer. I turned around to walk into our chamber as Balin came out his chamber. "Morning, lassie." Balin bowed his head. "Good morning Master Balin." I returned the bow. Balin smiled before excusing himself and making his way downstairs.

I opened my chamber door and went inside. I rummaged through my drawers to try and find some warmer clothes. I managed to find something a little less revealing so it may keep me a bit warmer, nothing a good old cape can't do.

(Y/N)'s outfit:

I put on some black tights under my outfit and slid on of my boots, which were snug and had wool inside of them

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I put on some black tights under my outfit and slid on of my boots, which were snug and had wool inside of them. I also threw on one of my black capes, I even managed to find a pair of fingerless gloves which kept my hands nice and warm.
I looked at myself in the mirror and tilted my head.

Something doesn't seem right. I looked over to my vanity where there was a dark green ribbon. I found it when i first came back, found it wrapped around Kili's hair to keep his hair off his face. I must have left it behind. I picked it off the vanity and tied a bow at the back of my head so my hair was a half up, half down, sort of look. There. That's better. I picked up my messenger bag which only had a few bits and bobs that I didn't really need but I took it with me anyway. I figured I would buy some stuff in Lake-Town with the new market up and running.

I made my way towards the end teenage of the mountain until Ori and I crossed paths. "Good morning (Y/N)." Said Ori. He held his hands in front of him and smiled with small innocent eyes.
"Good morning Ori. Any plans for today?"
"Well, i'm supposed to train with Nori but I...can't seem to find him." Ori looked around him with his slingshot in hand. "Oh well I do hope you find him soon. I'm going to Lake-Town with Kili, I shall see you later?"

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