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We were riding up the mountain, I was holding onto Kili so I wouldn't fall back as it was a very long drop to the battle below. We managed to go around the orcs so we didn't have to do much fighting on the way up into the occasional orcs that came up here to try and search for other soldiers.
My nose was bright pink from the winter air nipping at my nose, my hands felt stiff and I hugged Kili to try and warm myself up just a bit more by his thick clothes.

We finally made it to the top to be greeted by more orcs. Thorin, Dwalin, Fili and Kili swung their swords killing the orcs in their path. I wanted to help but the only thing I could do was hold on from the back of the mountain goat. I ducked as our goat rammed into a pile of orcs knocking them over like dominoes.

There were ruins of towers and buildings all around us. Snow had settled on the stone and the lake, which I saw on the way up, had been frozen into thick ice. It was totally abandoned and just ruins of rubble and ice. I couldn't help but wonder what all those years ago caused this place to crumble. Another war? Or what as it just abandoned to the fate of time?

There were only a few orcs left so we decided to jump of the goats and fight. The orcs up here had a lot more armour on them and better weapons, making it much harder to fight them which confirmed that Azog was up here. I amazed myself as all the new moves I was pulling out. It was pretty gruesome but I managed to cut the arms off the orc and finished his off by slicing his head off. I panted as I starred down at the body lying at my feet. It's body was lying on my foot so I kicked it off and cringed as the blood left on my boot.

Another orc snuck up behind me from inside the arc of the building and growled, at the last second when my ears perked at the sound I spun around and let out a loud gasp. It's sword was brought down and just inches from my face. I brought my sword up and stopped the sword from hitting me, blocking it whilst going horizontal to its vertical sword. I let out a little cry when the orc pushed his sword down harder. I held onto my sword on the handle and the blade.

I could feel the blade slicing into my hand, I cried when the blade cut through flesh. Sweat formed on my face as I slowly pushed up my sword forward with every drop of energy left in me. Everyone else was busy and couldn't help me, my eyes scattered around me to try and figure out what to do. The orc pressed down even harder and I almost slipped. I put my foot back and stood firmly onto the ground so I wouldn't slip but this orc was nearly double my size and about triple my own strength.

I was getting weaker until I looked down at the orcs knee. An idea appeared in my head. Whilst still pushing up my sword I got my leg and smashed it onto the orcs knee. I heard it's knee snap, most likely breaking it, and I cried as it brought its sword down, off of mine. Before it could get back up I sliced it across his chest which finally killed him.

We had finally killed all the orcs and we all turned to the tower Azog once stood...but he was gone. The tower was empty and all the weapons were left behind. Something didn't feel right. "Where is he?" Kili said from behind me "It looks empty. I think Azog has fled-"

"No," Thorin cut in "I don't think so." Thorin turned around to us whilst shaking his head. "Fili, take your brother. Scout out the towers. Keep low and out of sight. If you see something, report back." The two brothers looked up at their uncle, unsure. They both gulped at the same time before nodding and walking off. Kili shared a quick glance with me before he was out of sight.

"We have company." Dwalin walked over to us.
I heard a distance screech before loads of goblins climbed over the wall. I gulped at the amount of them for only three people to handle. "Goblin mercenaries. No more than 100." Dwalin said. I gripped my sword in my hand as I got into a fighting stance. The goblins came running towards us. I took my first swing and luckily it was enough to knock it down. 1 down, 99 to go. Wish me luck.

A Journey I'll Always Remember (Kili x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now