Receiving A Letter

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Three Weeks later:

"Good morning (Y/N)!"
"Good morning Mr Shanley." Mr Shanley was the postman, he delivers letters and parcels to and from all across the world. I was leaning on the gates in front of my hole waiting for the morning post. Mr Shanley was digging around in his satchel with big curls and rosy cheeks. "Have you got anything for me today, or is it all boring letters for my father?" I asked smiling.

"Actually," He pulled something out his satchel, I perked up "I do have a letter from you. All the way from the Lonley Mountain?" He said like he was unsure of the place. I gasped and accidentally snatched the letter out his hands. "Thank you!" I said whilst running up the steps, I opened the door 
"Don't you want-" I cut off Mr Shanley by shutting the door. I didn't mean to seem rude but i'm too excited. I know exactly who this was from. "(Y/N)? Was that Mr Shanley?" Bilbo asked as I ran past him. "Yep!"

"What did he bring today?" He called after me as I ran straight to my room "I don't know." I called back before shutting the door behind me followed by the grunt of Bilbo from outside and I could tell he rolled his eyes with hands on hips and a tapping right foot. The letter was folded up and sealed by a golden tab. Carefully, I ripped open the letter and was met with a page of neatly written handwriting.

My dearest (Y/N),

I'm terribly sorry it has taken me so long to write, it has been very busy here in Erebor with all the new refurbishments within the mountain. I hope you and Bilbo are well and are happy to be back in the comforts of your home, you helped me get mine back by leaving your own and I admire you for that.

We have also begun the re-building of Lake-Town, we haven't accomplished much yet apart from have a few meeting with Lake-Towns new master, Bard. Dain and a few of his men have been staying in the kingdom until after the Thorin and Fili's funeral. I miss them both very much but i'm trying my hardest to not remember it. And I miss you, I can't wait until you come back to Erebor.

Aside from everything else you'd be interested to know that there have been some sparks have lit between Bofur and a women from Lake-Town. I think her name is Cathleen. Her and Bofur are around the same age, well I assume, and it is hilarious to watch Bofur flirt with her. When you come back you will definitely need to sit him down and help him, his attempts of charming her have been questionable.

And I know it is short notice but we have decided to change the date of the funeral and push it forward, Dain must return to his kingdom very soon and our wedding, so the funeral will take place in only a month. I know the journey will take a few weeks so I wanted to inform you as soon as possible.

I cant wait to see you again so I hope we meet again very soon. I'm going to finish of this letter and continue with my boring duties, try not to miss me too much.
Love you,

From your fiancé, Kili. 

I smiled as I finished the letter. I folded it back up and gently placed it in my bedside table drawer.
"I should write him one back." I said to myself.
I walked over to my desk and rummaged through my drawers searching for paper, but I was unsuccessful. I groaned whilst closing my drawer.
Where can I get some paper in this hobbit hole?
Bilbo might have some, he's started writing a book lately. He won't tell me what it's about and he won't let me read it until it's finished. Maybe I sneak into his office and steal some paper, one piece wont make a difference.

Hey Guys!
I know that Bilbo doesn't write his book until Lord of the Rings but I thought it would just be a nice thing to add.

Bilbo was by the fireplace in the living room. He was sitting on his armchair so his back was to the hallway. I could hear the crackling of the fire and Bilbo sipping on his tea, just how I know he likes most.

I managed to tiptoe past the living room and the rest of the journey was easy. I recognise every creak of the floorboards in this house. I made it to his office. His desk was filled with pieces of paper. Jackpot. And he had an extra quill.
I checked each paper until I finally found an empty page. I also grabbed one of his feather quills whilst I was at it.

I was about to turn around and walk out until I heard a cough. "Ehem." Bilbo coughed. He stood by the door with his arms crossed with thinned lips. I opened my mouth but didn't speak. Bilbo told me that I was not allowed into his office, he thinks I would read what he has been writing. Which is what it looks like. He put out his hand as if to tell me to explain myself.

"Im sorry. I just need a bit of paper to reply to Kili's letter that he sent me. Please can I have just one piece?" I pouted jokingly. "Kili wrote to you?"
"What did he say?" He asked. "He was just checking up on me and telling me that the funeral will be held in a month, they've moved it so that gives us time to arrive. Oh! And you'll never believe what's happening with Bofur-"
"A month!?" He exclaimed. "Well, yes. Everything's been pushed forward because of the wedding." I smiled at the last word.

"Your really excited about the wedding aren't you (Y/N)?" He smiled whilst looking at the ground.
"Well of course! I'm mean it's Kili, Father. I'm going to be spending the rest of my life with him."
Bilbo winched at the last part. I just realised how hard this is for him. We have spent every day of my life together and now i'm getting marrried. He's going to give me away and watch me as I leave and live my life. I hate the feeling of leaving home and leaving Bilbo.

"I know this will be hard, Father," I hugged him gently "But i'm getting older and now i'm going on to do great things. I will always come to visit you, I will always write you letters and you can always come to visit. Plus, i'm not going just yet. We still have a long time to spend before the wedding."

Bilbo sighed and look back up at me "I suppose your right. I'm glad you've found Kili, he is a good man and I see how the two of you look at each other. You truly love each other, and I don't want to hold you back from that."
"Thank you. I love you."

"Love you too (Y/N).You'll always be my little girl." He ruffled my hair but I shooed him off. "I better go back write to him. Can I take this paper and quill? Ive got inc."
"Yes, of course. We will leave on Monday for Erebor and will hopefully arrive with some time before the funeral."
"Okay!" I walked out the office, past the dining room, past the living room and back into my room. I sat down at my desk and began my letter.

Dearest Kili...

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