Decisions And Caught

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It was the next day since the aftermath of Smaug. After our reunion with the rest of the company we decided to have the remaining food we carried on our journey and get some sleep. Thorin would have us searching every crevice of the mountain to find the Arkenstone so we would need the rest we've not had in days.

Dawn is finally upon us. The light shining through the cracks in the shattered wall by the gates woke me up. Were sleeping out the front until we determine what over rooms in the mountain have strong enough walls to not crush us, the dragon has practically torn down this whole place. I shielded my eyes and rolled onto my stomach to block out the sun. I was still exhausted but that is something we have had to deal with all through this quest.

I felt an arm wrap around me and pull me closer to whoever the arm belonged too. I had a hint as to who's it was. "Good morning." I could hear the grin on Kili's face as he spoke as he knows how grumpy I can be when I'm woken up by anything besides myself. I mumbled him a response which made him chuckle. I could feel the chuckle from his chest quickly rising and falling which my head was laying on.

Once I had fully woken up I sat up, ruffled my hair away from my face and looked around me to see that the company had gone, most likely to assist Thorin in finding the stone. I frowned at the memories of yesterday, what we saw from the stairs above the sea of gold, as we saw an illness take over Thorin. "Still no Thorin I see."

I heard Kili sigh from behind me. "Nope," He paused "I do worry about him. I fear this sickness will drive him mad like it did my great-grandfather, Thror." I turned to him, he was on the floor and had propped himself up using his elbows looking up at me. "He'll be fine, we will make sure of it," I bent down and kissed his head "I promise."

He looked at me with innocent eyes and a small smile. "What is it?" I giggled. He waited a moment before answering. "I love you."
"As you have made very clear." I said as I grabbed his left cheek and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. The kiss was long which made butterflies flutter in my stomach. I pulled away from his chest.

"Come on, Thorin will be furious if we don't help search for the Arkenstone." I said. Kili groaned.
"I was hoping we could stay here for a bit." He pulled me down and onto his chest with a mischievous smirk across his face. I giggled and rolled my eyes. "Come on, Kili. Get up." We laughed when I planted my hand on his face which was inches from mine and pushed his lips away from mine. "Oh alright." I grabbed his hand and pulled him up.


We walked through the halls of the mountain, taking the long way around, our laughter echoed throughout the halls. We stopped walking when we heard a familiar voice from afar. "You will not rest until it is found!" Thorin barked. The hall that they were in was still a long way away yet we were able to hear him loud and clear.
Me and Kili looked at each other and we had the same disappointed look. We sighed. He squeezed my hand tighter and we continued walked until we reach the others.

"Find it!" Thorin snapped at the complaining dwarves. We had come up behind Thorin who was on the stairs looking down at the company searching for the jewel. He had his back turned to us so we got quite a fright when he sensed us.
"(Y/N). Kili. Search. Now." Thorin growled "You two already decided that it was okay to sleep in."
We didn't move, we just stared at him. He wasn't happy. "I said look for it!" He spun around and stared at us with fiery eyes. "Okay." I said calmly whilst making my way down the steps to the gold.


It has been hours now and still no one has found the Arkenstone. Thorin had stormed off long ago but yet we continued to look to try and satisfy the blinded by riches King. My back was sore from bending down so much, everyone as well as myself were all miserable. This sickness has taken over Thorin and we were the ones that had to suffer because of it.

"I've had enough," Dwalin said "I'm going."
Dwalin stormed out. All of the dwarves followed him one by one until it was only Kili, Fili, Bilbo and I. "Do we keep on looking?" Bilbo asked.
I shrugged. "Look," Fili said "I know our uncle is struggling right now, but why should we bother if he hasn't lifted a finger to help?" He wasn't wrong.
"I suppose your right." I said.

"Others will look to the mountain, we don't have time to look for a jewel that could possibly consume Thorin, we have to prepare for whatever battles are ahead." Kili said and he did have a point. Other kins across Middle-Earth and beyond will look to the mountain and it's riches. There is no way Thorin will reason with them which will most likely lead to war. We have to prepare, not look for the Arkenstone that will make Thorin sicker.

"Your right. Let's go." Fili said whilst walking off with his brother. I looked back and Bilbo and he looked guilty and lost in his own debating thoughts. "Father? What's wrong?" Bilbo looked at me, he opened to mouth to say something but didn't speak. He's holding back. He's hiding something from me. "What are you hiding, Father?"

"Okay fine!" Bilbo burst as he threw his arms into the air "I took the jewel! I found it when the dragon woke. He told me that he almost wanted me to take it, said how he would like to see Thorin to be driven man like his Grandfather. I have been debating if I should give it to him, he will go mad if he doesn't have it yet he will be even more driven if he does get it! I- I just don't know what to do."

Well. That was a lot to take in. "Okay," I hate to say this but I have to "I'm sorry Father but this is a decision that has to be made by you. Not me."
I felt bad leaving such a big decision to himself but it is something he must do on his own. I know he will make the right decision, I believe him. Bilbo looked stressed and overwhelmed as he played with his dungaree, I could see the cogs turning in his brain.

"Just think what is best for not only Thorin, but the lives of others. I know you will make the right decision, I wish you luck." I gave a little wave before walking out the hall, leaving him by himself practically drowning in the mountains riches.


Bilbo is still yet to come up with a decision, until then Bilbo hasn't left Thorin's side. I feel Bilbo is the only person Thorin respects, this may help him come up with a decision. But during the short time we weren't searching, I wanted to be alone with my own thoughts. "Hey." Kili had found me sitting in a dark, gloomy corridor deep in the mountain where no dwarf has found yet, i'm not even sure how I found this place myself.

"Oh, hey." I said. He sat down on the cold floor next to me. "What are you doing all the way down here?" He asked. "I could ask you the same."
"Had to get away from my uncle. He lashed out at Balin." My face fell. "Oh."
"Balin says he is under the curse of dragon sickness, no one knows if there is a cure or if it ever passes by." Kili pulled his knees up and picked at the lint on his trousers, clearly upset.

"It'll be okay. He's in a dark place but he'll come back out," I grabbed his hand "I know he will."
Kili looked down at our entwined hands and smiled.
"No problem." I looked at him and smiled. I leaned over to Kili and softly kissed his lips, so soft it may not even count as a kiss but I wanted him to know that i'm here.

He pulled me closer and slightly deepened the kiss, like he's hearing me. I brushed my fingers through his hair and then held onto his jacket, pulling his closer to me. We continued to kiss, I was practically ontop of him, almost straddling him.
We eventually had to part for air. He still held my face and knocked our foreheads together and stared into my eyes. We didn't have to say anything.

"Ehem." Someone coughed. Bilbo. Before me and Kili separated I could see pink blooming on Kili's face as he knew my father had caught us in the act.
"Father." I said awkwardly as I slowly rolled off Kilis lap, unfortunately there was no hiding what he just saw. Kili was rubbing the back of his neck still red. "I'm sorry to...interrupt," he looked between the two of us with a layer of horror behind his eyes "but Thorin told everyone to meet at the gate."

"Y-Yes, okay." I said. "Okayy." Bilbo had thin lips, he rocked back and forth of the heels of his feet. He looked embarrassed yet angry, protective. But then again, very disturbed. We all sat there just staring at each other awkwardly, the tension was so thick not even an elvish sword could pierce it.
"Well we-" Bilbo pointed behind him. "Oh! Yes, of course! Come on Kili." I stood and pulled Kili up.
Still in silence we all walked through the mountain up to the gates, where we met with the rest of the company. Oh boy.

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