Lake-Town has fallen

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Me and Kili are standing at the door, listening to the roaring of the dragon. I crossed my arms over my chest and rested my head on Kili's shoulder, the strength of the wind building as the dragon flew over the village. "What are we going to do? The dragon will burn down the town." I felt numb, knowing that there is no escape from this nightmare. I heard Kili sigh "I don't know." is all he could say. He couldn't even lie to me.

I could see the town people below. Some planned their escape, some hid their children but some have accepted it and watched the shadow of the dragon fly through the late night sky. Everyone is terrified but there is no where to go for them, so all they can do it wait until the dragon reaches them and it is heartbreaking to watch.

"We must leave." Tauriel was gathering the children inside. Kili limped into the house. "We aren't leaving without our father." Bain tried to reason with the elf, but she was having none of it. "If you stay here, your sisters will die. Is that what your father would want?" Bain didn't say anything else, how could a teenager boy answer a question like that.


Tauriel had brought us down to the docks where we found an abandoned boat. "Everyone get on."
She stood with one foot up on a wood stump, like a leader, as we all passed and hopped onto the boat. Fili reached out his hand and helped me get on, I tried to keep my balance when the boat rocked. I could hear the screaming of the people and the dragon flying above us yet it wasn't in our view yet.

We sailed through the village and watched as the dragon skimmed the roofs of the buildings. Bofur and Fili were rowing the boat, the children held onto each other, Tauriel was at the head of the boat and Kili and I were huddled into each other, shaking in the cold winter night.

I could see the dragon in the sky. It had teeth as sharp as swords and claws like spears. It's wings like a hurricane, they were powerful and it's body was covered with strong, protective scales. It was my worst nightmare. Smaugs stomach glowed an orange colour, that can only mean one thing. It soared down toward the village and breathed fire to the buildings too close to us. Kili covered my head as I ducked into his chest. I could feel a wave of heat hit my face. Luckily the fire had missed us but the wooden buildings around us were up in flames. I could feel sweat building on my forehead and drops of sweat falling.

I watched in horror, people were on fire, screaming, crying and dying. This is a day that would scar me for the rest of my life. So much death in one hour, and two of them will be me and the dwarf I just told I love. There was a pit in my stomach. What about the other dwarves in the mountain? What happened with Bilbo? Will I see my father ever again?

The dragon kept on flying down to us and breathing fire, he used his powerful wings to fan the fire making it spread quicker. "Watch out!" Our boat rammed into a larger boat. The masters. His boat was overflowing with gold, some fell into the water.
"My gold! My gold!" I can't believe we trusted this man. He cares more about gold than the life of his villagers. "We're carrying too much weight! We have to dump something." Alfrid advised whilst the master's guards were trying to push off our boat.
"Quite right, Alfrid."

I looked up at the master on his boat. He looked at Alfrid and pushed him off the boat and into the water. He yelled as he fell into the ice cold water. What a selfish man. My jaw dropped as the master sailed away, leaving Alfrid in the water. We could only carry on.


The whole village was in flames and Lake-Town had nearly fallen to the ground. We came out from under a bridge and was cautious as we were in plain sight to Smaug, the dragon. "Da!" Sigrid pointed to Bard who was at the bell tower with a bow and arrows. "Da!" Tilda was waving her arms but there was no way he could hear or see us.

He released his third arrow and it hit the dragons side. "He hit the dragon! He hit it, I saw it!" Kili turned to Tauriel thinking Bard pierced the dragon.
"No. His arrows cannot pierce it's hide, I fear nothing will." She turned back in disappointment and tried to lead us out of Lake-Town. He can't be killed.

"Bain! No!" Bain jumped out boat, I tried to grab him but I missed. Everyone tried to grab him but he was out and running. "We cannot go back." Tauriel just accepted it and turned back, she showed no emotion whilst Sigrid and Tilda were screaming for their brother. I was furious, I was about to turn to Tauriel and yell at her for not caring that Bain has run off but I stopped myself, we can't go turning on each other at the worst moment.

We ducked as planks of wood nearly fell onto us but luckily they crashed into the water beside us. We were out of sight of the bell tower so we could no longer see Bard but I could hear Smaug snarling and roaring. We could only sail, see what happens and try not to die. Easy right?


The boat rocked, nearly capsizing as a roaring scream from the sky by the clock tower. We all turned our heads to see the dragon fall from the sky and his body disappeared into the water, never to be seen again. Everything went silent. Waves from the impact of the dead dragon flew out into the open water and our boat slightly rocked from the ripples.

I sucked in a breath as we all turned to it. "The dragon is dead!" A village ran cheered from the dock aside from us, the remainder of villages erupted into a victorious cheer and id never felt more relieved in my entire left.

"Yes!" All of us on the boat spun to each other and beamed, the girls shrieking and clutching onto each others arms. "The dragon is dead!" I turned to Kili and jumped into his arms. He slightly fell back but held himself up. He wrapped an arm around my back, the remaining villagers cheered and we sailed out to land outside the town where the aftermath of the dragon awaits. Smaug is dead. But at what cost?

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