The Beast has woken

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Bofur had brought us back to Bards, the house is quiet and it seems so one in home. Kili is still limping along and suppressing his screams. "Are you sure this will work?" Fili turned to Bofur.
"It's the only place I can think of. " Bofur led us up the stairs leading up to the front door.

I encouraged Kili every now and then to take the next step when he was struggling "Just one more." and we finally made it too the top. Bofur knocked on the door. It was a while until someone opened the door, Bard. "No. I'm done with Dwarves. Go away." Before Bard shut the door Bofur threw himself in the gap.

"No one will help us," Bofur pleaded "Kili's sick."
Bofur moved out the way to reveal the sick dwarf in my arms. It can not be said in words but he looked different, worse. My heart is slowly breaking for him, it is getting harder and harder to stay calm for us. Bards eyebrows pulled together and looked at Kili. "Fine."


We laid Kili down on a bed in the corner of the room. He was moaning and growling as the pain grew even worse. "What are we going to do?" I cried, i'm beginning to break down, his temperature was rising at a rapid speed yet he was shivering in a cold sweat, he looked around the room with dilated pupils and he practically was spinning to match his dizzy head. I've never seen something this sick before, i've never even heard of it.

"We'll need herbs," Bofur inspected his leg, cringing at the wound "Something to bring down his fever."
"I have nightshade and feverfew." Bard was behind us searching through the jars on his desk that I had spotted earlier. "They're no use to me. Do you have any kingsfoil?"
"No, it's a weed. We feed it to the pigs." "Pigs? Weed. Right." Bofur sprinted out the door.
"Wait- Bofur you can't leave us!" I called out for him but he had already run off. I turned back to Kili. He threw his head back and arched his back, he's hysterical. "Oh God! Make it stop! Make it stop!" He screamed.

His cries for help make a tear stream down my cheek, I grabbed his face and made him look at me.
"Kili, your going to be fine. Bofur's gone to get something that will help you but until then you have to hold on!" His chest was rising and falling, he looked me in the eyes and nodded. I looked at his brother but we shared the same look, we were terrified that he won't make it. All because of a fucking orc.

I rubbed my thumb across Kili's cheek whilst he was still squirming. We all shot our heads to each other when the floor suddenly shook and dust fell from the roof. I turned to Bard as he turned to his children. "Da?" The older one grabbed onto her sister. Bain walked over to the window and looked out of it "It's coming from the mountain." That can only mean one thing. "The dragon." I whispered to myself in horror. "What?" Bain called from the kitchen. "A fire-breathing dragon lives beneath the mountain," I continued "I fear only the worst...we have woken the beast."


"You should leave us," Fili stepped away from the bed and over to Bard who was deep in thought. "Take your children and get out of here."
"And go where? There is nowhere to go." It made me sick to my stomach, the town will be destroyed, people will die...we will die.

"Are we going to die, Da?" The younger one pulled away from her sister and stepped forward. I could never imagine the pain of having to tell a child that there is a good chance we will die. "No darling." Bards eyes softened. "The dragon, it's going to kill us." She ignored her father and brought a trembling hand to her mouth.

Bard looked up to the ceiling and pulled out a black arrow , hidden, in a net attached to the ceiling. He had determination written all over his face. "Not if I have anything to do with it."
"What are you going to do, Da?" A moment of suspension. "I'm going to kill it first."

Hey guys!
Im sorry that these chapters are rather small. Like I said before I am going to be on and off the movie script and switching a few things us and possibly including some extra chapters of my own. I really hope you are enjoying this story so far.
Thanks for reading!
Until next time!

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