Caught In A Web

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I had finally re-gained conciseness. A thick coat of web held me in the air. It was quiet. Too quiet.
I gasped when I looked next to me to find one of the dwarves, head to toe wrapped in webs. I tried to wriggle free but the web was too strong. "Hey!" I whispered "Anyone?" No one else seemed to be conscious yet. But at least we were all back together.

I grunted whilst trying to rip the web but I gasped when I saw a spider below me pull Bilbo, who was also tangled in spider webs. I held my breath when a spider skimmed me as it fell with a string of web coming out it's abdomen, swiftly with no noise.
My eyes slammed shut and prayed it would leave, I was shaking with fear and a drop of sweat formed on my forehead.

I heard shrieking of a spider from below me. I saw through the gap of the webs when Bilbo stabbed his sword into the spider. It crumpled into a little ball and fell towards to the floor. I heard the thump when the spider met the ground which was a long way as the sound was solid but distant. It only made me pray more that I wouldn't fall. He ripped the web off him and looked up in horror to whatever nightmare was above me, I didn't even want to imagine what he saw.

My face twisted into confusion when Bilbo pulled something out of his pocket with a trembling hand, starring at with longing but hatred for the tiny gold ring. Where did he get that from? He hesitated from placing it on his finger but when he finally did he- What! He disappeared! My eyes bulged when there wasn't a trace of him. I wasnt sure if it is these woods or the blood rushing to my head but Bilbo just disappeared. This place is really messing with my head.

All of the spiders ran off when there was a noise far from me. Was that Bilbo? I couldn't turn my body but I could hear clanging of a sword and another spider shriek. Once I was sure that the coast was clear I called out. "Father!"
"(Y/N)? Where are you!"
"I'm over here!" Bilbo followed my voice, appeared out of nowhere and found me hanging upside down. Well that's a conversation for later.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" He grabbed onto the web around me. "Yes, yes i'm fine just get me down. I hate spiders." He laughed. "If they expect me to gently place them outside next time, they've got another thing coming." He gently cut the web by my head and my feet. Luckily there was a blanket of web near the floor so I didn't have a hard fall, I gently fell onto the floor.

All around me dwarves fell from the trees still in their webs, luckily they had woken. With shaky breath I ripped the web off from my body. I still had bits stuck in my hair and on my tunic but it didn't bother me so I left it. "Is everyone okay?" Thorin has ripped himself out and he was standing up.
"Yeah." Everyone called at once.

"Where's Bilbo?" Nori called."I'm up here-" he cut off and screamed. I looked up and saw a huge spider jump onto him. He dug his sword into the creature, when it fell it took Bilbo with it.
I was about to yell something but I could hear the scurrying of spiders behind us. "Run! All of you, move!"

We didn't waste any time as we all grabbed our weapons and ran. The spiders easily caught up with us, we were forced to fight them. I fought through the horror and was able to knock down a few. A spider had thrown itself on-top of Bombur. He grabbed its fangs and prided its mouth shut whilst eight of the dwarves ran over and grabbed a leg each. With enough strength they were able to rip the legs from the body with some gruesome sounds to follow.

I shot my head over my shoulder and sucked in a breathe when another wave of spiders came. As much as we knew more would come we still gave it our all and fought. "Ahh!" I shot my head around. A spider had Kili wrapped in its eight legs. "Get down!" I yelled.
I jumped onto a rock which gave a leg up to dive into the spider. Just in time Kili ducked and I dug my sword into the back of the spiders skull. It shrieked and fell back and died.

Thorin was about to swing his sword until we saw movement in the trees.  A young elf with long blond hair ran from branch to branch. His hair flowed past his shoulder and he had two small braids on either side of his hair, they were nearly hidden in his hair but I could just about see them and his eyes were blue, almost grey.

He jumped into the floor with his bow in hand and slid under a branch and reached over his shoulder and loaded his bow with an elvish arrow. In a swift movement he jumped off the dirt and aimed his bow at Thorin's head. All around us elves appeared from behind trees and aimed their loaded bows at each one of us, one aiming at my chest where my heart rests. Any stupid moments and they would shoot us between the eyes. "Don't think I won't kill you, Dwarf. It would be my pleasure." Out of no where even more elves appeared with loaded bows.

"Help! Help!" I heard Kili yell in the distance. "Kili!" Fili and I yelled at the same time, our heads darting to Kilis direction. His foot was stuck in the spiders fangs and it was dragging him away, he struggled to get free but he was slipping away too quickly, just like I was earlier in the forest. I tried to run over but an elf pulled back his bowstring further. If I move he will kill me.
"Please! I need to help him!" He stared at me with envy.

Behind the elves shoulder I saw a red headed girl elf shoot the spider holding Kili. Her hair was a beautiful shade of dark red, she was tall and elegant, her legs were long and her eyes were a shade of jade green. She was stunning and I didn't like how it made me feel. "Throw me a dagger! Quick!" Kili pleaded the elf to throw him a dagger but she refused when another spider was approaching. "If you think i'm going to give you a dagger, dwarf, you highly mistaken." She grunted as she stabbed another spider.

This is probably going to get me shot but i'm gonna give it a go. As soon as the elf aiming its bow at me dropped concentration I ducked under his arm and ran past the elf, grabbed my dagger and ran towards Kili. I could hear the commotion behind me but i'll pay for that later. "Don't shoot her!" Thorin barked at the elves, no concern for himself at that moment. Once I was close enough I brought back my arm through the dagger as hard as I could and sent it soaring through the air piercing the spider deep in the eye. Kili shot his head and looked at me with amazement.

I was about to smile at him before the she-elf came up behind me and grabbed my forearm. "I had it under control." She hissed at me. "Clearly not, considering you almost left him to be killed." I tugged my arm out of her grip, I gritted my teeth on the "killed" but she easily regained grasp of my arm so I decided to stay calm. Who does she think she is?

She tugged me over to the blond elf and began speaking to the blonde elf in elvish as Kili was being searched by and elf behind me. I could hear the sounds of swords and daggers being taken off him. The blonde elf looked down at Thorin before barking an order in elvish. The elves grabbed us and took us somewhere which i'm guessing is their leader.

"Where's Bilbo?" I heard Bofur whisper to Thorin before he was taken away. Bilbo. "Move." The she-elf barked as she nudged me forwards, I shot her a look over my shoulder before turning back to follow the other. So these are the elves. Great.

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