Back To The Lonely Mountain

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4 Days Later...

We have just made it out the other side of Mirkwood and i've discovered that there's nothing better than when the crisp winter air meets you and it nips at your nose. We are now by the lake and following our steps from months ago, it all seemed to familiar. Mirkwood wasn't the worst, yes we did feel awful and yes it took us days to get out but we finally made it.

As before, a lake stands between us and that mountain. I don't know how we are going to get around it without a boat or anything. "We should let the ponies free, we won't be able to bring them with us." I said. "Your right. Here, let's get off now." Bilbo said whilst jumping off his pony.

He unloaded his many bags, you could tell by the look on his face that at this point he regrets bringing so much. I got off and also unloaded my bags. I still had a lot but it was only a few bags, if I strap my weapons to myself I'll be able to carry everything. I could hear the whining and mumbling of Bilbo, he was not happy about this.

I rubbed my ponies snout one more time before I had to part from her and let her go. The ponies ran off and we were alone. At least we thought. Through the fog of the lake I could see a barge approaching us.

"(Y/N)" Bilbo said with a scared tone for the unknown man. The person was wearing a hood, which was attached to an old, brown coat, so we couldn't see his face. I grabbed my dagger and backed up, with Bilbo behind me. We hid behind a tree, from behind the large oak trunk we could see the man anchor his boat, tie a few ropes and jump off the barge.

I let out a slight gasp when I stepped on a twig and the man shot his head around to my direction. A blanket of fog wrapped around us and we could only see a few feet in front of us. "Who is there? Come out!" I recognise that voice. I put my dagger away and stepped out from behind the tree.

"(Y/N)!" Bilbo whispered, he tried to grab me but he didn't want to reveal himself. I stepped into view and the man pulled out a sword and pointed it just under my chin, inches away from my neck. I looked down from the sword and trailed up to his face. With slight hesitation I spoke, I could feel the blade poking my voice box as I spoke.

"Bard?" I brought my fingers up to the tip of the blade and moved it away from my neck. The man slowly took off his hood and it was in fact Bard. He looked the same, a few new grey hairs but other than that he looked amazing.

His eyes softened and he put his sword away. "(Y/N)? Is that you?"
"Yes, it's me. My Father is also here." I signalled Bilbo to come out. He shuffled out from behind the tree and gave a small wave. "Bilbo." Bard said whilst bowing his head.

"What are you doing all the way out here?" I asked "Don't you have important meetings, y'know being the new master and all." I playfully nudged him and he slightly chuckled. "Well I was uh..." He pointed back to his hard which was full of meat "Hunting for food, the town is running a bit low. I was heading back but I saw movement from my boat, well you, and I though I would check it out."

"What about the dwarves, did they not give you food?" I asked as the dwarves promised to provide aid whilst recovering from the aftermath of the war.
"They did, many times, but we refused. They have done enough for us, they are helping to rebuild Lake-Town, we will get our own food."

"That's nice. Hey, Bard?" I asked. "Yes?" He said whilst putting his sword down in his barge before stepping back out of it. "Do you think you could take my father and I across the lake and to the mountain, it would save us days of travelling?"
Bard smiled. "Of course, anything for a friend. Kili has not stopped talking about you in our meetings, he is very excited for you for arrival, as is everyone else."

"Thank you, I am too very excited to see him. This is helping us out a lot, we owe you." I thanked with a slight bow of my head. "Nonsense, you don't need to owe me anything. I'm just helping out my friends." He said looking over my shoulder to Bilbo. "Now," he continued "Let's go, we will be there in less than an hour, we are not far. I shall take you straight to the mountain, you can visit Lake-Town whenever you are ready."

A Journey I'll Always Remember (Kili x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now