The Aftermath Of The Dragon

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"My baby!" Screams. "Where's my Mama!" Lost families."Help me!" Cries of help. People of Lake-Town were dragging their own family members out of the lake, whilst some still searching. People were crying and screaming as they held the corpse of their family and friends in their arms. There was so much death around us.

"This is awful." I said. Bofur, Fili, Kili and I were standing on the sand in the middle of this disaster.
"I know." Kili was next to me with an arm around my shoulder, pulling me toward him. "Da! Da!?"
Tilda and Sigrid were calling for Bard, no one knows where he is and that makes me feel sick to my stomach.

Sigrid fell onto her knees with a crying Tilda in her arms. I crouched down to somewhat their level, considering I didn't have to crouch down that much.
"Hey! Hey, it's all going to be fine, we are going to find him." I tried to calm the two girls down but tears pricked at my eyes. I could never begin think of the pain they are feeling right now. In fact, I do, my father was in that mountain with the dragon and I have no idea if he's alive. "But what if we don't find him?" Sigrid whispered.

I didn't have an answer for her. Bard could be dead, it is something I never wish to say but it is true. So many lives were lost today who's to say we haven't lost another? I gave her a reassuring soft smile, gulped and returned to the dwarves the guilt of not being able to comfort them more was overwhelming. And the guilt that my company was the cause for all of this was unbearable.

"We have to get to the mountain," I turned my head across the lake "I have to know they're okay." I hugged myself as the cold breeze brushed past me. "I think I saw an abandoned boat somewhere along the shore," Fili said "Bofur, Kili, come help me get it into the water. (Y/N), you stay here and help the town people, we will come get you before we leave."

Bofur, Kili and Fili walked away as I watched them, until I felt someone behind me. It was Tauriel.
"Tauriel." I stiffened as we have never really liked each other or spoken before. "(Y/N)." She sighed.
We both stood there, anyone could sense the tension and awkwardness between us.

"Thank you. For getting us out of there." I said, trying to start the conversation we should have had long ago. "It's fine. I just, I wouldn't want anything to happen to..." she drifted off whilst looking over my shoulder to where Kili used to stand.
"To Kili." I finished for her. She looked down to her feet and bit her lips. Ive said it once before, I know she is hurt that she is not who she loves, it's me.

She's the other woman.

"Look, I know how you feel about Kili, and I'm sorry that he doesn't feel the same," I had to say it as much as it broke her to hear "But this," I gestured between us "We can not continue to dislike each other, not now. Death will keep on following us."
"I suppose your right. I just..." her voice broke as tears formed "I just wish I wasn't the other women."
My eyebrows pulled together and my heart ached for her.

"(Y/N)!" Kili was calling me, they had found a boat and now he has come to get me. I looked back at Tauriel who was looking at Kili. "I must go."
"Yes." She stepped back and pulled herself back together. "Goodbye Tauriel. I wish you all the luck in the world." I turned to Kili and followed his too the boat.

"Is everything okay?" Kili held my hand as we walked away. Tauriel stood there watching us, a tear falling down her right cheek, she quickly wiped the tear before anyone saw. "Yes, everything's fine."
Bofur and Fili had hoped into the boat and were ready to leave. I grabbed the edges of the boat and hoisted myself in. Kili from behind me limped to the boat and Fili helped him in.

"Is everyone ready?" Bofur handed everyone on oar . "Yes." Everyone said in sync. "Well okay then, let's go." Using our oars we pushed ourselves off the sand and into the water. The whole ride I felt sick thinking what has happened to the dwarves, I only fear the worse. But there is only one thing I know.

Lake-Town is behind us, and now Erebor lies ahead.


Writers note:
Sooo, things have been patched up between (Y/N) and Tauriel...well sort of.
Tauriel will be returning soon so she's not gone forever, but she may be gone for a while.

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