Going Back Home

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I woke up to be blinded by the sun, i squinted and covered my eyes. However, when I rolled over I was met with a wide, empty bed, but I could tell he was still in the room by the way his boots walked along on the woods. Kili was awake but I didn't want to open my eyes just yet. I laid on my stomach, put one hand under my pillow and bent my other knee so I was spread across the double bed even with my hobbit frame.

"Morning, my One." I heard Kili from across the room. I mumbled back some form of a "no" and tried to bury myself deeper into the quilt. I could hear him walk over to the bed and drop down beside me. I turned my head and prided my eyes open, Kili was squatted down next to the bed and was already looking at me.

"We have to leave soon." He said quietly. I groaned and rolled onto my back. "Must we leave so early? Just 5 more minutes." I swatted the air. Kili chucked. "It's nearly 10 o'clock, I have given you way longer than 5 minutes. I've found you some food, everything's packed and the ponies are outside waiting."

Ugh he's right. I should get up now. Using all my body strength I pulled myself up and sat up, propping myself up by my elbows. I adjusted my eyes to the light beaming in through the window.
I brushed a hand through my hair and sighed when I felt it tangled and sticking up in different places. The last thing I wanted was a mirror right now.
"I'll leave you to get ready, if you need me I will be somewhere near here." Kili kissed my head and walked out, closing the door behind him. "Bye." I waved after him.

Once he was gone I stepped out of bed and stretched my arms above my head, andthrew my arms down before dragging myself over to the mirror. I inspected my face, and I looked like i'd been out the whole night. "God." I wore the same outfit as yesterday but this time I didn't put on my tights and gloves, I just folded them up and put them in my satchel. I also pulled my hairbrush out my bag and attempted to brush the knots out. I flinched when it really hurt, but after a long time of brushing I finally managed to get my hair back to its long, wavy, thick self. I figured today I would just let it flow down to my waist and be free.

I hate leaving a room messy so when I hauled my satchel over my shoulder I walked over and made the bed. It's always been the first part of my day, a pro to growing up in the Shire, we hobbits are always really neat and clean freaks, well at least Bilbo is. I believe i'm more neat than a clean freak.
Kili's bags had already been brought down to the ponies and I'm guessing Kili put my boots and other belongings into his bags because his bags and mine were no where to be seen.

I did one final check of the room and made sure we had everything I walked out the room and lowered the latch on the door. I blew out a breath and looked down both ends on the hall. Now, I have to find Kili somewhere in this manor. So, for the next 10 minutes, I set off to find Kili or anyone in this labyrinth.

After searching and being unsuccessful I decided to just go outside to the ponies and wait. Once I made it to the bottom of the stairs Bars, Bain, were sitting on armchairs and Sigrid was sitting on a stool, braiding Tilda's hair who was sitting in front of the fireplace. I walked over to them to say goodbye. The closer I got they hadn't seemed to take any notice of me so when I spoke up they got quiet a fright.

"Well, Kili and I are off now. Thank you for letting us stay in your home." Tilda gasped and turned around, Sigrid put her hand on her heart. "You scared me!" Tilda giggled. "Yes, you gave us quite a fright." Sigrid said polite as always. "I'm surprised we didn't hear you coming." Bain spoke up, I haven't heard from him for a while. "I am a hobbit after all, sorry I gave you all such a fright. As I said, Kili and are about to make our leave now so I though I should bid my goodbyes."

They all stood up and got in a "line" to say goodbye. Bain was first and he gave me a hug with a quiet "bye" before shuffling away so his sister, Sigrid, could get past. She had to bend down to hug me, she crouched down and wrapped her arms around me, once she was done she let go of me and next was Tilda. She looked pretty upset to see me go so when she hugged me she threw herself into me and squeezed me.

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