Off Too War

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"NOW!" Thorin yelled. The dwarves leg go of the ropes and the bell smashed into the wall, making it crumble to the ground and we were open to the sounds of battle cries and screams of terror accompanied by slashing swords. "You ready?" Kili asked me whilst grabbing my hand. "Ready as I'll ever be." I squeezed his hand, a deep knot twisting in my stomach. This may be the last time I ever hold his hand.

We all braced ourselves before we gripped onto our weapons and ran out followed by Fili, Dwalin and then Kili and I. The company followed behind us as we ran out to war. Kili raised our entwined hands into the air as we all let out a war cry and ran into the crowd of Orcs. "Du Bekâr!" The dwarves cried out as a final send off before we came into contact with the orca and we went swung deep into the mix.

An orc ran towards me and swung his mace. I put all of what Kili taught me into action. I ducked at the last moment and stabbed the orc in the hip as I spun on my feet. It let out a cry and crumbled onto the floor where it clutched it's hip as it bled to death. I was breathing heavily as I starred down at the corpse lying at my feet. One down, so many to go.

I jumped out the way when another orc came running towards me. The orc swung his sword at me but luckily I was able to block the attack with my sword. I grunted as I pulled my sword back and stabbed the orc in the stomach. I cringed as the blade sinked deeper and deeper into its flesh. I cringed again as I pulled the sword out of the orc and held the sword with trembling hands. I'll never get used to that feeling.

"(Y/N)!" I swung my head around to see a scared little hobbit dodging orcs as he ran to me like his life depended on it. "Father!" My arm dropped as I ran towards Bilbo, throwing myself into his arms.
"Your alive!" I said whilst burying my head in the crook of his neck. "Of course I am. Your not getting rid of me yet." Bilbo grabbed the back of my head and rocked from side to side with me in his arms, like he had never been more grateful to see me in all his life. I was enjoying our reunion until I noticed an orc running up behind Bilbo. "Duck!"

Bilbo spun around and watched the orc run up to him. I don't know what I think i'm doing but i'm just gonna do it. It all happened so quickly when I took my boot and pressed it against the back of Bilbos knee which sent him down the floor and out of the way as I stabbed my dagger deep into its neck. The blade was mainly hidden inside the flesh of the orc when it collapsed to the floor in instant death. "Wow."

"Thanks." I chuckled. As much as I would love to catch up with my own father we are in the middle of a war, there is no time for breaks. I bent down to the dead orc and yanked the dagger from its neck, the blood smeared all over it was so bittersweet. Bilbo and I decided to separate from each other as we couldn't take down as many orcs if we stay together.

I fought my way through more and more orcs until I got closer to the company. I spotted Fili and Kili through the crowd, they were fighting back to back and were slaying all the orcs in their tracks. I cut the head off an orc before calling out.

"Kili!" Kili killed an orc and swung his head around to me, relieved. "(Y/N)!" I ran over to the two brothers. Fili, Kili and I all formed a protective triangle as we fought the orcs. Dain's army, the elves and the company were all fighting the orcs but unfortunately we were all outnumbered, but that didn't stop us. We still fought through every drop of sweat and blood that fell.


We fought for another half hour, my arms are aching and my weapons are weighing me down. Dain's army has lost a lot of their people, the elves have lost many but luckily we haven't lost anyone from the company. We managed to take down hundreds of orcs but other wave was sent by orcs. I sighed, the fear grew up my body as a new wave of orcs came over the hills.

"Fall back to Dale, now!" Bard called out to his small army of humans, I turned to the town of Dale and my stomach sunk when a whole army of orcs where smashing down the walls, that's where the children and a women are hidden. Bard spun around on his stallion and bolted it for the bridge which led into Dale with his army following behind, driven by blinding determination to save his family who were vulnerable and defenseless against the orcs.

As much as I wanted to help, my company fights here, so they're on their own. I looked to my left to see Dain and Thorin reuniting. They embraced each other in a hug. I watched in shock as Dain smashed his head with an orc making it collapse to the ground. "What took you so long?" Dain said with his heavy accent "There's too many of these buggers, Thorin. I hope you've got a plan."

"Aye." I looked to Thorin who was looking up at the hill where Azog stood. He better not be think what I think he's thinking. "We're going to take out their leader." And he said it. Those words terrified me to my very core. No good can come out of taking on Azog the Defiler.

I quickly killed on orc before returning my attention to Thorin. He had hopped onto a mountain goat and held onto the reigns. "I'm gonna kill that piece of filth." Thorin rode over to Fili, Kili and Dwalin who was not far from us. "Fili! Kili! Dwalin! All grab a goat, we are going to Ravenhill."

Fili and Dwalin jumped onto their own goats and there was only one left, for Kili. Kili turned to me who was still standing on the ground, torn in his eyes, and back to Thorin. "(Y/N)'s coming with me!" Kili yelled over the sound of battle. "No, go i'll be fine." I called back. Without warning Kili reached out and wrapped his hand around my wrist and pulled me up with him. "Your coming with me." Kili said. I sat behind Kili and I wrapped my arms around his torso, so I wouldn't fall off. "Let's go!" Thorin led us as we rode towards Ravenhill.
I have a very bad feeling about this.

A Journey I'll Always Remember (Kili x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now