The End of a Journey

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It was the next day. Thorin and Fili's bodies have been taken and their funeral will take place in soon. They will need to fix the mountain, rebuild what's left of Lake-Town, Dale and remove all of the bodies and have funerals for them. All the kins have come together to each others aid, we've all lost something this week.

After we left Thorin we found Fili and said our goodbyes. We left Kili by himself to have a minute with his brother. I didn't know what happened but I don't think it went well as Kili found us and we could see the dried tears on his face, tears that scar his cheeks deep down and my heart shattered for him. We all gathered by the edge of the frozen lake where the people of Lake-Town got together, the elves came together and the dwarves came together as we listened to the blast of the horn, signalling the end of the war.

Bilbo held me close as I rested my head on his shoulder whilst we all had a minute of silence to mourn all the people who died during the battle. I felt relieved that all of this was over and we can go back to normal, but so much death in one day, I fear it is something we will never recover from.


It was finally the next morning. Bilbo and I had gathered our stuff and we were about to leave. Gandalf was going to ride home with us. I wanted to stay longer and it tore me to leave the company i've travelled with and learned to adapt to for the past a bit over a month. I hated to leave them behind to go back to my perfectly safe home when theirs was destroyed, they would practically have to rebuild it all over again.

The ponies are ready, our bags are packed and the company is lined up. I looked at the company, it felt really weird that we were missing two very important members of our company. "Well," My hands slapped down on my thighs "It's time." I gave a sad smile to my family as tears pricked at my eyes, until I noticed Dwalin who was trying to hide his face from me by looking away, slightly over his shoulder.

"Dwalin?" I approached him. "I'm fine." He breathed through gritted teeth but he was clearly lying when a sob escaped. He was crying. "Aww Dwalin," I wrapped my arms around him and put my head up against his chest "You big old softy." I sniffled as I chuckled. "Your a good kid, (Y/N)," He sniffled with a smile "One of the bravest i've ever met." He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me really tight, everyone awwed at this special moment between me and Dwalin "I knew you always had a soft spot for me." I smiled into his chest whilst he patted my back "I sure do, kid. We're really gonna miss you."

I gave a hug to each one of the dwarves until I reached Kili at the end. I brushed my hand through his hair and met my eyes with his. "Kili. I promise to be reunited as soon as possible, I fear now I can't live without you, without any of you. But I want to thank you, for the journey of a lifetime. I can't wait to spend my life with you."

Kili smiled and kissed me. The company awed us and smiled. We pulled away from each other and gave each other a tight hug. I pulled myself out of his arms and he helped me onto my pony. Once I was on Kili placed a gentle kiss on my hand. "I'll see you soon, my One." I'm his One. I love saying that. "Goodbye Kili."

He lightly chuckled. "Must you go?" He peered up at me with big, hopeful eyes. That something, anything will keep me here. But I can't. "I must go, I will go home and be back very soon. So goodbye, to all of you!" I called to the company.
"Thank you all for opportunity, i'll never forget this." I said. They all nodded their head as I pulled on the reigns and we were off. "Bye (Y/N)!"
"Bye Bilbo!"
"Bye Gandalf!"
The company called at the same time. I took one final glance at the company and waved. I smiled, showing my teeth and we disappeared over the mountain, and we were gone back on the road, the first journey on our own.



"Well," Balin sucked in a sharp breath as he continued waving his hand until (Y/N), Bilbo and Gandalf had turned from us and began their journey home "There they go." 
"Yeah," Gloin nodded with thinned lips "I suppose so." None of us wanted them to leave, we've all grown so close these few months that we're practically family if it weren't for our blood.

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