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We had completed the first day of riding and night hung over the forest. "We sleep here for the night. Fili and Kili take the first night watch." Thorin instructed his two nephews. I used my bag as pillow and wrapped my cloak around me. I shivered from the cold night sky and the dwarves snoring kept me wide awake.

Coming to the decision that I wasn't going to sleep any time soon I grunted, stood up and brushed off the dirt that had collected on my clothes from dirt to moss. I was wearing my bronze off shoulder tunic with a black cloak that ran down my back to thighs, black leggings and my big black, fur boots.

I tiptoed around Bombur and Bofur before I made it to Fili and Kili, who were by the fire. "Can't sleep?" Kili whispered whilst moving up on the rock he was sat on. I sat down next to Kili on the rock with was so small our shoulders were touching. "It's just a lot quieter in the Shire." I admitted, missing the comforts of home.

"You'll get used to it." Kili was silent for a few beats "And I know it's the snoring keeping you up. They're my family, i've had to deal with it my whole life." I laughed quietly. "As if you don't snor." I nudged his shoulder with mine. "I do not!" He brought his hand to his heart, offended. "Alright then. I believe you." I looked back at the fire trying to hide my grin. "You don't do you?"
"Well then." He shrugged. My face grew hot, I didn't know if it was from the fire or because of Kili. I hope it was the fire. But whatever it was, I need to get the blushing under control.

At the corner of my eye I saw that Bilbo also couldn't get to sleep. He pulled an apple out of his pocket and fed it to one of the ponies. "Shh, here don't tell anyone." I heard him whispering to the pony. A loud, godawful screech was heard from far away and my mood shifted. "What was that?" Bilbo walked over to us by the fire, pointing to whatever was in the dark forest behind us.

"Orcs. There ought to be dozens of them out there."
Fili was crouched in the corner smoking his pipe with his feet up. the "They attack in the wee small hours, no noise...just lots of blood." My mouth slightly parted and I sucked in a breath at the horrors of the world.

"You think a night raid by Orcs is to be joked about?" Thorin stormed past us and looked off into the distance. "We didn't mean anything by it." I had to bite back a grin as Kili looked like a child who had been told off. "No. You know nothing of the world." Thorin said in distaste.

Balin had appeared almost out of nowhere "Don't take it personally lad, Thorin has the most reason to hate Orcs." I made the bold move rested my head on Kili's shoulder, which he didn't seem to mind at all, as Balin told us about Thorin's past and how Azog murdered King Thror. I sat there devastated as I couldn't even imagine how Thorin must be feeling. I looked over to Thorin, he was staring out into the distance with the moonlight beaming down on his face, listening to the story that all dwarves know well.

When Balin finished the story an awkward silence was held in the air. I tried to break the silence.
"Well, I better get some sleep." I stood up and carefully made my way over to my sleeping corner trying my best not to tread on anyone's fingers as some laid spread out of the rock floor.
"Goodnight lassie." Balin rested a hand on my shoulder as I passed him. "Goodnight." Fili said.

"Goodnight, (Y/N)." That voice stopped me in my tracks. I turned around to see Kili staring at me.
"Yes. Goodnight, Kili." We both exchanged a smile until I turned around before anyone saw me blushing. I don't know why that stopped me in my tracks, but something about Kili made my stomach go crazy.

As I laid down and turned my back from the company of sleeping dwarves I wondered how I was having feelings for Kili so fast? And were these even feelings? I shook off the daunting questions and finally got some sleep after a very long day of walking and prepared for the next.

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