Back together once again

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"Fili, Kili, Bombur and (Y/N). That makes 14." Gandalf counted us as we stopped running down the hill, we were far enough from Goblin Town that they would have lost us completely. Whilst everyone was catching their breath I clutched my torso and sat down on a rock, an awful pain pierced on the left hand side of my chest.

"Are you okay?" Kili was standing in front of me with worry on his face. "Oh yeah i'm fine," Kili sat down next to me "Just think I broke a rib or two. But it's no big deal i'll be fine." I tried to stand up but a shooting pain ran up my body and I fell back down. "Woah, careful. Look if you have broken a rib you will have to take it easy."
"I suppose." I frowned.

He paused before turning from me to reach for something in one of the dwarves sack on the floor, how they managed to keep it after all that I have no idea. I watched him as he searched for something which he managed to find in the second pocket. It was a flask with some sort of liquid inside, he brought it up to his nose and smelled it to check and it must have been the right thing as I turned back to me.

"Drink this," He put the flask into my hand "It won't heal you but it'll help suppress the pain, at least for a little while." I hesitated before brining the flask up to my lips, the medicine smelling of different plants and herbs and taking a small sip which gradually turned into a huge one. The taste wasn't awful but it has a strange tang during the after taste. "That should help." He told me as I handed back the empty flask which he chucked onto the ground.

We returned to silence. "Hey, thanks for helping me back there, in the caves and all." I said. "Ah don't worry about it. Oh and what happened with the goblin king and all, wow, that was badass."
I laughed. "Ha, thanks. You know for a second I really thought I was actually going to have to be a goblin queen."
"Why so disappointed? You would be an excellent goblin queen. With a crown on your head and that big, ugly goblin king by your side, for all eternity." He smirked at me. "Oh shut up!" I laughed and playfully nudged him.

"And you should have seen me at the doorstep," I continued, my laughter dying down "I broke a goblins nose with my boot." Kili's eyebrows flew up and his mouth dropped in a smile "What!" He laughed "What happened after that?"
"Then I pushed him over the edge but then..." Oh God.

I finally felt happy until I recalled the events at the doorstep and realised we were one hobbit short. "Where's Father? Where's Bilbo?" I stood up and steadied myself using Kili's shoulder. Everyone looked around them but the hobbit was nowhere to be found. "Curse that halfling, now he's gotten himself lost," Dwalin threw his hands in the air "I thought he was with Dori!"
"Don't blame me!" Dori yelled.

Gandalf stepped forward. "Where did you last see him?" Suddenly I remembered. "Oh God." I whispered to myself as I felt my knees buckle. "(Y/N)?" Kili stood up beside me. Everyone turned to me. "Whilst you guys were being taken by the goblins I was able to slip away, until I saw Father being attacked so I helped him but..."
"But what?" Thorin said.
"But he fell off the platform into darkness, the only light I could see was his sword." I brought my shaking hand up to my mouth to suppress the sick feeling forming in my stomach.

"We will not be seeing our hobbit, he is long gone. He saw his chance of freedom and took it." I stopped pacing and turned to Thorin. What did he just say? "I'm sorry Thorin but how dare you."
"Excuse me?" He turned to me with a stern look, expecting me to back down, but I was only getting started.

"How dare you assume that my father 'took his chance' and ran off. I saw it with my own eyes, he fell and I have no idea if he is alive or not," the tears began to fall "My father would never leave any of you, no matter how much he feels he doesn't belong here. His is the most loyal and kindest hobbit I know. Not only would he never leave the company but he would never leave me. If he is alive, he will find us and come back and I can't wait to see the look on your face knowing you were wrong."

Thorin was lost for words. All of the dwarves looked at each other, shocked that I spoke to their king like that. "He is gone. There is nothing you can do about it." Thorin's voice was cold.

"No. He isn't." I couldn't believe my eyes. Standing behind Thorin was Bilbo. "Bilbo Baggins." Gandalf chuckled. All of the dwarves were shocked to see him standing there, not a single hair on his body harmed. "Father!" I ran into Bilbo and threw my arms around his neck "I thought i'd never see you again." I hugged him tight and the tears fell down my cheeks.

"Oh your not getting rid of me just yet, (Y/N)." I laughed through teary eyes. I hissed when another pain shot up my chest. "Are you okay?" Bilbo looked at me holding my shoulder. "Oh it's fine, just broke a rib or two. Hey, when this is all done I'll tell you how I almost became a goblin queen." I grinned but Bilbos eyes widened and jaw dropped. "Broken your ribs?! Goblin Queen?!"
"Don't worry i'll tell you another day." We held onto each other, he held me to his left whilst squeezing my shoulder.

"Bilbo, we'd given you up." Kili was standing next to Fili. "How on earth did you get past the goblins?"
Fili asked, curious. I pulled away from Bilbo and returned to my spot next to Kili. "Well, what does it matter? He's back." Gandalf played with his staff.
"It matters," Thorin said sternly. "I want to know. Why did you come back?" Bilbo adjusted his feet and thinned his lips in a small smile, almost to prove him wrong.

"Look I know you all doubt me. I know you always have. I do miss home, the Shire. I miss my books, me bed and my garden. But you don't have all that and I want to help you. And I couldn't leave (Y/N), I don't know what I would do without her. She's my daughter, and I love her with all my heart." I wiped the fresh tear off my face. Thorin looked down at his feet, regretting his choices.

We were finally free. For about five minutes. From afar we heard growling. Wargs. They've found us. "Out of the frying pan." Thorin said "And into the fire. Run." Gandalf finished. And with that we were running once again but this time, we had no where to go...

A Journey I'll Always Remember (Kili x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now