Back To Where It All Began

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After months of travelling we finally made it back to Bag-End. I don't know how to explain it but as soon as we arrived in Bag-End I knew I was home, I felt warm and comfortable. We were greeted by surprised villagers who assumed we were dead.
I smiled as we were finally home. We rode through the market and the lake. Children ran around and animals crossed our path. I could ride the rest of the journey with my eyes closed, even though I was gone for so long, I would never be able to forget each path and uneven stone in this village.

We rode up the hill and I saw it. Home. I saw the green, circular door with the golden door knob, the bench Bilbo and I sat on everyday and the colourful flowers leading up to our door. I jumped off my pony and tied it to the fence, Bilbo did the same. Gandalf left us right outside the borders of the Shire. He said he had places he needed to be. We said our goodbyes even though we knew we would see him soon. Bilbo carried a large shield and sword in his hand, his satchel was almost double the size of what it was before and mine remained the same.

I still had my sword strapped around my waist and my dagger strapped to my inner thigh. I've been wearing the same brown skirt, tunic and black corset that Bain gave me back in Lake-Town.
I was loathing for a long sleep and a long wash. I wanted to get clean, change into new clothes and eat some decent food.

I looked at Bilbo before practically skipping up the steps leading to my door. Bilbo was not far behind me. "It feels good to be home." I said.
"You said it. I'm going to curl up by the fireplace and read my books, just how it was." Bilbo smiled at the thought. Just how it was. Did I really want that?

Bilbo unlocked the door and slowly opened it. We were welcomed by the warmth of the hobbit hole and the familiar scent of books and wood and the fabric of the carpets laid throughout the hole. I strolled through the house and I reached the pantry. I slowly walked in. I smiled at the empty company, the only things left were the vegetables. I laughed to myself as the main vegetables that were left untouched were the green ones. I got flashbacks to Rivendell when the dwarves wouldn't stop moaning about the green vegetables and the lack of meat.

I circled the pantry and made my way out, I took a turn to my bedroom. I pushed open the door and I felt happy to be back in my room. My bookshelves were as they were before, candles around the room and a neatly made bed with my rarely lit fireplace in the corner of the room close to my bed. I also had plant pots all around my room, many filled with Rosa Peaces that died long ago.

I walked over to the plant pot of dead flowers and cupped the one with the most remaining petals, most of them had withered away. "Not all good things last forever." I mumbled to myself with a hint of sadness.

I slumped down onto my bed and brushed my hands along the soft quilt, I brushed my feet over the handmade rug under my feet and then looked up to the window above my head. The colourful stained glass window reflected all different colours onto my wooden floor. Everything seemed like normal. The sun shining, the trickling of the lake, the villagers talking and the birds chirping, just how it was all those months ago.

My bag was on the floor by my feet. I pulled it off the ground, onto my bed and pulled out the stuff inside. I laid the objects across my bed: my hairbrush, my clothes which got soaked from when we escaped from Mirkwood. They had obviously dried up now but i'll admit, they smelt awful, of dirty water and dried blood, from where I was standing in a pool of Kili's blood and of course fish. I was stupid for not leaving them behind.

I chucked the ruined clothes onto the floor, i'll throw them away later. I used to have loads of water and food but we used those up many weeks ago. I still had my old Rosa Peace, the one that was dying, I kept Kili's one is my pocket. The ring was still on my finger. I couldn't help but smile at the ring.

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