The Kings Sickness

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After a couple hours of sailing we finally made it to the other side of the lake. "We made it." I sighed whilst smiling at The Lonely Mountain. All of the fighting, all the tears, the pain and the longing of home have led up to this moment. "Come on, let's go in." Bofur walked towards the large whole in the wall, which i'm guessing was made by the dragon. He seemed awfully confident that the company is alive, I think different.

"Your worried." Kili didn't follow his brother and Bofur into the mountain. "What if the company didn't make it?" I said. "I believe they made it." He squeezed my hand to reassure me. "But how?"
He smiled at me and looked up to the mountain. I followed his gaze to see that torches of fire had been lit.

"The braziers! They're lit." My eyes switched at the two braziers, relieved. They're okay. "Come on, Bilbo will be waiting for you." Kili limped behind me whilst we walked into the mountain to meet with Bofur and Fili who were standing by the entrance.

"Hello?" Bofur called out. No response. "Anyone?"
I called whilst cupping my mouth with my hands. When I heard nothing my arms dropped. I took a second to look at the remains of the mountain. A large bell has fallen from wherever it came, large bits of rock had come out the wall and certain pillars were holding on by a small bit of rock. The light reflected onto the bell which shone in my eyes.

The hallways were dark and no dwarves or hobbit could be seen. Until one small hobbit came into view. Bilbo. "Father."
"(Y/N)." He exhaled in a huge amount of relief.
I ran to Bilbo and threw myself into his arms. I could smell a strong scent of smoke and ash, but that didn't bother me. We didn't need to say anything else before breaking apart.

"Bilbo," Fili said from behind us "I'm glad your okay. How's the company?" Bilbo looked like he was holding back on something. "Father what is it?" I pulled away from him and looked at him, his eyebrows pulled together. He was hesitant but he gave in.

"It's Thorin." I could hear Fili and Kili suck in their breath and hold it. "Is he okay?" Bofur asked.
"I've tried talking to him, but he won't listen. He's been down their," he pointed down the hall "for days. He doesn't sleep, he rarely eats. He's not been himself. Not at all." Fili looked over Bilbos shoulder and ran off. "Fili! Wait!" Bilbo followed after him.

We ran deeper into the mountain, down many halls and so many stairs...
We stopped when riches beyond all desire was below us. The tint of gold shone on our face and a scent of coins filled room. "Gold." We looked down to see Thorin. He was wearing a crown and heavy armour, he held his arms out whilst coins fell out his hands.

We all watched Thorin completely absorbed in the sight of gold. Then he noticed us. He, at first, almost looked terrified for us to see him in this state, but then he relaxed. "Behold, the great treasure hoard of Thror." His voice echoed throughout the hall. I looked over to Fili and Kili and they look disturbed by their uncles abnormal behaviour.

"Welcome, my sister's sons, to the kingdom of Erebor." The word "Erebor" echoed once again and spent chills down my spine. Thorin has changed, there was no doubt about that. But what will this do to the company?


We decided to leave Thorin and find the others. Maybe they have an explanation for Thorin's "sickeness" according to Bilbo. "He-Hey!"
Bofur opened his arms out to the company. They were all alive and unharmed. A huge weight was taken off my shoulders that I didn't know I had and sighed of relief. The dwarves were overjoyed to see us all alive. Bofur and the two brothers were welcomed and hugged by the others.

I stood to the side a bit disappointed that no one has welcomed me yet, but it's fine, this was their moment. Not mine. I cross my arms my chest and smiled as I watched the dwarves, Bilbo had stayed behind with Thorin to maybe talk some sense into him so I had no one to celebrate with.

I looked up from my feet when I heard heavy boots approach me. "You didn't think we'd forget you lassie?" I looked up from my boots to see Dwalin standing before me with a welcoming smile on his stone cold face. I was unprepared when he pulled me into a big hug with was joined by Balin, Ori, Bombur and eventually turned into one huge group hug. And it felt amazing.

Back in the Shire it was just me and Bilbo. Us against the world. But every since the two of us and the company set off on our quest it felt like I had new friends. And now I've reconsidered. They were no longer my friends, they were my family.

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