A Wall Devides Us

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The company is hauling remains of the mountain into a new wall that will shield us from the outside.
They used ropes and their own hands to haul the boulders up and into place like a huge puzzle.
I lit the brazier, Bilbo helped tie the ropes and Kili went to help the others.
The light from the moon shone into the mountain and the cold winter breeze swept in through the cracks in the wall.

Night is upon us and so far we have made progress. We have made half the wall, dawn will be upon us soon and we don't have any time to waste, not with the people of Lake-Town making they way closer and closer to the mountain, we all know what they want. They want their share of the treasure that they were promised. To avoid battle I would give their share of the treasure in a heartbeat, but with Thorin suffering with dragon sickness he does not need to think on what his choice is, even though it will be the wrong decision.

"I want this fortress made safe by sunup," Thorin marched past me who was now clearing the path of small fragments of rock which weren't big enough to form the wall. "This mountain was hard-won. I will not see it taken again."
"People of Lake-Town have nothing," Kili dropped the wooden wheelbarrow he was pushing and grew angry "They came to us in need. They have lost everything."

I put down the rocks in my arms and turned to Thorin. "Do not tell me what they have lost. I know well enough their hardship," Thorin turned to Dale "Those who have lived through dragon fire should rejoice. They have much to be grateful for." From where I was I could only see the top buildings in Dale, they have lit many torches and only a few men can be seek taking the night-watch. "More stone." Thorin suddenly became desperate to get more stone. Maybe he saw that the town people may actually be a threat, so therefore he barricades himself in. "Bring more stone to the gate!"


It was morning and we have finished the wall. We were all exhausted from hauling boulders all night. Everyone was sharpening their weapons and filling in cracks in the wall whilst I was on the floor slumped in a corner. I was absolutely knackered, Thorin didn't give us any time to rest and if he caught us slacking he would yell at us.

"Come on." Thorin marched past us and up to the wall, we all followed. I picked up my sword and marched up the stairs. My jaw fell at the sight beyond the wall. Hundreds of elves were lined up in Dale, possibly thousands. They wore golden armour and all had the same long, silky hair. "Elves? What are they doing here?" I asked to whoever heard.
"I don't know. But I don't think they come bearing aid." Bofur said.

My ears perked when I heard galloping of a horse. Bard rode a white stallion up to our mountain gate.
I inched closer to the edge of the wall and looked down at the man. "Hail, Thorin, son of Thrain. We are glad to find you alive beyond hope."
"Why do you come to the gates of the King under the Mountain armed for war?" Thorin projected his voice.

"Why does the King under the Mountain fence himself in? Like a robber in his hold." Silence. "Perhaps it is because I am expecting to be robbed."
"My Lord," Bard began "We have not come to rob you but to seek fair settlement. Will you not speak with me?" Thorin looked down at the bowman.

"You should talk to him Thorin," I advised "We may be able to come to an agreement, a trade for what was promised." Thorin scoffed. "I do not take orders from a child."
"A child!?" I was offended by him calling me a child. "I am more than a child Thorin, I am only trying to help. Listen to the man." Thorin gave me a cold look before making his way down the stairs.
Once Thorin was out of ear-shot I turned to Balin.
"I'm not a child, right?"
"Don't worry Lassie. You are more than a child, you are a young lady." Balin patted my shoulder.
"Thanks." I mumbled. Balin sighed.

We could not hear what Bard and Thorin were saying so we stayed quiet and stared out to Dale where the army of elves were lined up. I hope Thorin will think straight and come to an agreement, if not I fear that the elven army will be unleashed and we will be slaughtered. We are clearly outnumbered. Thorin and Bard had been talking for a long time now.

"Come on, let's go down." Fili led us down the stairs to where Thorin talked to Bard through a crack in the wall. "You gave us your word." Bard said. Thorin came away from the crack and was deep in thought. He looked up at his company standing in front of him. I could see him thinking hard...but the sickness took over.

"Begone!" I sighed and pit formed in my stomach. War. Thranduil will unleash his army and they will attack us and most in fact kill us."Ere our arrows fly!" Thorin yelled. Bard grunted and punched the wall. He stormed off and rode his horse back to Dale where he will inform Lord Thranduil.

"What are you doing?" Bilbo was frustrated. "You cannot go to war." Thorin was staring off into the distance. "This is no concern of yours."
"Excuse me! But incase you haven't noticed, there is an army of elves out there. Not to mention several hundred angry fisherman. We...we are, in fact, outnumbered."
"I agree with Bilbo," I stepped forward "Those elves will attack us, they will stop at nothing to have their share of the riches in this mountain. Thraunduil will send more and more elves if he does not succeed. This is a loosing battle."

"Not for much longer." Thorin grinned which sent a shiver down my spine. This can't be good. "What does that mean?" Bilbo asked. "It means Master Baggins, you should never underestimate dwarves. We have reclaimed Erebor. Now we defend it." Thorin shared glances with the company before walking off, his cloak dragging behind him but his words remained hung in the air.


We were deep into the mountain collecting weapons. I found a small breastplate for women that fit me perfectly, it was bronzne and had gold embroidery. All of the dwarves found armour and threw it on, some had larger breastplates, others had helmets and some had chain tunics that no blade could pierce, well according to Dwalin as he helped me pick out my armor.

I grabbed my sword and slid it into my belt and strapped two dual swords to my back, i'm confident I knew how to use them as well as the daggers still strapped to my body "Here, catch." Kili threw me a large shield, it was almost as big as me. I caught but I stumbled back at its size.

I held it next to me and looked it up and down.
"Bit big don't you think?" I chuckled. He laughed.
"Yeah maybe a bit big. Here," He took the sheild off me "I'll try and find a more suitable size for you." He walked off and I was standing alone.

Not even 5 minutes later he came back with a much smaller shield. I had heard about these type of shields before. It was a Heater, it was more basic but will do me good in battle. It had carvings in it of ruins and creatures from across middle-earth. It was much smaller than the last, which made it much easier for me to hold. "Here." Kili handed me the shield and watched me as I held a tight grip on it. "Perfect." I grinned.

From behind us Thorin had handed Bilbo a tunic made of silver steel. "Put it on." Thorin said.
Bilbo took of the many layers of clothes and coats before he reached his tunic. He took the vest and put it on. We all turned to the hobbit. Bilbo looked embarrassed by his "armour" compared to the rest of us. "I look absurd. I'm not a warrior. I'm a hobbit."
"It is a gift." I had noticed that Thorin had a full set of armour on. He had all sorts of weapons strapped to him. He looked like a true King. "A token of our friendship."

We all watched as if Thorin was never under dragon sickness. He spoke to Bilbo like he has always been a good friend of his that he held deep in his heart. Bilbo twitched his nose before he was pulled away by an angry Thorin. And he was back. The company turned to each other and shrugged as at this point this behaviour was normal.

"Are you ready?" Kili was behind me. We were about to head out and train in the training hall.
"Ready. But I want a one-on-one with you." I smirked. "Alright, i'll go easy." I chuckled and elbowed his side but was only met with hard metal. I rubbed my elbow as I had just smashed is against pure metal. Kili burst out in laughter as we walked down the hallway to find a place to train.

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