Thunder Battle

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It was early morning and all the dwarves were outside ready to leave, Thorin really wasn't kidding when he said we'd leave at sunrise. Bilbo and I met with the dwarves down in the center where we were first welcomed to Rivendell. "Master Baggins," Thorin bowed his head to my father before turning to me "Lady Baggins."
"You know, you don't have to call me Lady Baggins." I sheepishly smiled but Thorins face remained stern "It seemed respectful to the new members of our company, but very well."

"Good morning." Bilbo mumbled looking down at his feet as Thorin turned his back to us and I finally exhaled. Once all of the dwarves finally made it down to the meeting area, we grabbed our things and left Rivendell which since yesterday I dreaded doing.


Before Rivendell was gone forever I took one final glance. Rivendell is probably the most breathtaking place on Middle-earth, not to mention that the Elves own these lands, the most graceful kin in all the land, at least that's what I think yet I am still to see what awaits for me on this adventure.

"(Y/N), I suggest you keep up." Thorin was standing a few feet away with his sword in hand, planted on the ground, waiting for me to follow the others. "Yes," I smiled over my shoulder "Of course." Thorin dipped his head as I passed him and followed behind the others who were escalating down stairs which lead out the valley. Goodbye Rivendell.


We had somehow made it onto the edge of a rocky mountain and it was pouring buckets, so hard I could barely see the path ahead of me. Rain was falling heavy on us making the path very slippery, my hair has fallen onto my face and my boots are squelching below me. "Everyone hold on!" Thorin barked.

As we were carefully sidestepping along the edge I lost my footing and nearly fell but luckily an arm caught me and wrapped around me to hold me up. "Hold onto me incase you slip again." I looked behind me to see Kili. I clutched onto his coat, and gulped as I nodded my head. This was terrifying, every step I took I was close to plummeting to my death and there was still so far to walk until safety.

"Take cover!" Dwalin shouted as a huge boulder was falling on us from the sky. We all screamed as the boulder crashed above us and fell into smaller pieces onto us. Kili pulled me to his chest and shielded me with his body and the other dwarves covered their heads and pushed each other back up against the wall as boulders smashed onto the wall above us and smashed into smaller rocks which fell into darkness.

I looked up from under Kili and I saw a giant made out of rock. If emerged from the mountain across from us and began throwing boulders. "Uh, guys!" I shouted over the smashing of rocks. "By my beard, the legends are true!" Bofur shouted not far from me. "This is no thunder storm," Balin yelled "It's a thunder battle!" My stomach dropped.

The first stone giant threw yet another boulder, but it wasn't to us. To our right another, larger stone giant appeared and got smacked in the chest with a boulder. We all backed up against the wall as the floor under us was beginning to crack. Everyone was yelling and I was praying that we make this out alive.

Suddenly, the floor between Fili and Kili cracked in half. Filis end of the mountain separated from our half. I could see the fear in Kili's eyes as his brother got further and further away from us. My knees buckled when I saw that Bilbo was on the other half, he looked horrified, either that or it was the floor vibrating beneath us.

"Father!" I screamed reaching out my hand, as if that would do anything. I looked up and I was terrified, both Fili's and my half were the legs to yet another stone giant. The two smashed head which knocked out one back. Rocks were falling and we were all holding onto each other whilst being swung around.

Our half smashed back into a safe part of the mountain. We all stumbled and ran to safety, still shielding ourselves from the rocks. We had all just about made it but Fili's half was no where near us, as it was on the right leg of the giant and we are on his left.

I felt sick to my stomach as it seemed almost impossible for them, on the right, to make it over to us on the left and still with a huge distance between each platforms. The giants above us were punching each other in the head and in the chest.
The giant from the beginning came out of nowhere and launched a boulder at the largest ones head.
Somehow Fili's half had skimmed our half but so much was happening no one knew what to do.
The giant with Bilbo and Fili was falling and his leg came crashing down into the mountain.

I let out an awful scream as I saw Bilbo smash into a rock wall. I felt like I was going to get sick. The giants leg pulled back to show that no dwarves were still hanging on. Oh God. My knees buckled and once again I felt frozen in place. No. No,no, no not again.

I watched as the giant fell into the dark obis and the other giants had gone elsewhere, I didn't care for where they were. "(Y/N)!?" Kili shouted over the rain with a concerned tone. My heart was pounding and a tear fell from my eye. Bilbo.

Kili saw that I had frozen up again. I watched as the floor near us quickly began cracking but I still couldn't move. The other dwarves had run off to see if the dwarves were okay, I have no idea if they are or not. The cracking floor quickly approached us. Kili, who was behind me, picked me up and threw me into his arms. He ran to safety with me clutching onto him for dear life. I watched as the cracks came closer and closer but luckily Kili had made it to safe ground. The fact that he was able to carry me as well as run from death amazed me.

The dwarves are okay. I felt huge relief when I saw they were okay. Kili put me down. "(Y/N)? Are you okay?" He grabbed my face and looked into my eyes whilst panting. "Yes i'm fine, thank you." I exhaled. I have to stop doing that or else I will end up dead. "You had frozen up again, I wasn't going to leave you." I wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed my cheek up to his chest in a hug. He saved me.

He was hesitant but he wrapped his arms around me, we stayed like that for a while until I had to go look for my father. Kili ran over to his brother and made sure he was okay, which he was. I scanned the dwarves but I couldn't find Bilbo. "Father?" I said to myself but panic quickly rose "Where's my father?!" I yelled so the other dwarves could hear me.

I gasped as Bofur leaped onto the floor and tried to grab someone over the side of the cliff. Oh no.
I gasped as Bilbo was hanging onto the edge with only his fingers. All of the dwarves were on the floor trying to help him up.
I could only stand there and watch everyone help him get up. Thorin jumped down to a small platform of rock and pulled him up by his coat, saving him from falling to his certain death.

As soon as Bilbo was in a safe place I ran over to him and threw myself into his arms on the floor.
"Father! Oh God, I thought you died!"
"I'm fine." He chocked on his words and was gasping for air from the shock. He held me tight and rubbed my back, he eventually calmed down and returned his breathing back to normal.
"Please don't do that ever again. If I lost you I-" a tear fell from my eye. "(Y/N), I'm fine. I promise i'll try and be more careful. I never mean to scare you like that."

"Dwalin, come on." Thorin disappeared into a hole in the wall which led to a cave. Bilbo and I got off the floor and followed everyone inside. The cave was cold and gloomy, but it was somewhere to stay the night. "I'll make start on a fire." Bofur crouched down to make start on a fire. "No," Thorin stopped him "We leave at dawn, a fire won't be necessary."

Bofur took the night watch as the rest of us tried to sleep. Once I bid Bilbo goodnight I sat down next to Kili, who was next to Fili who was already fast asleep with a cloth over his eyes. "Wow, today was quite the day wasn't it?" Kili didn't answer. "Kili?" I looked over to see that Kili was staring at me.

"Kili?" I put a hand on his shoulder, that snapped him out of whatever daze he was in. "Oh- sorry. What were you saying?"
"I was saying that today was quite the day, wasn't it?" I slightly raised my eyebrows. "It sure was, many times I though we were gonna die, you were gonna die. I don't know what I would do with myself if luck hasn't been on our sides."
"Yeah well," I smiled "I'm okay for now so you have nothing to worry about."

He returned the smile and my face grew warm.
I leaned back and rested my head on Kili's chest and I could hear the quiet beating of the heart. My eyes grew heavy and I fell asleep on Kili's chest, both of us completely comfortable with this position. What a day.

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