Out of the frying pan and into the fire

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Night time was quickly upon us and we were bolting down the hill with wargs not far behind. I tried to run through the pain and it physically hurt to breathe due to the burning sensation in my chest. My legs were extremely weak, I couldn't run any longer. The wargs had caught up to us and now we were trying to fight them off. We ran further only to reach a cliff. Great!

"What do we do now?" My heart was pounding a thousand miles in my chest. "Up into the trees! All of you! Come on, climb!" Gandalf ushered us to the trees. We all climbed up into the trees. Everyone was swinging onto beaches and hoisting other dwarves up, it seemed impossible to climb up a tree but even with fatigued muscles I managed to claw myself up the trunk and onto a higher branch.

I was close to climbing onto the same thick, branch as Fili and Kili until I made the awful mistake of looking down to see the wargs jumping up into the tree and barking it's jaws up at us, they couldn't reach me but my fear consumed me. "(Y/N)!" I could hear Fili calling out from above me, I tore my eyes from the wargs and up to Fili on the branch closer to me, reaching out his hand for me.

"Grab my hand." He reached down a bit further so I could stretch my arm and wrap my hand around before he hoisted me onto the branch with him and Kili. We all turned to look ahead to see a large, white Orc with scars all over his body and a blade in his arm. "Azog." I could hear Thorin from the tree next to us.

It's him. The orc who sliced the head off of the king and scarred Thorin, changing him for all eternity. He fought against Azog with only a sword and a clump of wood as a shield. The story was incredible, as traumatic of an event it was, it was an opening to a fresh story and the rise of a man these dwarves could call king.

Azog said something, possibly in orcish, I could not understand but whatever he said Thorin didn't like. A new wave of the wargs came charging as us and began climbing up the trees, clawing into the bark of the three trees we were spread out among. We screamed as the wargs were jumping up and chomping down on the tree.

Then all of a sudden the trees began coming out from the roots and fell in a domino line. It seemed like something out a movie as we jumped from tree to tree until we were all on the last tree on the edge. It wasn't looking to good for us. I was frantically looking around at the wargs below us. If they manage to knock over this tree we fall over the cliff and die.

From above me I saw a small ball of fire soar through the air and down to the wargs below, scorching their nose forcing them to back off. Gandalf, from above me, was throwing pinecones which were on fire down to the wargs which made them back away. Gandalf threw us all down a pinecone, as the burning wood dropped into my hands I juggled with it before pulling back my arm and threw it down which was close to hitting a warg.

From all of us throwing down small balls of fire onto the grass and dirt, a wall of fire had formed acting as a border, keeping the wargs on the other side so they couldn't touch us. We all began cheering, thinking the worst was over until we could all feel the roots below us start ripping at the tree began falling. We were hanging on by only a few roots which weren't going to hold on for very long.

"(Y/N)!" The scream of Kilis voice make my stomach drop as I spun my head and saw Kili  barely holding onto a branch with his legs not on anything. He grunted when he tried to pull himself up by his arms, but he couldn't. As the tree was falling Fili fell onto another branch below us so now there was a huge gap between me and Kili on the end, holding on for dear life.

"Kili! Hold on!" I held a hand up as I steadied myself onto the branch on my hands and knees, the horrifying drop below us churned my stomach but my head was set on getting to Kili. I carefully began crawling along the branch, the end on either sides of my hands. I couldn't help as a tear blurred my eye. I can't do this.

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