Standing Down

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So this may be a short chapter but i'm hoping the next one will be much longer.
It's sad that we are coming to the end of the story soon. But who knows, I may write a few chapters of my own after the war is over and company goes back home. Hopefully then we will get to see more of (Y/N) and Kili as we won't get to see much of it during the war.
Anyways, I'm gonna leave you guys to read this chapter.

I've been sitting on the same rock for almost an hour now, staring at nothing, gathering my thoughts.
I had found my Rosa Peace flower in my pocket. It had been squashed and died long ago from being in my pocket all these weeks. I could still smell the freshness off the flower as if it had just been picked. I twisted it around my hands as I listened to the horror outside.

I can hear the screams of the elves and town people from afar and the marching of the Orcs in their heavy armour. I can hear the clashing of swords and  the sound of the sword meeting flesh. A single tear slipped down my face. As terrified as I am about going to war I didn't to be sat here whilst others fight our battle. We started this, but Thorin will not let us end it.

We declared war on the elves. The Orcs had been hunting us. We promised lake-town for a share of the riches that lies in the mountain. But we stepped down whilst others fight for their lives.
And to make everything worse Bilbo is out there. He may have Gandalf and can fight but on his own but I still worry. One wrong move or one missed look over the shoulder could cost his life. I would rather be out there with him and die with him than hide from my fears and leave him alone.

My thoughts were interrupted by someone. "Hey." It was Kili. He sat down on the boulder I was sitting on next to me. "Hey." I thinned my lips and looked down at my lap."You okay?"
"No. No, i'm not okay." Kili wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me towards him. "I can't say everything will be fine, but i'll try my hardest. Hey, I'm pretty sure I could still put that beautiful smile back on your face." He looked down at me as a small smile tugged at my lips. "There it is. That's my girl." Kili gently placed a kiss on my head, I wrapped my arm around his waist and rested a head on his shoulder and tried to block out the war outside.

Kili and I were talking with each other until we were interrupted by an angry Dwalin storming past us mumbling stuff under his breath. "I've had enough of this. I will not hide any longer."
Dwalin spoke to himself as he stormed off towards where Thorin was. Confused, Kili and I looked to each other and decided to follow Dwalin. 

"Dwalin." Kili jogged up to Dwalin with me not far behind him. "What is it Kili?" Dwalin tried to block out Kili by continuing to walk. "Where are you going?" Kili and I followed beside him, I stayed quiet whilst Kili asked all the questions. "To Thorin."
"Must you ask so many questions?" Dwalin growled. "What are you going to do?"
"I'm going to try and talk some sense into that man. You can come if you wish, both of you."

Dwalin made sure to let me know I could also come along, even though Thorin may not want to see me right now, but what the hell, he was in the wrong and he's had more than enough time to cool off. It was a warning. But I chose to ignore it, if it means trying my hardest. "I'll come." I said. "Me too." Kili added. "Alright then." Dwalin sighed.

We made it to the throne room. Dwalin led with Kili and I on either side of him. I shared a worried glance with Kili before we made it to Thorin. He was sitting on his throne with a blank expression.
He looked up when he heard our footsteps approaching.

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