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The path was long, narrow and extremely tiring but once we made it we stopped in our tracks. My jaw fell at the beautiful view. The air was clean, fresh and the sun was setting behind the mountains where we were in a valley of waterfalls, greenery and beautiful architecture. I inhaled in the fresh air and let it fill my lungs, it was better than a crisp cold winters air. "Where are we, Gandalf?" I turned to him. "Well, in the common tongue, it's is-"
"Rivendell." Bilbo finished. "It's beautiful."

I was so taken back by the land in-front of me I hadn't noticed that the dwarves had made their way down the steps made from cobble and down the mountain. "Come on, Father." I grabbed into Bilbo's arm and we held each other walking down the steep path that had a large drop that made my head slightly spin.

We had made it down to the centre, the entrance, to be greeted by a young elf. "Mithrandir!" He practically guided over to us which his hands held behind his back. "Ah, Lindir." Gandalf held out his arms. The elf said something in elvish to Gandalf which I did not quite understand. "I'm must speak with Lord Elrond, Lindir." Gandalf said. "My Lord Elrond is not here."
"Not here? Where is he?"

A horn in the distance blew and elves on horses were approaching us. All of the dwarves formed a circle and pushed Bilbo and I into the middle. I could barely see over everyone's head, but all I could see was horses galloping circles around us.
"Gandalf." An elf with long black hair and a beautiful head piece with amour was riding a different horse from the others. This must be Lord Elrond.

"My Lord Elrond." Gandalf bowed his head. They began speaking in elvish again so I didn't understand. But I believe it was a greeting as the two embraced each other in a hug. "Strange for Orcs to come so close to our borders." Lord Elrond began to speak in english again. "Something or someone has drawn them near." He continued. "Ah, that may have been us."

Gandalf with his staff gestured to us. Thorin stepped forward. "Welcome, Thorin, son of Thrain." Elrond welcomed Thorin to his land. "I do not believe we have met." Thorin frowned. "You have your grandfathers bearings. I knew Thror when he ruled under the mountain."
"Indeed, he made no mention of you." He looked the Elf Lord up and down.Would it hurt Thorin to be kind?

Lord Elrond said something in elvish to Gandalf whilst keeping eye-contact with Thorin.
Then Gloin began to pipe up. "What is he sayin'? Does he offer us insult?" Noise erupted from the dwarves but Gandalf stopped them. "No, Master Gloin. He's offering you food."
All of the dwarves came together and mumbled between each other if we should trust the elf-lord. We came to an agreement. "Well in that case, lead on."

We were led throughout Rivendell by Lord Elrond and other elves who's beauty was nothing like i've ever seen, both man and woman. I admired the kingdom around me. The calming sound of the waterfalls and the chirping of the birds, I could hear the harp being played from a platform not far from us. The golden colours in the sky and the gentle breeze gave me a warm feeling inside, the land was breathtaking and there was no doubt about it. It was like I was in a dream.

We were brought to this long dining table which was filled with food. The elf-maidens wore the most graceful dresses and played the most calming instruments. The sounds of the harp and flute filled my ears with delight. "Please, all of you sit down and eat." I sat on the long bench next to Bilbo.
The table was perfect for our size, and they even had little stools with fancy, blue cushions prepared for us, it concerned me why they had these on standby.

" I don't know about you, Father but I am starving."
Me and Bilbo laid down the silk cloths on our laps, the other dwarves did not. I don't know what I expected. But none of us waited around before we tucked into our food and enjoyed the elvish food that i've never tasted before.

A Journey I'll Always Remember (Kili x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now