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The air was chilly and the water was close to ice.
Thorin was talking to Bard and Bilbo was by his side, most likely to save Thorin from getting us thrown off this boat. Kili, who was sitting down at the head of the barge, looked really uncomfortable so I decided to check up on him. "Hey," I sat down next to him "How's your leg?" I looked down at his leg. "Well it stings like hell but the pain isn't as bad."

"Why did you do it?" I asked. "Do what?"
"Get out our barrel. You nearly died, you barely made it out alive." He looked at me. "No one else would have done it. If we were to stay longer we would have died. If you, Fili or Thorin, anyone in that matter, got hurt I could never live with myself."
I nodded "It was brave. You do amaze me sometimes Kili." I smiled at him and his returned smile which was so comforting that it sent butterflies to my stomachs.


"Everyone empty your pockets." Thorin demands.
Everyone turned out their pockets. I searched my pockets but I had no money on me. I patted down my pockets but they were empty, I didn't really think to grab my spare change before I left the door. I don't see who would.  Everyone had laid down their money, some random coins and others in tiny sacks, but Balin didn't look satisfied.

"We have a wee small problem. We're ten coins short." Thorin only stood there and crossed his arms, like he knew something."Gloin. Come on, give us what you have."
"Don't look to me. I have been bled dry by this venture," He pointed his finger down at the floor "And what have I seen for my investment? Naught but misery and grief and-"

"Um Gloin just- for one moment." I said as me and the dwarfs stood up. The fog cleared and we could see the lonely mountain. We've made it. "By my beard. Here take it all." Gloin finally handed over his money with was a lot, a bit too much. "Hm." Nori side eyed Gloin with the suspiciously big sack of money in his pockets.

We stood there to enjoy the moment, absorbing the beauty of the mountain which we fought long and hard to get to until Bard marched over to us in desperation. "The money, quick. Give it to me."
"We will pay you when we get our provisions. Not before." Thorin narrowed his eyebrows. "If you value your freedom, you'll do as I say," he looked up "there are guards ahead."

We had made it close enough to see ahead. There were docks with boats anchored down. Behind the view of the docks was a village. The building were old and made out of wood, this village has seen brighter days. Everything was dark and the air was misty, much different from the shire. Back in the Shire there was colour, full of life, sunshine but here none of that has been seen.

"All of you get in the barrels now." Bard demanded us. We were hesitant but we did it. As before I got in my barrel with Kili. We were crouched down in the barrel and I was still cautious of his leg. "You alright?" I asked, my voice bouncing off the barrel walls. He adjusted himself and pressed his hands on either side of the barrel. "Yeah i'm fine."

"What's he doing?" I could hear Dwalin from another barrel. "He's talking to someone," I could hear Bilbo in another "And he pointing right at us! Now they're shaking hands."
"The villain! He's selling us out." I could hear the anger in Dwalin's voice. We were all silent worried on what is about to happen until something cold and slimy slid down my face. "Fish?"

I looked down from my feet and up to be only a few inches away from Kili's face. We both ducked our  heads into each other when more fish fell into the barrel. The fish were cold, slimy and I don't even want to discuss the smell. I closed my mouth when more came in, they eventually filled the barrel. As much as I hate Bard for this I have to admit it was really smart...if he's doing what he promised.
I could hear the dwarves mumbling from their barrels. "Quiet, all of you," he kicked someone's barrel "We are approaching the gates."

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