Being Left Behind

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I woke up shielding my eyes from the sun and my head still on Kili's lap, in that moment I regret sleeping in-front of an open window. My head was pounding, it hurt so bad I wanted to crawl in a corner and die. I imagined everyone else felt the same this morning. I looked over to Kili and was still sleeping, somehow throughout the night he managed to stay upright and I managed not to roll off his lap.

I had been starring up at the ceiling, waiting for Kili to wake up until I noticed it was too quiet. I lifted my head off Kilis lap and gazed around the Master's house. There were glasses, food and a few town people scattered around the hall. Where are the dwarves? "Oh my God." The company was meant to leave when the sun rises, they must have left us. I shot up panicked.

"Kili," I shook him "Kili! Come on they're gonna leave without us." Kili finally woke but something was different. He was as pale as an orc and beads of sweat rested on his head, his eyes were dark and he looked like a disease was hung upon him. "Kili?"
I looked down at his leg, I brought a hand to my mouth and felt sick to my stomach.

His wound was dark and looked infected, the wound has seemed to got worse and he has bled all the way through the cloth, that must have rubbed off me during the night but that is the least of my worries. This man is in no state to sail to a mountain and slay a dragon.

"(Y/N)," Kili breathed "It really hurts, I wont be able to walk." He touched his thigh, no where near his wound and he let out an awful scream, the infection had spread throughout his body. If the poison from the arrow is spreading through his body then... I gasped as I reached for his tunic and lifted him up. Black lines of poison crept up his body like spiderwebs or flashes of lightning, it started at his leg and was now up to his waistline just above where his trousers rested.

He will die if that reaches his heart, and that thought terrified me. It pained me to see him like this, he can't go to the lonely mountain, so neither will I. "Come on, we will go to Thorin he will know what to do. But we must hurry or they will leave."
I tried to keep myself together for him but it was getting even harder for every scream he lets out.
I stood and wrapped my arm around him. I tried my best to pull him up, he was so weak he had to throw all his body weight onto mine just to stand.

We stumbled as fast as we could to get to the company. "Out of the way!" I shouted. I pushed past all the town people to reach Thorin who I could see up ahead about to board the boat with the company. Kili was breathing heavily in my ear, they slowly got weaker. "Thorin! Someone please help!" I screamed, my voice cracking, hoping someone could hear me. Through the small gaps between people I could see Fili.

"Fili!" I waved my remaining arm around and screamed his name. I finally managed to push past enough people to be seen. "Fili! It's Kili!" Filis eyes widened noticed us and the state of his younger brother and ran over. The dwarves had already boarded the boat so it seems we made it just on time. Fili grabbed Kili and searched his face.
"Fili," Kili said faintly "I'm so sorry, but I just can't."

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Brother. This is no one's fault but the Orc's." I adjusted Kili around my shoulder got a better grip on him, Thorin noticed the commotion and came over."Kili." His eyes widened at the state of his nephew. I could see all the dwarves worrying in the boat.

"I will stay here with Kili, he needs someone." I looked at Thorin, worry and pain flashing across my face. "I will stay too, I know my way around herbs and medicine." Bofur volunteered whilst climbing out the boat. Fili also stepped forward but Thorin stopped him "You belong with the company." Thorin told Fili. "I belong with my brother." Fili threw Thorin off his shoulder and helped me hold his brother up by his other arm. "Fine. Keep him safe. Meet us at the mountain when he is healed."

In only two strides Thorin was at Kili and he presses their foreheads together. I've noticed that they do that a lot, it almost seems like their families love language which made my mind flash back to last night. Thorin pulled away and looked at me, his eyebrows pulled together ."Please, keep him safe."
"I will do whatever it takes, goodbye Thorin," I said with twisted eyebrows "May luck be on your side." With that dragon sleeping in that mountain, I really meant it.

Thorin bowed his head "And you too." He waited a few beats before he climbed into the boat. The crowed cheered when the boat was released but this was probably the worst day of Kili's life. All the dwarves watched us as they drifted further and further away, then they were gone. The crowd quickly dispersed once the dwarves wrapped their boat around a building as they sailed for the open sea towards the mountain.

"Ahh!" Kili was screaming in pain, his knees buckled and he were to fall of the floor if Fili and I weren't holding him. "Kili!" A tear of fear threatened to fall as he screamed in excruciating pain. He was dying under my arm."He needs healing!" I can hear the horror in my own voice.
"What do we do?" My voice broke mid-way through my sentence. "I might know a place." Bofur led us to this "place" that we could find help for Kili.

But somehow we made it back at Bards. Will he let us in after what we did? His decision may just cost Kili's life.

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